Chapter 20 ~ The Secrets

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When I got home, I was glad to find the coast clear, no angry mother bombarding me with questions about where I'd been and who I'd been with

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When I got home, I was glad to find the coast clear, no angry mother bombarding me with questions about where I'd been and who I'd been with. No annoying brother pestering me to forgive him.

It was a nice relief after the morning I'd had.

Stepping through the threshold of my bedroom, I shrugged off my jacket, ready to hang it up. However, just as it slipped off my arms, something small and white fell out of the pocket and onto my carpet.

Bending down, I picked up what appeared to be a tiny corner of napkin that had been ripped off. Looking closer, I noticed there was some writing on it. A phone number.


It had to be. He must've slipped it into my pocket before I'd left. It was completely the type of sneaky thing that he would do.

Typing the number into my phone, I started to write a message. Initially, it was an apology, before I deleted the whole paragraph. Next I typed angrily, continuing the argument. I hit the backspace button until the words disappeared again. Eventually, I settled on a simple message.

'It's Mikaela. I found your note. Hope you're safe.'

I waited a few minutes after hitting send. No reply.

Half an hour went by. Still nothing.

At first I started to panic, worrying that something terrible had happened to him. After realising that was stupid - Kai could take care of himself - I figured he was probably still angry at me and giving me the silent treatment.

Heading downstairs to the cellar, I grabbed a few blood bags from the freezer. Drinking deeply, the bags began to pile higher on the ground, my thirst going into an uncontrollable frenzy.

I couldn't stop.

All of the stress and emotions from the past few days had clearly taken a toll on me. I just needed something to make the pain go away.

"Kayla? What are you doing?"

My brother's shocked voice pulled me out of my trance. I whirled to face him, cheeks red with embarrassment as blood dripped from my mouth.

He eyed the pile of empty blood bags on the floor uneasily, before glancing back up at me. His expression was a mixture of shock, fear and - believe it or not - sympathy.

"Tyler, I'm s-sorry. I didn't want you to see me like this," I stammered with panic.

Klaus was the only one that knew I was a Ripper after I became a Hybrid - and Kai, I guess. My family knew about the bodies ripped to shreds in the woods, of course, but that was from my wolf form. Little did they know, my vampire side was just as destructive.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now