Chapter 5 ~ The Memory

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When I opened my eyes some time later, the familiar burn licked at the walls of my throat

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When I opened my eyes some time later, the familiar burn licked at the walls of my throat. Only this time, it was amplified by a hundred.

I took in my surroundings hazily. I was tied to a chair, vervain-soaked ropes pinning me in place. Sharpened sticks were stuck into my hands and thighs, keeping me in my seat. A gag had been placed in my mouth, the material also dripping with vervain. Every breath I took felt like I was inhaling razor blades.

I choked out a sob as I saw Joshua sat in a chair opposite me. "Wakey, wakey, blood-sucker," he greeted me vehemently.

If I could've, I would've spat in his face. Disgusting I know, but some people just deserved that. This guy was one of them.

He stood up from his chair, pacing over to me, stake in his hand. Bending down to meet my height, he tilted his head as he held my gaze, humming in thought. I eyed the sharp axe on the floor, glinting at me mischievously.

The little things that Kai did, his father did too. The similarity was sickening, and it made me wonder whether I'd ever be able to look at Kai the same way again.

"So," he started, moving a stray piece of hair that had fallen into my face. "We're going to play a little game."

A low growl rumbled in my chest as a reply.

Joshua chuckled. "You don't scare me, Hybrid. I've taken down a lot worse than you." He stroked the end of the stick against his other palm. "This is how it's going to work," he said, smirking. "I'm going to ask you some questions. Answer correctly, I'll take away a torture device. Answer incorrectly, and I'll take the torture up a notch."

I set my jaw, blanking him.

"Where is Malachai?" he questioned.

Of course, I said nothing, returning his intense stare.

Joshua sighed angrily, then shrugged, stabbing the stake into my stomach.

I screamed out in pain, wanting nothing more than to rip his obnoxious face off.

Yanking the stake out, he got closer to me. "I'll try again, where is Malachai?"

Turning my head away, I kept my mouth shut. He could torture me all he wanted. I wasn't giving in.

"No answer is still a wrong answer," he reminded me sarcastically.

Dragging the vervain-laced stake across my cheek, I whimpered as the burning sensation spread across my skin.

"I'll try another question. A more important one, if you will." Joshua tilted his head again, and I swear if I hadn't been tied down, that head would have come all the way off. "Where is the ascendant?" he asked through gritted teeth.

I shook my head, lifting my chin to show I wasn't as weak as he thought.

"Come on!" he yelled, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking me towards him.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now