Chapter 64 ~ The Reunion

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Kai's POV

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Kai's POV

It had been just over a week since moving in with Anna. I'd heard nothing from anyone back home - I guess my suspicions had been correct, they didn't need me in their lives after all.

I didn't know how Mikaela was doing. I didn't know if my apartment was still standing. I didn't know if anyone had been lost during my time away. All I knew was that although heartbroken, I was okay. Anna had made sure of that.

She was incredibly welcoming, giving me distraction after distraction to make sure I didn't fall apart every single day. We spent half our time contacting people in an attempt to track down my father, the other half going on day trips with the kids and Daisy or working on the farm.

Luís turned out to be an interesting guy after all, just as Anna had said. We got on well, even when it was clear he worshipped the ground Anna walked on. I couldn't tell if it made me jealous or over-protective, but whatever it was, I kept an eye on them at all times to make sure she was happy.

Oh, and that whole Daisy sleeping in my bed 'only for tonight' thing? Yeah, that didn't last long.

Instead of curling up on her new fluffy donut dog bed, she chose to stay as close to me as possible, never feeling fully comfortable in her new environment. She was enjoying herself here, sure - she'd even become best friends with Salem, would you believe? - but she knew this wasn't home just as much as I did.

But I didn't mind at all. If anything, it made me feel less anxious.

I'd taught Max a few things when he came over every few days, proud of him for coming so far in his learning. His smile seemed to get bigger every time I saw him and it was beginning to make me yearn for something I'd never wanted in my life - until now, that is.

Suddenly, I wanted a kid of my own.

It was stupid and selfish of me, of course - but the longing was there nonetheless. That kind of life wasn't on the cards for Mikaela and me, which I'd already accepted. I could live with that if it meant I still had her in my arms.

But she's gone, a spiteful voice taunted in my mind. So what's stopping you from pursuing that life? It's all right here in front of you. Take it. Take it and don't give a damn about what anyone else thinks. It would be so easy.

Telling the voice to shut the hell up before I gave myself a frontal lobotomy just to silence it forever, I distracted myself by scarfing down my lunch that afternoon, Daisy sitting patiently at my feet waiting for any scraps.

"What are we doing today?" I asked Anna as she wandered into the kitchen.

She glanced over at me, her eyes holding a far-off look to them. She blinked. "Oh, I'm actually going to see my mom," she said quietly. "You're free to do whatever you like."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now