Chapter 8

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Ashtons POV

I can't believe Lanas starting to have dreams about her mom again its been almost 5 years since she left and 2 years of lana being clean. I hope shes okay and gets some sleep. I really wish our tour dates in Sydney would get here i miss her so freaking much and i really want to meet this landen dude she is just crazy about they've been together almost 5 months i think and i haven't even talked to the guy. So you know what im going to today. .
Me: Lana can i ask you something?
Lana : sure ash what is it
Me: why havent you ever let me talk landen or skype me when hes there?
Lana : idk ash just never thought of it why would you want to anyway
Me: idk he is dating my bestfriend of almost 18 years i just want to make sure hes right for you
Lana: Damnit ash i dont need you to tell me if hes good enough for me or not im fucking smart enough to know if he is or not
Me: i didn't mean it like that bubbles chill what is up with you today anyway
Lana: nothing just stressed and me and landen been fighting alot lately
Me: why??
Lana: over you okay he gets mad when i even mention your name ash..
Me: Wtf lana seriously
Lana: ash he went through my phone and seen our messages about me having feelings for you .....
Me: oh so hes jealous bubbles please tell me he hasn't caused you to relapse or he hits you
Lana: no he hasn't done either he don't even know about my cutting ash
Me: oh okay promise me if he ever hurts you i will be the first person you come to ..
Lana: i promise ash but i seriously got to go im in class and my professor keeps giving me the death stare
Me : okay i will talk to you soooon !!! Ily
Lana: ily2 you dork

I can't believe that jerk is getting in fights with Lana over her talking about me like wtf . I seriously hope he don't hurt her shes been hurt enough in her life her mom leaving when she wae 15 didn't help any i still to this day don't know how any mother could call their child that and cause them to attempt suicide if lana didn't call me that night she would be dead right now and so would because without her im nothing.

After i got done texting ash i got some text from landen Michael and luke and liz what is going on why is liz texting.
Landen: what are you planning on doing after school
Liz: Lana dear are you okay Ashton told me to check on you are you okay
Lucas: Hey lana how have you been are you okay
Mikey: Lana are you okay Ashtons got me worried he says that you and landen are fighting. .
(In reply to Liz) Me: im fine liz ive just been stressed out and me and landen are fighting but everything is okay ..
(In reply to Landen)Me: nothing really i was just going to study for my finals coming up and probably watch some AHS on Netflix why?
(In reply to Lucas) me : hi ..ive been better honestly just got alot of stress cause finials are coming up
(In reply to Mikey) Me: im completely fine we just had a couple small fights over me wanting to go to you guys shows in Sydney cause i wanted to surprise ash so shhh don't tell him or i will legit kill you Michael
Landen: Can i come over to and study with you. .
(In reply to landen) me : it doesn't matter really
Liz: oh okay if you ever need anything you know you could just text or call me ill talk to you later dear
Mikey : i promise i won't tell him anything are you coming to both shows alone or is that jerk coming with you
Lucas: oh well good luck i know you will do well your very smart
(In reply to Mikey) me : you better not cause your life depends on it you dork and hes not that bad mikey and hes coming to the second show with me ..
(In reply to Lucas) Me: thanks lukey :-P
Landen : so see you tonight i guesss !!

Before i could reply to landen all i heard was Miss Thompson would you like to share with the rest of the class what was so important that it couldn't wait till the end of class at this point i was still staring down at my desk and when i looked up Mrs. White my business teacher was standing infront of me and i replied to her a simple its nothing Mrs. White i apologize it wont happen again she said good this is your warning next time i take it ..

After that i turned my phone off and put it away so i wouldn't be tempted the rest of the day.

After school ended i finally turned on my phone to have nothing really but a bunch of text from the guys. After i replied i went straight home and studied with landen had a pretty uneventful night i just can't wait till the guys come to Sydney i can't wait its less than a week away and i get to see Ash this should be interesting. .

**Author's note sorry this chapter is kinda of boring i assure we will get to the really good stuff when the guys get home and lana and ash are reunited* **

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