Chapter 42

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** warning this chapter gets kinda sexual at one point so if your uncomfortable reading stuff like that you might want to skip over it i guess ***
I woke up the next morning in the bed alone and then Ash come through the bedroom door with a wine bottle in his hands and smiling widely as he said good morning Mrs. Irwin i smiled saying good morning he then sit down on the bottle beside me and said i don't think im ever going to get use to calling you Mrs. Irwin he then kissed me handing me a glass and pouring me some wine. I just smiled crawling out of bed and sliding on some leggings and a random shirt before making my way back over to the bed grabbing the room service book off of the bedside table and looking through it before Ash said were not ordering room service we are going to go out for breakfast as he took the book from me and threw it in the floor. He then leaned over kissing me and saying now go change into something besides leggings cause i don't know if i will be able to stay out with you all day in leggings and not be tempted to just fuck you i then busted out laughing and smacked Ash on the arm. Before getting out of bed and changing into my ripped jeans and a sweater then sitting down back beside Ash who was already dressed aswell in his usual attire of black jeans and a band shirt. We then left spending all most all day out in Paris we did pretty much all tourists stuff we even met a couple fans and took pictures it was a good day.
When we got home Ash picked me up crashing his lips into mine and then laying me down on the bed and pulling my sweater off and throwing it on the floor before leaning down and leaving trail of sloppy kisses all the way up to my neck and then crashing his lips into mine again and working with the buttons of my jeans at the same he then got them undone sliding them off into the floor. I then placed my hand at the end of his shirt and tugging it up and finally getting it off and throwing it in the floor with all of our other clothes. I then made my way to his jeans and getting them off we were then both only in our underwear Ash then picked me up off of the bed wrapping my legs around his waste as he kissed me deeply and said i love you while fighting with my bra trying to get it off when he finally got it off he threw it in the floor leaving us bare chest to bare chest as Ash then pulled his lips away from mine and then placing sloppy kiss all down my neck and now bare chest before laying me back down on the bed and removing my underwear then placing sloppy kisses to my thighs causing me to moan and Ash to smirk as he slid off his boxers and threw them in floor and then after that we both became moaning messes as the hotel room was filled with screams and moans of pleasure. After we were done Ash fell down on the bed beside me and said this was the perfect way to spend our last night in Paris together as he crashed his lips into mine again then picking me up and carrying me to the shower.
The next morning i woke up really excited that we get to go home but also sad because i love it in Paris and spending alone time with Ash but i really do miss Lacy and the rest of the guys. I then was startled by Ash saying babe go back to bed its so early i just said no its not it nearly noon so how about you get up we have to pack we go home today as i pushed him causing him to fall out in floor he then grabbed my leg pulling me off the bed on top of him as we both laughed then getting up and getting appropriately dressed and packing all of our stuff up. Then leaving and making our way to the airport to go home. When we finally got to the airport Ash said only a couple more hours till we get to be with our Lacybug again as he kissed me.
When the plane finally landed in Sydney me and Ash both tiredly made our way off the plane getting our luggage. Then making our way out the terminal to see Tegan and Michael standing there with Lacy who screamed MAMA as soon as she seen us and Michael did all he could do to hold her back but she got lose running over to me and Ash and hugging me around the leg. Ash then picked her up carrying her rest the way to the car.
When we finally made it home Lacy was fast asleep and i was about to pass out and so was Ash so we walked in throwing our luggage down before saying goodbye to Michael and Teagan and then shutting the door and making our way to bed with Lacy still in Ashs arms. He then laid her down our bed laying down beside her were we all just drifted off to sleep together.
** i feel like i haven't updated in forever sorry about that but ive just been trying to figure out just how i want this to end **

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