Chapter 27

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Time skip to a couple days before  Christmas and lana is now almost 9  months pregnant
I have been out of work for almost a month now cause my boss let me off of work at 7 1/2 and I've been home alone most of the time Teagan at work Ash on tour and doing band stuff hes back home now he got back 2 days ago im legit about to pop i wear nothing but maxi like dresses. The fan's all know about me being pregnant some of them are being hateful about it others are absolutely excited. I think Ash is more excited than everyone else my due date is December 28 but my doctor said i could be early its the 22 today Christmas is right around the corner i have got a bunch of cute stuff for Lacy from the baby shower that Anne throw for me last month. And i will probably get more stuff for Christmas for Lacy. I have gotten her room already set up my dad said we could use his room for Lacy since hes never there and when he comes here for Christmas and stuff he said he would sleep on the couch. Speaking of my dad he lands in Australia tomroow so he will most likely be here when i have Lacy im ready to have her already im already so big.
That's when i get a text from Ash
Ash: lana babe what do you think about you and your dad just joining us on Christmas morning
Me: umm idk i need to ask him when he lands tomorrow
Ash: okay im going to come over okay i haven't seen you in awhile it seems like its been forever
Me: Ash its only been 1 night and okay the door should be unlocked me and Teagan are in the living room .
Ash :okay see ya in a bit babe
Ash got there and me and him went upstairs to my room and laid down on the bed like we use to do when we were younger i looked over at him and said its amazing what a year can do last Christmas we were just best friends and we weren't even thinking about this and now were having a baby he just smiled and said it crazy isn't it i just nodded and leaned over and kissed him we spent all day laying in the bed. And eventually to fall Asleep.
The next morning i was woke up by the sound of my dad coming in i went downstairs and met my dad he just smiled and said lana you have gotten so big i was yea dad i will be 9 months on 28 i think. Thats when Ash rushed downstairs and kissed me and said goodbye he was in a rush for some reason i have no idea why. My dad just shook his head and said and thats the boy your in love with i said yes dad deeply in love with. Me and my dad spent the rest of the day catching up and i ask him about going to the irwins for Christmas he was fine with it and i never found out why Ash rushed out the house he just said he was late for something important.
Its now Christmas eve i have nothing special planned really Teagan left this morning to go to her parents house and Ash was with his family and same for the rest of the boys. So it was just me and my dad again we opened our presents that we got for each other to get that way he got me a bunch of t shirt's band shirt's mainly and a couple album's and some money i got him a watch and i explained thats all i could afford considering having the baby on the way ive been spending all my spare money on her and Ash present of course. He said it was fine and thanked me for it and kissed me on the forehead and then thats when i got a text from Michael
Mikey: hey do you mind if i drop by for a minute i know its late but i want to give you your present
Me: umm sure but make it fast idk how my dads going to react
Mikey: oh okay
A couple minutes later i open the door to see a Michael standing there with bright red hair and a smirk on his face he was like here i got you this i took the box from him and opened it to find a pair of galaxy vans I've been wanting a pair he said that's not it keep looking and underneath them were a pair of infant vans just like them i thanked Michael and kissed him on the cheek and gave him his present i got him a bunch of anime stuff he hugged me and thanked me for it and went on his way.

Before i knew it was Christmas morning and i got a text from Ash saying
Ash: hey babe are you up.
Me: yea
Ash: good come outside.
Me: okay. ..
After that i got up and got ready sliding on yoga pants and a oversized sweater and slid on some shoes and went outside i walked outside to see Ash sitting on my front porch he then got up and kissed me and told me i looked great he said now close your eyes and he tied his bandanna around my eyes and he said now just trust me i just nodded my head and went along with it. He helped me get in the car and we drove for a couple minutes and when the car finally stopped he helped me out and we walked for a couple feet and then he took the bandanna off and we were standing were me and him shared our first kiss and the rest of the boys were there and they started playing young and beautiful by lana del rey and then Ash grabbed my hand and got down on one knee and said Lana grace will you do the honor of giving me the greatest christmas present every and become my wife as he held out a box with a ring in it i started crying and said yes Ashton yes i will as he slid the ring on my finger and stood up and i hugged him and he kissed me. Afterwards we went back to his house were we had dinner and just hung out and thats when Ash stood up and announced our engagement to his whole family Harry was extremely excited and he ran over and hugged me he looked at me and said when is lacy going to get here i said soon Harry soon and kissed him on the forehead and he ran over to his mom. Then Ash walked over behind me and snaked his arms around me and kissed me on my shoulder and said god i love you lana.  Then we went on to open presents i got Ash still got me another present along with the ring it was a a couple shirts and then i gave him the present i got him a watch similar to my dads with but i had his engraved with his initial and i got him a couple band shirts and then after we finished. It was starting to get late so my dad suggested that me and him leave so i left the irwins house first kissing Ash goodbye and walking home. When i got home i went straight to my room and went to bed i can't believe im going to soon be Mrs. Irwin and finally have my lacy soon.
**i attached a picture of the ring that Ash got Lana i think its completely gorgeous lol ily guys so much i can't believe people actually read this **

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