Chapter 4

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Its going to be hard saying goodbye to the guys in the morning like im losing my 3 best friends and the love of my life. We had a great today together we pretty much stayed at the beach all day the 5 of us and then we went back to my place and ordered pizza cause Mikey demanded it after being stuck at the beach with us all day. After the pizza we watched LOL together then the guys left then it was just Ash and I our last night together. We did the usual just layed in my bed but this time it was diffrent cause usually i would wake up and we spend the day together but i have to get up and drive him to the airport and i won't see him for 6 months all we have is skype which i won't be doing much of cause i start going to a university next month. I still haven't told Ash im going to the university. I have to tell him but i can't bring myself to tell him in person so i will write him a note and put it in his carry on hes fast asleep anyway.

Before i knew it was morning i woke up alone Ash was already up in the shower he left a sticky note stuck to my phone that said
Lana, im in the shower get ready and ill meet you down stairs
Ps..wear my shirt that i left out on the bed please ily


I got ready i put on the shirt he left on the bed it was his favorite Cobain shirt and i put on yoga pants and slide on random shoes and threw my hair up in a messy bun but before i finsh all i turned around to see his Ash in his towel i was lost for words. Only thing i did was grab my phone and left the room i didn't know what to say. Not even 10 mins later he comes down stairs with his usual outfit black jeans and band shirt and all his curly hair shoved into a beanie. And then i broke the awkward silence by saying Mr. Irwin are you ready to go fucking tour the world and win the hearts of teenage girls everywhere. All i got out of him was a laugh and that goofy smile with them dimples that seem to never end. Then scared the crap out of me because he grabbed and threw me over his shoulder and said hurry up Lana were going to be late. Before i knew it we were at the airport with the rest of the guys and there family's. After i done said goodbye to the rest of the boys and Ash had said goodbye to his mom Lauren and Harry it was just me and Ash i was done crying we hugged for what seemed like hours then he kissed me on the cheek by now both of us were crying all i could bring myself to say is i love you Ash i will see you soon. He just looked me in the eye with those piercing hazel green eyes and said i love you too Lana. And that was it and as my he boarded the plane i screamed IRWIN DON'T YOU GO FORGETTING ABOUT ME WHEN YOU BECOME FAMOUS he just turned around and smiled and pulled out his drumsticks necklace kissed it and waved goodbye and i did the same back to him...

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