Chapter 31

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Ashton pov
This morning i woke up with Lana still wrapped in my arms its been along time since we've cuddle like this. With Lana busy with Lacy all the time and me busy with work we just don't have the time to lay around and cuddle. Lana eventually woke up and rolled over into my lap and looked at me and just smiled and said Ash babe will you sing to me ? I shook my head yes as a begun to sing disconnected.
Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh
Life's a tangled web of cellphone calls and hashtag I-don't-knows
And you, you're so caught up in all the blinking lights and dial tones
I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too
But I find my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh

Hands around my waist
You're counting up the hills across the sheets
And I'm a falling star, a glimmer lighting up these cotton streets
I'll admit I'm a bit of a fool for playing by their rules
But I find my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Turn off the radio
Those late night tv shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

Turn off the radio
Those late night tv shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

I like summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh 
As i finished i looked down to see Lana looking up at me and admiration and then she leaned up and kissed me and said that was amazing babe.  Then we heard someone knocking on the door and Lana said babe go get it please as she rolled out of my lap and stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed and after i was up off the bed she was still holding my hand so i pulled her to me and picking her up and putting her over my shoulder and said your coming with me she just let out a groan as i carried over my shoulder. When we got to the door i put Lana down and grabbed her hand again and made her stay with me i opened the door and it was Michael he just smiled and said were are your clothes you 2 considering i was only in my boxers and Lana was in a pair of my boxers and one of my flannels. I just smirked and said umm there upstairs he said mate what about Lacy did you 2 fuck with your daughter just down the hall way i said no Michael she's with my mom and then asked him if he was coming in or not considering he was still standing outside he said yea as he walked in shutting the door behind him. He went and sit on the sofa as me and lana went back upstairs and got fully dressed then someone else knocked on the door i screamed MICHAEL WILL YOU GET THAT ITS PROBABLY MY MOM WITH LACYBUG. He screamed NO PROBLEM MATE.When we walked back downstairs and my mom was here dropping off Lacy. Lana went straight over to my mom and hugged her thanking her for watching Lacy and then took Lacy out of the baby carrier and walking over and sitting on the sofa with Lacy.
Lanas Pov
Anne dropped Lacy off at the house around 10 this morning it was amazing to have an day for me and Ash but i missed having Lacy around all the time. So as soon as Anne dropped her off i picked her up and went to the sofa with her and sat down beside Michael who was watching Tv. He turned and looked at me and said Lana your an amazing mom you know that i said thanks Michael as i smiled ridiculously. Then Lacy started crying then i realized she probably hasn't eat all morning so i asked Michael if he would hold our while i made her a bottle he said of course taking her from my hands and i went to the kitchen to make her a bottle and Ash was also in the kitchen fixing something to eat i walked in the kitchen and he spun around and looked at me and said weres Lacybug i said with Michael he said you honestly trust our child with Michael and i said yes and Michael then yelled HEY I HEARD THAT ASH. Ash just laughed after i fixed her bottle i walked back in the living room and got lacy back from Michael. After feeding Lacy i took her upstairs and laid her down for a nap. When i got back downstairs maybe 30 mins later my house went from being just 2 band members to 4 i just smiled and said hey Luke hey Cal they both replied hey. And i went on into the kitchen and made me a glass of orange juice and then went into the living room full of band members.  As i sit down all the boys turn and looked at me and then Luke said Lana we have something to tell you. I said okay what is it. Michael then said its about our tour i then said okay what about it. Then Ash said Lana babe we leave in 4 months and we wont be back until 6 or 7 month's but we will be back for Christmas and Lacys birthday. I said okay so you leave in june Cal then said yes we leave in june the first of june to be exact. I said oh okay as long as your here for Christmas and Lacys birthday. They all said of course we will.  Then we were interrupted by Lacy crying i got up and started to go upstairs Ash said sit down babe i got it this time. I sit back down and talked about random crap with the boys until Ash came back downstairs.
Soon after Ash came back down the boys left then it was just me, Ash and Lacy. Me and Ash spent the rest of the day in Lacys nursery joking around and singing to her. I absolutely love being a mom i couldn't ask for a better baby in the world Lacy is an angel and i love her with all my heart.

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