Chapter 28

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Ashtons pov
It was 3 am in the morning when i got a call from lana all she said was Ash hurry up and get over here i think Lacy is coming as i heard her scream for her dad i stayed on the phone with her until i got over to her house. To walk in find her sitting on the sofa as soon as i walked in the door Lana Screamed . DAMNIT IF ONE OF YOU DONT GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL IM GOING TO HAVE HER ON THE SOFA. Then i walked over and helped her to the car she told and her dad followed behind us she told her dad to call Dr.Lindell and tell him im on my way and Ash call Teagan she's going to be pissed if she's not there when i have Lacy then. Then lana started screaming at her dad who was driving DAD COME ON CAN YOU DRIVE ANY SLOWER I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY as she grabbed my hand and started squeezing it i pretty sure she got a damn death grip on my hand and her nails digging into my hand don't feel to good either. Then she screamed out AHHHHHH and i tried to comfort her but she just snapped at me. When we finally get to the hospital i helped her out as we walk in the door her dad ran up to the front desk and told them she was in labor and they got her a wheelchair and i sit her down in it and took her to her room. And now 6 hours later of screaming and yelling and pure absolute pain me and lana finally have our little girl i started crying when she had lacy and that's when Lana looked over at me and was crying as well and i leaned over and kissed her and told her i loved her. Then doctor come back in the room with Lacy and gave her to lana. Lacy looks just like lana i think but lana argues she looks like me. I kinda see it cause she has hazel eyes but other than that she looks like Lana. After awhile other people were allowed to come in the room so the boys and Teagan came i can't believe they all came.
Lanas pov
I can't believe i finally have my little girl i think she looks just like Ash considering her hazel eye and those adorable freaking dimples she has when she smiles just like her dad. Everyone was here all of the guys came even though it's like 10 am now but Teagan says everyone got there around 4am. I love theses guys so much i couldn't ask for a better family in the world. We don't get to take her home till tomorrow so everyone just decided they would just spend the night at the hospital with me and Ash Teagan left though to go back to our house to get me clothes and Lacy considering we left the house in a rush forgetting her bag i had made up for when she was born and Anne showed up today with Lauren and Harry. Harry was so happy he ran in the room asking where's lacy i wanna see lacy. She's with the doctor right now Harry she will be back in a minute then you can hold her. He said okay and went and sit in the chair in across the room. When the doctor got back with lacy. Harry ran over to me and Ash and was like can i hold lacy now i said of course as he sit down in the chair Ash was once sitting in and i handed him lacy. He just smiled and said Ash she looks like you. Ash just shook his head yes and then Harry gave Lacy to Ash and got up cause Anne was like come on harry its getting late we need to get home and get you in bed. After they left it wasn't long before me and Ash fell asleep after putting Lacy in the crib that was in the room.
The next morning i woke up to find Michael standing over the crib like thing playing with Lacy. I got up and walked over there and lacy had Michaels finger in her hand and was trying to eat it. It was the cutest thing i tapped Michael i was like it looks like somebody's hungry and he looked over and smiled at me and said i guess so . i leaned over and picked her up and handed her to Michael and said hold her while i make a bottle he said of course. I made the bottle and walked over to Michael and sit down the bottle on the table and took lacy from Michael and grabbed the bottle off the table and walked over to the bed and sit down and feed Lacy. Not long after i feed her she started to go back to sleep. I put her back in bed then walked over and sit in the bed. Then the nurse walked in the room saying that we could go ahead and leave so i woke Ash up and told him and woke everyone else up we got our stuff together and took Lacy out to the car.
And when we got home me and Ash took Lacy straight up to her nursery and put her in bed. As i stood over her crib Ash walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek and said babe she's absolutely adorable just like you as i shook my head yes and said well i couldn't of had her without you as i spun around and kissed him. And then he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room where he laid me down on the bed and then crawled in bed beside me and kissed me and said now lets get some sleep while we can before our little princess wakes up. As he kissed me and we drifted off to sleep.

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