Chapter 30

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Ashtons pov
I woke up this morning to a empty bed I've gotten use to it every since Lacy has gotten here me and lana spent barley anytime together. So i got out of bed and walked down to lacys nursery to find Lana sitting in the chair in her room rocking her back and forth singing to her. 

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
You know you know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do

Cause you were all yellow
I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know
For you I'd bleed myself dry
For you I'd bleed myself dry

It's true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things you do

I walked over to her and lacy and kissed lana and said that was beautiful babe. She looked up at me and smiled and she said thanks as she went back to rocking lacy who was now asleep. I reached down and took Lacy from lana and walked over and laid her down and went over to Lana and grabbed her hand and lead her out of the nursery and downstairs and made her sit at the table and i told her im going to make you a proper breakfast and not a random apple or banana here and there you need to eat.   I made her bagle and some bacon and orange juice. I sit down across from her with my food and said hey lana babe why don't we get my mom or Lauren to come watch Lacybug for a couple hours and me and you go do something Lacybug has been home almost a month now and we haven't spent time together since she got except for when we sleep but your barley in the bed anyway cause you keep a check on Lacybug so what do you say babe are you up for it ? She smiled at me and then said sure Ash it don't matter. I said okay i will call my mom and see if we can bring Lacybug over there. She said okay and got up and i ask her were she was going she said im going to go get her bag ready and get in the shower since were going out. I said okay i will keep an eye on Lacybug while your in the shower. So she went upstairs and then i got out my phone and text my mom
Me: can you watch lacy for me and lana
Mom: sure hun i will be over to get her in a couple mins
Me: okay thanks mom ily
Mom:  no problem ily2 Ash
I then went upstairs and got Lacy and her bag and carried her downstairs and sit on the sofa with her until my mom got there. When mom finally got there she took Lacy and Ask when we were planning on being back i said idk that they may end up keeping Lacy over night she said okay thats fine and then she went on her way.
After mom left i went upstairs to mine and Lanas room the shower was off so which meant she was out of the shower i knocked on the door before coming in Lana screamed COME IN ASH YOU'VE SEEN ME NAKED PLENTY OF TIMES WE HAVE A BABY TOGETHER FOR CHRIST SAKES so i walked on in the room to find Lana standing there in nothing but a towel going through her clothes she turned and looked at me and said Ash babe what should i wear. I smirked saying what you have on now is completely fine we can stay in and just mess around she said No ash im being serious and do you remember the last time we messed around Lacy was created. I just laughed and went over to her and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her and then removed my hands from her waist and said her let me help as i went over to the closet and looked through some of her clothes till i found the perfect thing a red dress that i didn't even know she had a turned to her and said here babe this is perfect she smiled taking the dress from me and then putting it on and looked in the mirror she ran over to me and kissed me and said thanks.
Lanas pov
Me and Ash are going out tonight and i had no clue what to wear till Ash pulled out the red dress that i bought a long time ago i forgot how good on me so after i put the dress on i went to the bathroom and curled my hair and applied light make up and then slid on a pair of black heels and then turned to Ash who was still in the room and asked how i looked he said damn babe you look amazing. I thanked him and told him he look great to he was wearing a white button up shirt with black jeans and had a bandanna tied around his head keeping his curls out of his face. He then walked over and grabbed my hand and ask are you ready to go my lady i smiled and said yes i am as i leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then we walked out to the car and left and drove for awhile until we arrived at a nice restaurant and he got out of the car and walked over to my side of the car opening the door and holding his hand out saying my lady with a smirk on his face i gave him my hand and we walked up to the entrance and he told the person working up front reservations for Irwin. Then the man lead us back to our table. We sit down then i said to Ash you had this planned along didn't you he just said maybe. Then our waiter come up to the table and ask what we would like to drink and if we were ready to order i said that i would have a water and a Chicken salad and Ash got spaghetti and water than the waiter walked away with our order and me and Ash talked about random stuff while waiting then Ash asked me Lana have you been thinking about the wedding any at all i said yes and that i really wanted to get married in Paris and that maybe we could get married January of next year after Lacy turn's 1 he said that would be great and smiled and grabbed my hand and said i don't care were we get married or when as long as i get married to you lana i love you and im the luckiest man in the world i have a amazing fiancé and a wonderful baby girl i couldn't ask for a better family in the world as he kissed my hand i just replied i love you 2 Ash and then our waiter come back with our food.
After we were done eating Ash looked up at me and said do you want dessert i smiled and said no thanks im good and he just said okay well im not going to get anything either i will just get my dessert when we get home and winked at me i sent him a glare and said seriously Ash we do have Lacy we can't be messing around at home like that he said she can just stay with mom over night babe as he grabbed my hand and laid the money on the table for the waiter and smiled and said come on babe as he pulled him out the restaurant and into the car. When we got home it was done 10pm and when we got in the house Ash had my pushed up against the front door kissing me and making his way down to my neck on to my chest i said Ash if were going to do this can we atleast do it upstairs and that's when he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs making sure not to drop me when he got me upstairs to the bedroom he laid me down on the bed and hovered over me and attached his lips to mine once again and then i reached my hands up and started unbuttoned his shirt when i had it unbuttoned he pulled away from the kiss taking it completely off and throwing it across the room then looked at me and said now you got to lose that dress babe as he leaned down and kissed me on the neck as he mumbled ive been wanting to get you out of it all night as i sit up and he reached behind me undoing the button at the top of the dress the unzipping it the rest of the way then i got my arms out of the straps as he pulled the dress off by the bottom. Then going to my stomach and kissing along it and making his way down to my thighs as he slid a finger along the hem of my underwear then looking up at me before sliding them off and throwing them on the floor as he hovered back over me placing his hands on both sides of my head and leaning down and kissing me as i ran my hands down his toned stomach making my way down to his waist and unbuttoning his jeans and he got the hint as he pulled away from the kiss and pulled his jeans off along with his boxers and then hovered back over me kissing me again this time i deepened the kiss by grabbing his face and pulling it down to mine then he pulled away from the kiss working his way down my body starting at my jaw line and kissing on down my neck and between the valley of my boobs causing me to moan as he kissed his way on down my stomach making his way to my hips and on down to my thighs causing me to moan in pleasure causing him to smirk while kissing my inner thigh and that's when i said damnit irwin quit teasing me and fuck me already he stopped kissing my inner thigh causing me to whimper he said for someone who didnt want to do this your sure in a hurry as he smirked. And went back down on me causing me to moan in pleasure again. Then he finally got to the point after getting me all worked up we made sure to use a condom this time after that all you could hear were moans and screams and slow motion by trey songz through out the house after we were finished Ash collapsed beside me just smiling ridiculously at me with his dimples showing and said that's the best dessert I've had as he leaned over and kissed me. I just laughed and said i love you Ash as i rolled out of bed and went to go take a shower Ash got out of the bed and followed me to the bathroom and said round 2 as he pushed me into the running shower had me up against the cold tile wall i pulled away from the kiss and said no Ash i just want to take a shower and go to bed he said okay as he kissed me and said can i atleast shower with you i said of course Ash.
After our shower i got dressed in a pair of Ash boxers and one of his shirt's and crawled into bed and Ash crawled in bed right behind me wrapping his arms around me as i drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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