Chapter 19

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Ashton's POV

I woke up the next morning to lana asleep beside last night was completely amazing im in love with her its not our first time together but this time it was in love not in drunken sex when we were teenagers and didn't even barely remember were in love i love her. She's completely amazing i want to spend the rest of my life with her. She slowly woke and smiled at me and i just leaned over and kissed her she suggested we take showers considering we were still gross from last night so i just nudged her and said ladies first and smirked. She got up running to the bathroom still naked as she took a shower i planned some stuff for today and slid on my boxers and watched tv till she was done.
Mikey : hi mate are you up for hanging out this afternoon i haven't seen you and lana for days
Me: sure let us take showers and you can come over and we can chill at her house
Mikey: k ill be there around 3 that gives you guys like 2 hrs
Me : yea see ya then

After she come out the shower in just her towel searching around her room for clothes and i told her put on something appropriate cause Michael is coming over. So she decided on ripped jean's and my cobain shirt and kissed me and told me to go take a shower and ran out the room and screamed back im going to make breakfast just come down when you get down with your shower.

I finshed my shower and went down stair's to find lana already sitting at the table with our food she made bagels she had already sit mine on the table along with my coffee she still hadn't eat hers she was waiting on me i guess which i mean she didnt have to. I sit down she just looked up and gave me a shy smile and i ask what is wrong she spoke up and said in almost tears Ash you leave in less than 3 days im going to miss you so much and i told her i know but we still have all day together part of tomorrow and all day Sunday and i leave early monday morning we still have some time together dont worry everything will be okay. She just nodded her head and went to eating. Lana pov

Michael got to the house around 2:30 he hugged me as soon as he got there and told me he had missed me. Me him and ashton spent all day just goofing off watching random movies and ordered some pizza. It was a great day i layed in Ashton's lap why we watched movies and i kept falling asleep during them and thats when i was half asleep and i could still hear the guys i hear Mikey ask Ash you really love her don't you he replied more than she will ever know she's my world he said as he played with my hair and it caused me to smile and thats when Mikey said well she obviously dreaming about you Ash look at that smile shes just so cute. Ash said yea and thats when i woke up fully and just leaned up and kissed ash and told him that was the sweetest thing I've ever heard and he just started blushing and said you heard that i just nodded my head yes and kissed him again and thats when Mikey screamed get a room you to damnit and i just started laughing as i told Michael to shut up and stuck my tongue out at him and laid back down in Ashton's lap. We continued watching movies the rest of the night and Michael decided to stay the night so he slept on the couch while me and ashton slept upstairs.

The next morning i woke up to an empty house as the boys had done left i walked down stair's to find a note on the fridge that said have an amazing first day back at work i love you babe see ya tonight Ash.xx

I just smiled and opened the fridge and got out a apple juice and went back upstairs and got ready for work. After i was ready for work i text ash
Me : thanks for the note on the fridge that was really sweet Mr.irwin i love you hope your having fun at the studio with the guys
Ash: no problem and it great i love making new music i cant wait till you can hear it
Me: Me either well i gtg i have to leave for work don't want to be late my first day back
Ash okay ily ttyl

After i finshed talking to ashton i grabbed my bag and left for work.
**Author's note sorry this chapter was kinda short and boring i promise it will get better i will try to update more considering i have really not been updating that much ily guys so much tysm for actually reading this piece of crap **

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