Chapter 24

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It's been a couple days since Ash's birthday im glad he loved his first part of his present. Anyways i have been getting on social media and stuff like that more often and i follow a bunch of the fan accounts and stuff of the boys and other bands ofcourse but when i got on Twitter today it was strange i had over a hundred notification's i looked through them some were follows others were just disgusting tweets. I guess the fans found out about me and Ash dating i went to google and searched mine and Ash's name together first thing that come up was Five seconds of summer drummer Ashton irwin and rumored girlfriend Lana grace the drummers long time friend seen saying goodbye at the airport and attached was a picture of me and Ash kissing i went back to Twitter and i had more notifications and i went down through them they started nice by one fan saying lana is so pretty and she is absolute goals her and Ash are so cute i ship Lanash to skip down to more hurtful ones like lana is so fucking disgusting i don't see what ash sees in her.
After go through a couple more i screenshoted some of them and sent them and ash. He text me back saying
Ash: babe don't get worked over there hate okay i love you and theres fam out there that love you 2
Me: okay ash
After that short convo with Ash i went and just crashed in bed
The next morning i deiced that now was a good time to tell my dad about being pregnant before it gets out and becomes a big thing. So i pulled out my phone and dialed my dads number he eventually picked up.
Dad:lana is everything okay
Me: everything is fine dad i just need to tell you something and you cant freak out and kill me
Dad: Lana Grace Thompson what have you done
Me : umm i kinda umm im pregnant dad im sorry i really am i didnt mean for it to happen
Dad: your what lana seriously thats why i didnt want any guy staying at the house now look at your pregnant what are you going to do there goes college down the fucking drain you've ruined your life and you cant live off working at target.
Me: i have Ash dad hes going to help me
Dad : by help do you mean take off and leave you for 6 or 7 month's out of the year and never see him
Me: atleast i will see him more than just Christmas and my birthday
Dad: lana im not home because of work.
Me: really dad its funny that your work didn't transfer to the U.S. till mom left dad you started leaving me to defend more myself at not even 16 you still blame me for mom leaving don't you
Dad: no i don't blame i just wish there was something that could of made her stay
Me: yea like not having me then she still would be with you right maybe i should just go dad leave this world forever
Dad: lana fucking grace dont you talk like that your pregnant with a baby and you have a boyfriend that absolutely loves you its not your fault your mother left its mine okay.
Me: why is it your fault dad she told me when she left i ruined her life
Dad: because lana i cheated on her she told you that cause she couldnt accept the truth that i cheated
Me: you cheated dad is that why you moved to America do you have a whole different family over there and they dont know of my existence and you tell them when you come vist me its for work
Dad: no lana not all .
Me: dad i have to go i have work in a couple hours.
Dad: okay keep me updated on your pregnancy please i want to know how your doing and my grand baby
Me : okay dad love you .
Dad : love you 2
After i he hung up i got ready for work .
When i got to work that day it went by slower than usual and thats when i was working one of the registers when i heard a familiar voice and i look up to see landen and he just smiled well damn it must be my lucky day usually i come in her and get some grumpy old bitch but not today i just rolled my eyes and rung up his stuff and ignored him he said now baby please don't tell me your going to ignore me i just mumble under my breath fuck off landen he said what was that i said fuck off and he just smirked and said now thats not nice don't make me get your manager over her. I just said please get your stuff and leave landen as i walked out from behind the register considering i was about to just get security and just get rid of him and thats when he grabbed my wrist he was like that freak got you pregnant i said yes im pregnant and hes not a freak okay now would just leave me alone before i get security he just grabbed his things and left clearly pissed off that i was pregnant but i don't care.
After i got off work i went straight home and up to my bedroom and text Ash
Me: Ash babe you will never guess who showed up at my work today
Ash: who ?
Me: Landen
Ash: Omg lana are you okay did he hurt are you okay
Me: im fine and he just grabbed my wrist its a lil bruised but it will be okay
Ash: did you tell someone
Me: no
Ash: why the fuck not
Me: its not that big of a deal i promise don't worry about it okay
Ash: not worry about it damnit lana he beat you not even less than 6 months ago he could of killed you and your telling me not to worry
Me: i know ash but what do you want me to do quit
Ash: no just tell your boss
Me: okay i will okay lets switch topics babe
Ash: okay hows your pregnancy going have you thought of any names
Me: its going good my morning sickness is not as bad and not really thought of any names yet you .
Ash: thats good and yes what do you think about the name Lacy for a girl and Sam for a boy
Me: i like Lacy and Sam but what about Matty ?
Ash: You only like Matty cause you have a major crush on Matty Healey from The 1975
Me: Shut up thats not the only reason i was thinking name him Matthew and call him Matty
Ash: yea the guys have been thinking of names to
Me: thats good we need all the help we can get because we only have 4 names we need like 10 to chose from at the least lol
Ash: okay im gonna talk to you later babe get some rest and i can't wait till i come home for a lil bit next week
Me: me either your still coming with me to my appointment the day after you get back
Ash: yes i wouldnt miss it thats when we find out the gender right
Me: he said he could try
Ash: oh okay well i hope so well goodbye again my love
Me: goodbye Ash ily
Ash: ily2
After that i took a shower and went to bed.

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