Chapter 40

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Lana pov
I woke up Christmas morning to the smell of blueberry pancakes filling the house and i ran downstairs to find Ash standing in the kitchen and Lacy sitting in her highchair just watching him and when i walked into the kitchen Lacy screamed MAMA causing Ash to turn around and smile at me and say good morning. I then walked over wrapping my arm around his waist and kissed him on the cheek and said good morning and Merry Christmas he just turned around smiling and kissed me saying Merry Christmas before going back to cooking. I then walked over sitting at the kitchen table sitting down near Lacy and got on my phone scrolling through social media Instagram mainly.
Then i heard a knock at the door a ran over to open the door to Teagan standing there with a bag full of presents and she screamed MERRY CHRISTMAS as she hugged me and put the presents down. Teagan joined me Ash and Lacy for breakfast and left soon after.
After we finished eating we all got changed and went over to Ash's moms just like last year. When we arrived there we were greeted at the door by Lauren and Harry dressed up as elf's and i couldn't help but laugh at them but it caused Lacy to cry because they scared her cause she didn't know it was them. Anne then yelled LANA ASH IS THAT YOU ? Ash yelled back YES MOM. Anne then came around the corner smiling as she was also dressed up thats when i turned to Ash and said it looks were over dressed causing everyone to start laughing. Anne then spoke up and said whos ready to open presents thats when Lauren and Harry ran over to the tree and Ash as well who was probably just excited as them and i then put Lacy down in the floor and she ran over and joined Ash and his siblings. I then slowly made my way over to the tree sitting down beside Ash and Lacy when i sit down i pulled Lacy into my lap and finding all presents that were marked with her name and sitting them in front of us and just letting her just go at them. She was more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual presents that she got.
After we opened presents we eat dinner with Ash's family and we all then gathered in the living room and put in a movie nightmare before Christmas to be exact. While watching the movie Almost everyone fell asleep besides me and Lauren considering nightmare before Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas movies ever. So after the movie finished i woke up everyone and then me and Ash gathered up all of our stuff and made our way home.

Its now 2 days after Christmas and Also Lacy 1st birthday. I planned a simple birthday party with not many people coming just the boys and there parents. I can't even believe that its been a year since i had Lacy it seems like just yesterday i had her shes growing up so fast before i know it she will be starting school. Thats when i was snapped out of my thoughts by Ash coming up behind me and wrapping his arm around my waist and saying babe almost everyone is here are you going to come downstairs? I said back yes i was just umm thinking and lost track of time sorry. Ash then grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs and when i got down there the house was full of all the guys family and Lacy was sitting in the middle of everyone just laughing. Once she realized i was in the room she screamed MAMA and ran over to me hugged my legs and looked up at me smiling i then picked her up and said happy birthday Lacybug and then sit her back down in the floor and she ran back over to Michael sitting with him. I then made my way into the kitchen getting Lacys cake and carrying it into the dining room and Ash got everyone to make there way to the dining room while we all sung happy birthday to Lacy causing her to giggle as Michael held her. After we were done singing we cut a pretty big piece of the cake and giving it to her and she just dug into getting it everywhere including her hair there was just cake everywhere. I then took Lacy taking her to the bathroom to clean her up and change her clothes but before i get her more clothes on she ran out the bathroom with just a diaper on. After catching her and getting her dressed i took her back to where everyone was at.
After the party had ended and everyone had gone home and Lacy was fast asleep. Me and Ash sat on the sofa just watching tv until Ash says Lana i think we should have another baby but i actually be here to watch them grow up not like Lacy i said are you kidding me Ash im not having another baby until a long time. He smiled saying i know i was just saying we should have another one i didn't say when. I just said okay and went back to watching tv and Ash then picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to our bedroom and laid me down on the bed he then crawled in bed wrapping his arms around me and said i love you babe lets just go to sleep and we can talk about baby's later.
**Authors note
Sorry it took me so long to update and i also apologize for this chapter being crap i just didn't know how to write it this is the best i could do anyways wedding coming up soon im just having issues deciding on what pov to write it in anyways i love all of you guys so fucking much and thank you so much for reading this story that kinda sucks. **

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