Chapter 22

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Ashton's pov
So Lanas pregnant im super excited yes but nervous at the same time with me touring and doing band stuff all the time its going to leave her to take care of the baby by her self and she can barley take care of her self sometimes and my mom is going to kill me along with her dad. I still haven't told my mom i was going to just wait but she will know before i get back to Australia considering Lana lives next door and will have a baby bump before i get back. So i pulled out my phone and deiced to go ahead and tell her now.
Me: mom we need to talk
Mom: yes Ash what is it
Me: mom i umm got lana pregnant
Mom: Ashton irwin you did what your not even 20 years old yet and you done got a girl pregnant what are you going to do your touring and doing stuff with the band and your leaving that poor girl to defend for her self and the baby
Me: mom i will be 20 next month and ik i fucked up but im not walking out on lana im going to be there for her the best i can and i was hoping you Lauren and Harry would be there for her when i couldnt mom please
Mom: okay ash i will but thats only if she wants me to be im not going to if she don't want me to
Me: trust me mom she will love to have you and Lauren and Harry there she loves you guys
Mom: okay well im going to go Ash ily
Me: ily2 mom
After my conversation with my mom i deiced to text lana
Me: hey bubbles
Lana: hi Ash
Me: how have you been babe
Lana: good except for the morning sickness and i have my first doctors appointment tomorrow to find out far along i am
Me: aww i wish i could be there
Lana: meto i will face time you when i go so you can be there in a way
Me: okay do you want me to see if my mom would like to go with you so you don't have to go alone
Lana: that would be lovely ash considering Teagan has to work at the time of my appointment does she already know im pregnant or do i need to tell her
Me: i told her this morning you were
Lana: oh okay hold on someone's knocking on the door
Me: okay who is it?
Lana: your family Lauren and Harry wanted to invite me and Teagan to dinner tonight
Me: oh thats sweet of them are you going to go
Lana: ofcourse why wouldn't i
Me: idk its just your pregnant you need to be safe and get lots of sleep
Lana: im not even that far along im barely even showing i will be fine i promise its not like im going out and partying im going to your moms house chill
Me: okay im just worried thats all i can't wait till i get home and can see you and by then you will have a lil baby bump and you will be so cute
Lana: aww thanks Ash i can't wait till you get here either so you can go to atleast one of my doctors appointments
Me: yea this is completely random but have you told your dad yet lana
Lana: nope Ash i will be about 9 months at Christmas which is when he comes back i will just tell him then
Me: okay lana
Lana: yea ash
Me: lana i can't believe this were going to be parents
Lana: yea me either i just turned 19 not even a month ago and you will be 20 in less than month omg your not going to be home on your birthday
Me: ik im not but i will be like 2 weeks later so we can celebrate then okay
Lana: okay i done got your present to :)
Me: of course you do
Lana: well Ash i have to go take a shower and get ready for work i have to tell my boss about me being pregnant today so this should be fun
Me: bye lana i love you
Lana: ily 2 Ash
Lana pov
Today at work i told my boss about being pregnant she told me she would let me work until i was 7 1/2 months if i could but if i have a ruff pregnancy she will let me off early i just said thanks and went back to work .
After work i went home and took a shower and got ready for dinner with the irwins me and Teagan got to there house around 7:00and was greated by Harrys smiling face to tell us we were just in time dinner just got done we walked over and sit down at the table. When everyone was seated and had got there food Anne looked at me and said Lana how does it feel to be pregnant are you happy? I answered i mean umm yea i guess i am. Thats when harry face lit up and said lana your having a baby and Lauren just looked at me and smiled and said congratulations i just smiled and said thanks Lauren and replied to harry yes im having a baby. He just smiled and said is it Ash's baby to for i just shook my head yes and went back to eating and Lauren ask when did you find out you were you know pregnant umm yesterday she just said oh okay do you know if you want a boy or a girl or any names i just said no and no cause i really didnt know right she just smiled and went back to eating amd Anne spoke up and said lana dear what times your appointment tomorrow i replied back 10:00 am she said okay do you want me to meet you there or ride together i just said ride together it will be easier .
After dinner me and Teagan helped Anne clean up the kitchen and after that we left considering it was getting kinda late and i was getting tierd. After we said our goodbye's and i got home i went straight up stairs and changed into one of Ash's shirt's he left here and leggings before long im not going to be able to wear his shirts after that i got my laptop and sit it on my bed and pulled up Netflix but before starting something i deiced to call Ash real quick the phone rung a couple times and Ash picked it up and told me right now was not a good time then i hear a girl in the background say Ash's name i just started screaming ASHTON SERIOUSLY YOUR CHEATING ON ME I HEAR THAT GIRL IM NOT DUMB I SHOULD OF KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN GOODBYE ASH and hung up and picked up my laptop and slung it across my room busting it all to hell then my phone started going off with text
Ash: lana im serious im not cheating it was just a fan i promise
Ash: lana answer me please
Me: Ashton stop were done okay im not a idiot ik your cheating theres no way that was a fan its morning in LA theres no way your out and about that early so fuck it im done i can raise this baby on my own i don't need you
Ash: lana don't do this im not lying to you i promise why would i ever cheat on you
Me: idk Ash maybe cause im pregnant and you know we wont have sex for a fucking long time
Ash: lana thats not it i fucking love you i would never do that or ever hurt you i promise Michael is with me babe he will tell you its just a fan
Me: okay Ash i love you 2
After our fight i crawled in bed and just started crying i couldnt control it. Before i knew it was morning i didnt even sleep any at all last night barley. I woke up to three missed calls from Ash and 2 from Michael i picked up my phone and Called Michael first cause i still didn't want to talk to Ash cause i know i would break down and start crying again Michael picked up on the first ring
Michael: Lana are you okay you didn't answer when i called last time
Me: yea im fine i guess i just didn't hear it ring
Michael: you know he didn't cheat on you right it was just a fan i was with him the whole time and he would never cheat on you lana he fucking loves you
Me: yea well i have a doctors appointment i will text you later
Michael : good bye lana
Me: bye
After that i got ready and met Anne outside and we left on the way there i text Ash.
Me: are you still up
Ash: Yea why .
Me: Do you still want me to face time you during the appointment
Ash: yes please
Me: okay well were here so i will face time you when we get in the room
Ash: okay the rest of the boys are with me so its going to be all of us at your appointment
Me: great ily see you guys in a bit
After we got up to the room i face timed Ash he answered with a grin on his face and then it went a way he said babe you look ruff did you sleep any last night i just replied barley he just said im sorry the doctor came in soon after his name is Dr.lindell hes really nice he weighted me and stuff and took my blood and after that he left and come back to tell me that i was almost 3 months pregnant that makes sense considering my attempt was 3 and half month's ago and me and Ash had sex like two weeks after so yea he told me i would 3 months the beginning of July considering june is pretty much over. Ash and the guys didn't talk much just watched and listened to everything going on during the appointment after my doctor planned for me to come back the 29of July and Ash maybe home he told me that i could maybe be able to tell if its a girl or boy at my next appointment but he said for sure we will be able to hear the heartbeat he said i was far enough along to hear it today if i wanted to. So i deiced why not im already here. He pulled out this thing and put it up to my tummy and you could hear the baby's heartbeat and Ash just started crying on face time he was so happy i started crying to the doctor said that the baby's heartbeat was completely fine for being almost 3 months. After that i was allowed to check out and leave i got in the car with Ash still on face time he just said omg lana this is really happening i just cant believe it i just started laughing and said i know Ash babe i will talk to you later okay you need to sleep and so do the rest of the guys. After that i hung up.

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