Chapter 12

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Ashton pov

I woke up the next morning with lana in my bed she was fast asleep she is just so bueatiful i wish i could wake up to her lying next me every single morning. Thats why im planning something big for her birthday. Lanas is going to love it honestly i just hope everything turns out right. Lana soon woke up and suggested that we go eat cause she was starving this time i made her breakfast the last couple times she has cooked for me so i made her favorite blueberry pancakes while she danced around the kitchen singing quietly to her self " you're a doll you are flawless but i just can't wait for love to destroy us i just can't wait for love " then she stopped cause she realised the food was done and grabbed some pancakes and ran to the kitchen table and i walked over to join her i sit down beside her as she eat i asked her why she was in such a good mood she said no reason just really hyper. Then the kitchen feel silent till she spoke up and made a suggestion we go to the beach today i agreed and she asked me to invite the other guys cause she hasn't seen them in a while. So i pulled out my phone and texted my mates

(To Mikey, Luke, Calum ) Me: guys do you think you would be up to going to the beach today lana really wants to go and she wanted me to invite you guys to since she hasn't seen you in like a week
Luke : sure what time ?
Me: umm around 12
Luke : okay mate see you then
Calum: sure ive been wanting to go to the beach anyway today so what time
Me: around 12
Calum : okay

Mikey : idk mate im not really feeling the beach
Me: do it for lana she really wants to hang out with all of us
Mikey: okay but im only doing this for her
Me: okay see you at 12

After i texted the guys and they agreed to it i told lana she said okay that she had to run home real quick and get her bathing suit and be right back so while she was going to do that i ran upstairs got changed yelled to mom telling her we were going to the beach and met lana at her door and as she come out the door in a teal bathing suit with denim shorts pulled over her bottoms she looked absolutely amazing then i realised she had a faint bruise on her back and side and it was a faint yellow green almost gone away but still noticeable but i didnt say anything and hopefully the lads won't say anything either. When we got to the beach the guys were already there so lana ran and hugged the guys and then took off her shorts and ran into the water and left us guys behind. Thats when Michael come up to me and said you have seen the bruises on her right i replied a simple yea just don't say anything to her shes so happy right now i don't won't to ruin that. After my short chat with mikey we joined bubbles in the water along with cal and luke. We were just having a great time then i seen a familiar face and it was that jerk that hit lana out with some blonde and thats when lana noticed to she just looked at me and said im ready to leave also im really hungry can we get food so we left and went and got pizza and went back to her house. When we got there she ran upstairs and changed and come down stairs in a crop top and leggings hair in a messy bun. Thats when Michael spoke up and said lana you look good she just flashed him a shy smile and grabbed a piece of pizza and went in the living room and cal and luke went and joined her they sit in there watching tv and left me and Mikey in the kitchen he obviously has a thing for lana it's not that im mad or jealous its just ik that she would probably choose him over me even though she does have feeling's for me. Thats when i speak up and ask him about it he just replied i mean i like her but she will never like me and shes yours ash your in love her im not getting in the way of that you guys are suppose to be together. I just smiled at Mikey and went and joined the others in the living room and i walked into the living room to hear lana and Luke having a argument over which show to watch American horror story or how i met your mother of course lana wins cause its her tv. After us spending almost all day together watching American horror story the guys got up and left me and lana alone she suggested we go to her room and watch it instead cause she need to take a shower cause she said she still smelled like salt water so why she took a shower i sit on her bed watched tv. When she was done she walked out in just a towel wrapped around her she must of forgot i was in there she looked absolutely amazing. Then she realised i was in there and apologized and grabbed some clothes and went back in the bathroom and changed. She came out and jumped on the bed beside me and said the showers all yours now cause your not sleeping in my bed with you smelling like salt. I just laughed and got up and went in the bathroom after i stripped and got in the shower she knocked on the door came in she said she brought me some clothes and laid them on the sink and walked out. After i got out the shower i walked out to find her passed on the bed wrapped up in the blanket. I crawled in bed beside her and wrapped my arms around and pulled her to my chest and played with her hair i wish it could be like this every night maybe soon.

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