Chapter 38

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Ashtons pov
Its great to be home finally with Lana and Lacy i missed them like crazy and i missed so many things with Lacy shes almost a year old now and is walking and starting to talk its amazing. After sitting in the bed and thinking for awhile i got up leaving Lana asleep in the bed and made my way to Lacys nursery where she had made an escape from her crib and was sitting on the floor with her toys. I walked over to Lacy and sit down beside her. She then crawled over laying down in my lap looking up at me and just babbled mama and i turned around to see Lana standing there in my flannel and leggings with her glasses on. Lana then walked over sitting down in the floor with us Lacy just smiled looking up at both of us. I then leaned over kissing Lana causing Lacy to giggle. I then stood up and then helping Lana up out of the floor and helping Lacy up and we made our way downstairs when we got downstairs Lana made her way into the kitchen and i went in the living room with Lacy while Lana made breakfast. I played with Lacy for awhile until i heard Lana scream DAMN IT i then got up running into the kitchen to find her standing over a pile of pancakes in the floor where she dropped then i bent down starting to pick them up throwing them in the trash and looked up at Lana and said i will make breakfast cause your exhausted Lana then made her way over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water and joining lacy in the living room.
After i made breakfast i went to go get Lana to eat and found her fast asleep in the floor next to Lacy i went to shake her to wake her up when i noticed her wrist had new cuts on them i could do nothing but think that this was all my fault cause i left her alone with Lacy maybe it was all to much for her.
Lana then woke up rolling over smiling and saying hi and getting up and making her way to the kitchen. I decided not to bring up the cuts because she's in a good mood or atleast it seems like it. But i will talk to her about it and find out why she doesn't deserve to hurt. I walked into the kitchen bringing Lacy with me and sitting her in her highchair and giving her cut up banana to eat. And then sitting down at the table with Lana who was barley eating anything and just pushing her food around her plate. I then spoke and said babe are you okay ? She just sent me a shy smile and said yea and went back to pushing her food around.
Later that day when Lacy was sleeping and me and Lana was sitting in our room i pulled Lana into my lap and started playing with her hair while she watched tv i then spoke up and said babe are you honestly okay i seen your arms. She just started crying and pulled her sleeves down and hide her face in my chest and started mumbling im sorry. I just started rubbing her back and telling her everything was going to be okay and pulled her up and kissed her on the cheek and forhead and hugged her tight trying to get her to stop crying. When she finally stopped crying i whipped all of the mascar off of her cheeks and face and kissed her deeply and told her i loved her. Then layed down pulling her into my chest and started singing to her.
I heard that you've been,
Self-medicating in the quiet of your room,
Your sweet, suburban tomb,
But if you need a friend,
I'll help you stitch up your wounds,
I heard that you've been,
Having some trouble finding your place in the world,
I know how much that hurts,
And if you need a friend,
Then please just say the word...

You've come this far,
You're all cleaned up,
You made a mess again,
There's no more trying,
Time to sort yourself out...

Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you,

I heard that you've been,
Having some trouble finding your place in the world,
I know how much that hurts,
And if you need a friend,
Then please just say the word...

You've come this far,
You're all cleaned up,
You made a mess again,
There's no more trying,
Time to sort yourself out...

Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you,

Grit your teeth, and pull your hair,
Paint the walls black and scream, "Fuck the world,
'Cause it's my life, I'm gonna take it back, "
And never for a second blame yourself,

Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,

Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you
By the end of the song i was being to choke up and start crying and Lana was already crying into my chest again i pulled her closer to me and kissed her and told her i loved her as we both drifted off to sleep.

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