Chapter 39

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Lanas pov
Ash has been home awhile now and with Christmas and Lacys birthday right around the corner and my dad will be flying in from America soon its going to be a hectic around here trying to get everything together considering i have a 1st birthday party to plan and Christmas to figure out but we will probably just spend it at Anne's like we did last year when i was pregnant. Then our wedding isn't long after we pretty much have everything settled with the wedding me and Ash have done went and seen the venue and got flowers and stuff figured out we both decided that were going to write our own vowels i finished mine along time ago i don't know about Ash and he tells me he has a surprise for me at the wedding and theres no telling with him really him and the boys still haven't got there tuxedos yet they keep putting it off but im making them go today so they can get it over and one less thing to worry about cause if i left it up to them they would wear black skinny jeans and t shirt's to the wedding.

Later that day as i was sitting on the sofa with Lacy on my lap watching tv i got a call from my dad
Dad: Lana im so sorry hun but i don't think im going to be able to make it this year
Me: seriously dad are you fucking kidding me right now you barley come home as it is and your going to miss Christmas and Lacys birthday are you even going to be able to make it to my wedding probably fucking not im sick of this dad
Dad: lana calm down please i will try to make it there for your wedding i promise but Christmas is a definite no go
Me: if you can't make it for Christmas don't even think about coming to my wedding i will just get one of the guys to walk me down the aisle they have been there for me more than you have lately so goodbye
I then hung up the phone and threw it across the room and just started crying and thats when Lacy who was still laying in my lap said mama as she begun to hug me and make me feel better i just hugged her closer to me still crying and thats when i heard the front door open and i hear a bunch of talking knowing it was the guys. Me still sitting there with my eyes closed and crying hear Ash walk up and say babe are you okay as he goes to take Lacy from me and sit her in the floor and she takes off running realizing that Michael was hear all i could hear in a distance his her scream Mikey and giggle. I forgot that i didnt even answer Ash so he ask me again this time looking me straight in the eyes i then spill everything telling him about my dad between sobs and when i was done all he did was hug me and kiss me and said everything's going to be okay we can get my mom or liz or maybe one of the guys to walk you down the aisle. Then after our conversation we made our way to wear the guys were at with Lacy who was a giggling mess thanks to the guys who always crack her up.
After awhile of all of us goofing off with Lacy she started to get cranky so i put her down for a nap and then went to my bedroom leaving the guys downstairs. I walked straight into my room making my way to my bathroom were i sit down in the floor with my knees up and my head laying against them as i just sobbed and couldn't stop. Then i hear someone walking up the stairs and then i hear a familiar voice say Lana? And i snap my head up to see Luke standing there with a concerned look on his face and then sit down across from me and said are you okay i said im fine just everything is stressing me out thats all i say between sobs. Luke then said okay if you ever need anything you know im just a phone call away he said as he stood up and ruffled my hair and walked out the bathroom. I then got up a little later and walked downstairs and no one was down there and then there was a note laying on the bar.
We had to leave we have a meeting with management and stuff im sorry we had to leave but we will be back soon ily -
I then walked over to the sofa and layed down before drifting off to sleep.
Ashton pov
I walked in the house to find Lana past out on the sofa and Michael and the others ran straight up stairs to check on Lacy cause theres no telling how long Lana has been asleep. I walk over to the sofa sitting down beside her and slightly shook her trying to wake her up she soon rolled over with a distressed look in her face and tear stains on her cheeks i just pulled her up hugging her she's still really upset over her dad i can tell so i do what i thought was best and called the guys downstairs and told them to bring Lacy as well. When they got down there i took Lacy from Cal who was holding her and sit her between me and Lana then i turned towards Lana looking her straight in the face and said listen to me babe you are absolutely amazing and look at this beautiful baby girl we've made and look at this amazing family that were surrounded by as i pointed around the room towards the guys. I then said if your dad don't make it to the Christmas or the wedding than im sure that one of the guys wouldn't mind walking you down the aisle babe now cheer up please i then leaned over kissing her and when we did Lacy started giggling. I then picked up Lacy kissing her on the cheek causing her to giggle even more.
Michael pov
As i sit in the living room with everyone i couldn't help but feel bad for Lana and how the man that is supposed to be there for her all her life has abandoned her pretty much shes done lost her mom and now her dad isn't even coming in for Christmas or for her wedding. So then after then after the room clears out and its just Lana sitting on the sofa i walk over sitting down beside her and grabbed her hand and mine as she looked over at me and smiled and i then said Lana i have to tell you something she then said well tell me then. I then said Lana i will walk you down the aisle if you like i don't want you to have to walk down alone. She then smiled really big at me and said are you serious Michael will you really. I then said i would be honored to do it Lana your like my little sister i never had. She then said oh my god Michael i love you so much as she leaned over pecking me on the cheek and kept repeating thank you as she sat there ridiculously smiling.
Ashtons pov
I was sitting in the kitchen with Cal and Luke when i heard Lana scream from the Living room i then jumped up running in there to find her ridiculously smiling and i then ask her what happened she said as she pulled Michael into a hug and said this dork is going to walk me down the aisle Michael then said let me go Lana i can't breathe your holding me to tight she said sorry as she let go of Michael. I then started to giggle when i seen how happy Lana was about Michael and went over to them pulling them into a group and thats when Lacy walked in screaming Daddy and ran over joining the group hugs and the Luke and Cal came in and Cal screamed group hug as him and Luke joined the hug. Lana then started to struggle and said guys i can't breathe and Lacy then slipped out of the hug considering shes so small then all of us got off of Lana so she could breathe.
Lanas pov
Later that night after the guys had left me and Ash were sitting in our bed just laying there talking about everything possible really. Then Ash shocked me and out of nowhere and said Lana i fucking love you as he pulled me into a ruff chased kiss and during the kiss Ash let his hands wonder all over my body our make out session lasted for awhile till i heard Lacy say mama , daddy i then pushed Ash off of me and seen Lacy standing there in our door way with a worried look on her face i then patted the spot at the end of the bed and said come here baby girl and she then ran over to the bed and i helped her up into the bed Ash then taking her and placing her between us and he then said Lacybug what's wrong she just kept repeating monster i said monster ? As i looked at Ash and i got up running down to her nursery to find that the tree out side her window was casting a shadow on her wall above her crib. I then walked back to find Lacy already laying against Ash chest i crawled back in bed kissing her on the forehead and told Ash that it was just a tree he then just smiled at me and wrapped his arms around Lacy and be being to singing her to sleep

Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh

Life's a tangled web of cellphone calls and hashtag I-don't-knows
And you, you're so caught up in all the blinking lights and dial tones
I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too
But I find my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh

Hands around my waist
You're counting up the hills across the sheets
And I'm a falling star, a glimmer lighting up these cotton streets
I'll admit I'm a bit of a fool for playing by their rules
But I find my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Turn off the radio
Those late night tv shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

Turn off the radio
Those late night tv shows
Hang up the telephone
And just be here with me

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

I like summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh
Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh
Oh oh o-oh oh oh o-oh oh
When he finished the song Lacy was fast to sleep and i was about to pass out so i reached over kissing Ash and then kissing her on the forehead and soon me and Ash also drifted off to sleep.

* Authors note well guys this will be ending soon and i can't believe that so many people have read it and enjoyed it i hope well atleast i hope you did i know i enjoyed writing it even though sometimes i thought it was bad **

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