Chapter 2

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Micheals Pov

At first i thought Lana was completely kidding with me when she said shes in love with Ash and now that i let it sink it kinda makes sense Ash has been there for her through everything since she was one years old shes always had him. Only if she knew the feelings i had for her every since we met but i didn't try anything because Ash let Luke ,Cal and I know  in the beginning that Lana was his girl that he loved her and would kill for her. But when she text me today and told me that she had to tell me something important and that it could change things for everyone for the slightest moment i thought she was going to tell me she had feelings for me. But no she has feelings for Ash and she made me promise i wouldn't tell anyone at all not even Luke and Cal which is going to be hard as hell when there all im going to be around for the next 6 months ...
Lanas Pov

Its been 3 days since i told Michael and we haven't talked since its like hes avoiding me or something and its awkward because he usually is texts me atleast if we can't talk in person. I would like to spend every possible moment i can with the guys  considering they leave soon. But its kinda hard when me and Liz are planning a suprise going away party type thing for them everyones going to be there it should be fun. And i know if hang out with any of the guys i will slip up and tell one of them about the party and ruin everything.

At around midnight i woke up to banging on my door and screaming is  all i heard was LANA FUCKING GRACE OPEN THIS WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO TALK come to find it was just Luke and Cal freaking drunk off there ass screaming about how Michael told them about my feelings for Ash . My first concern is to get these two idoits quite before Ash heres them who only lives 5 minutes away from me then get them sobered up.  Keep them quite didn't really work Ash heard them anyway and was next to come knocking on my door i took me awhile to get to the door and let him in but first i threatened the two idoits on my couch if the mentioned one thing to Ash i would kill them. When i finally got to the door Ashton was done freaking out he thought something serious was going on first thing he did was ask me if i was okay. Then i explained to him it was just Luke and Cal drunk being stupid.
Ashtons POV

I was seriously concerned about Lana its not like her to have guys over and when all i heard was guy screaming her name that made it worse i thought she was in trouble come to find out it was 2 of my drunk bandmates which still surprises me they went her house they never hang out alone with her.  Lana has really just been avoiding the band lately anyway last i heard from her is when i got a text from her
Lana: Ash i would like it if you and the guys just give me some space for a couple days...

Me:   Lana are you okay what did we/i do wrong im seriously sorry for whatever it is
Lana: its nothing serious ash i just need time for myself away from you guys .
Me : Okay ill give you space and tell the rest of the guys

It was strange considering for the last 2 or 3 days shes been going to the hemmings house. I just hope shes okay.

*Up top is a pic of Lana *

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