Chapter 43

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Ashtons pov
Me and Lana have only been home from our honeymoon i guess you could say for a week now but its like we actually never left in the first place all we do is lay around all day wasting the day away with Lacy but sadly i have to start getting ready for tour and we also have to find a new place to move into cause i just feel weird staying in Lana dads house all the time even though hes never home so i started looking for a house kinda behind Lana back because shes really not ready to move out i think one of the many negatives of moving out is that we will be moving away from my family but its just something we have to do.
Lanas pov
I sit in the nursery with Lacy and Michael who is practically Lacys favorite person in the world besides me i think and thats when Ash appeared at the door saying hey babe can we talk real fast about something and Michael can watch Lacy for a bit. I then stood up making my way over to Ash who then grabbed my hand interlacing our fingers and walked me out to the back porch where we sit and he then said babe you know how we said we would move out after we were married and stuff well were married now and i think it's time to move out and i have been looking for places and i found a couple and there all not that far from a park so its convenient for Lacy and stuff. I then said umm yea i guess we could go look at them i mean im up for it i will just have to tell my dad if were for sure moving out. He said we are for sure because we need our own home babe for me you and Lacy to make memories in and even maybe have another baby in the future. I said yea in the future when you can be home to help because Lacy is a handful. He smiled kissing me and saying yes just like her mom i said hey im not that bad irwin he said i know just a little stubborn sometimes. We then ended up laying back on the porch with Ashton on top of me kissing me as he laughed each time he would pull away to catch his breath we were then interrupted by Michael saying gross as he covered Lacys eyes with his hands. Me and Ash both burst into laughter as he rolled off of me picking up Lacy tickling her making her scream out and giggle. I then stood up wiping off my pants and telling Ash and Michael i was going to go call my dad and Ash screamed good luck as i made my way back in the house.
I dialed my number expecting him not to answer but some one did answer but it wasn't him it was a woman i then said hello umm is my dad there she said umm who's your dad i said David she said um yea but hes busy right now but i can get him to call you back when hes done i then said no just tell him im moving out and i don't want nothing to do with him anymore and he can stay in America all he wants i don't want him back here or to see me or my daughter ever again she said okay and your name is Ally Irwin.
After i hung up the phone i broke down started crying in the floor thats when i heard the front door shut and i looked up to see Calum and Luke standing there Calum then said are you okay do i need to get Ash or are you good i just said i just need a hug Calum and Luke both pulled me into a group hug and after they pulled away Luke said are you better now i said between tears a lil bit Calum then said i will go get Ashton i screamed as he ran to get him HE IS IN THE BACKYARD. After Calum left and came back with Ashton i was still sitting in the floor crying into Luke's shoulder now Ash then said babe whats wrong what happened with your dad i then said between sobs he didn't answer but some woman did and she said he was busy and i heard a bunch of giggling and stuff in the background so i told her to tell him im moving out and that he could just stay in America. He then ran over to me pulling me into his chest and saying babe everything is going to be okay i promise. We can move out as soon as possible which is probably not to far away we just have to find a place and if we don't before tour you and Lacy can just come with us on tour that way i can still help with her and can spend more time with her. I then said we will have to see about the whole tour thing Lacy is only a year old i don't know if she could handle all that traveling and screaming fans and stuff like that. Ash then said im sure she could she's a Irwin and she's a strong little girl i then said i will think about it but its not a yes. That's when Michael walked in with Lacy in his arms saying she's exhausted im goingt to take her upstairs for a nap.

Later that night when me and Ash were laying in bed he just rolled over and looked at me and said Lana are you really thinking about going on tour with us or did you say that just to avoid a argument in front of the guys i then said umm both as i leaned over kissing him and saying now goodnight Ash i love you he said i love you 2 as he pulled me into his chest where i finally drifted off to sleep.

*** authors note i feel like i haven't updated in forever and i apologize for that ive just had alot of stuff going on with school and my personal life and ive just not had motivation to write any on this story and im not really happy with it anymore i don't even know where its going anymore honestly anyways i would like to thank everyone who actually reads this crap that i write i love you guys so much ***

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