Chapter 3

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Lanas POV

Its been a couple day since Luke and Cal showed up at my house drunk and Ash came over and helped me get them sobered up. It was just different being around Ash that night like something had changed between us maybe he already knows i have feelings for him. Well today is the day were having the party for the boys i hope they enjoy it considering its one of the last days we will all be together they leave i 2 days and i haven't spent anytime with them really im going to miss them when there gone. Well i have to get ready for the party i decided to wear one of there band shirts to the party and my favorite pair of ripped jeans and combat boots and im wearing the drumsticks. necklace that Ash got me a long time ago we both got the same one his just has a L on the back and mine has A. Anyways here goes nothing the boys friends and family is starting to show up minus Liz its her job to get the boys to my house for the suprise.

.. A couple minutes Liz showed up with the boys and gave them the spare key to my house and told them i said to let themselves in that it was okay.
Ashtons POV

It was strange Liz showing up at my house with the rest of the boys and making us go to Lanas place when just a few days ago Lana made it clear she wanted to have some alone time. We got there and let our selves in like Lana requested and turned on the lights and all our families and friends were there and Lana who clearly planed it all and along with everyone else she screamed suprise. It was a shock that she threw us a party but thats what Lanas good at being random and surprising people out of nowhere she did all the time when we were younger. Only thing i knew to do was hug her shes just wonderful person and she loves me and the boys so much i think she honestly does to much for us sometimes.
Lukes POV

I was defiantly not as shocked as the rest of the boys were when Lana threw us a suprise party considering she had been texting my mom nonstop i know they were planning something or Lana was upset about something because shes really close to my mom because hers walked out on Lana and her dad when lana was 15 and she wasn't even that close to her mom really Ashton mom was more like her mom then her actual mom.
Lanas POV

Im really happy how the party turned out the boys enjoyed it. They also stayed after and helped me clean up the mess from the party. Then decided that it would be cool if all of us had a sleepover at my house considering i live alone and i dont have to ask parent permission for them to stay. It should be fun all of us hanging out but its going to be awkward. The whole night all i got text from Ash.
Ash: im really greatful to have a friend like you ilysm
Me: i know ash ily2 why else would i have put up with you for all my life.
Ash: Lana you know its cause you find me attractive ;)
Me: yea ash that's why not because you genuinely a amazing guy and have been here through everything even when my mom left
Ash: Can we just go upstairs and talk like we use to the rest of the boys are fast asleep anyway.
Me: sure

Im glad me and Ashton went to my room and done some talking about everything. Ash is legit an angle and im going to miss having nights like this with him cuddled up together just talking about everything.

Its the next morning and its mine and the boys last official day together they leave tomorrow morning. Ash being ash already has a day planed out for all of us giving us all time together then time for me and him be alone at the end of the day.

*From here on out everything will be in Lanas point of view with occasional Ashton point of views *

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