Chapter 23

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It's been a struggle lately considering work has been a major stress on me im on my feet all the time and being 3 1/2 months pregnant its been 2 weeks since my appointment and i now have a bump its strange looking in the mirror and seeing the bump i can't wear any of my jeans anymore. I have to go maternity clothes shopping i will probably get Teagan and Anne to come with me to go pick some out. I got snapped out of my thought's when my phone started going off it was Michael texting me
Mikey: hey lana do you have anything planned for Ash's birthday tomorrow
Me: yea im going to skype him and i also gave Cal something to give him  and i have something for him when he gets back
Mikey: oh okay how far along are you
Me: 3 1/2 months i even have a lil bump its so strange people at work are already placing bets on if its going to be a girl or boy
Mikey: awwww if you have a lil boy your naming it Michael right?
Me: umm how about no Michael i love you to death but no
Mikey: oh okay what do you want girl or boy
Me: i kinda want a boy but i think ash wants a girl but aslong as its healthy thats the important thing
Mikey: yea either way your going to be amazing mom
Me: thanks mikey i will ttyl me and Teagan are going to go out for dinner we've been eating random junk for the last couple weeks we need a proper meal
Mikey: have fun lana
The next morning i woke up happier than usual probably cause its Ash's 20th birthday i grabbed my phone and sent him a text
Ash: thanks babe
Me:  im going to Skype you now is that okay i just want to see your adorable ass
Ash: yea its fine i can't wait to see you Michael said you told him you were showing
Me: i am showing but not much
After that i ran downstairs and ask Teagan to use her laptop considering i busted mine she said yea if i skyped him downstairs i logged into my Skype and Ash answered on the first ring and before either one of us could say a word Teagan ran up behind and screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH and he thanked her and went on her way.  I just smiled and asked him how he was doing he said good and that he missed me and he asked me how i was doing i said good just stressed from work and stuff and he just smiled and changed the subject and said babe can i see your bump babe and i said yes and jumped up and sit the laptop on the table and stood sideways and lifted up my shirt and screamed see and Ash screamed back aww and thats when Cal and Luke walked in the room and Cal yelled what did i just walk in on Luke said aww your bump Lana its so cute i just shook my head yes and sit down Cal said oh shit i will be right back theres something im supposed to give from lana and run back in with the small box i gave him before they left knowing they would be gone on his birthday. Ash grabbed it and unwrapped it and pulled out the pair of drumsticks and the foo fighters shirt that i got signed by Dave Grohl it was hard as fuck for me to get it done but i got it his face lit up and said Lana how you didn't this must of been hard to get i just said it was but it was worth it to see that reaction from you. He just said thanks again then i said you should really thank Teagan it was all because her dad that i got it. He said god i love you lana i just smiled and said i know i love you 2. Then someone started knocking on my door hold on Ash someone's here it was his siblings i told them Ash was on skype that they should come join me they ran and jumped on the couch and screamed happy birthday Ash. We skyped for what it seemed like hours it was 5:00 before we got off Skype after that i went straight up stair's and went to sleep.
**Author's note this chapter was short but anyways i need you guys help if you guys got any name suggestions for lana and Ash baby please comment girl and boy names cause idk if i want to make the baby a girl or boy yet ily guys so much and thank you guys so much for reading this fanfiction* *

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