Chapter 13

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** time skip to a couple days before lanas birthday :) **
Lanas pov

I have been hanging out with the guys since i got out of school. My dad got home last night so which means i can't have a house full of boys like ive been having and need to spend quality time with my dad before he leaves again.
Ash: is okay for me to come over for a bit
Me: just you my dad is here and you know how he feels about me and guys
Ash: okay he loves me though
Me: ofcourse he does hes known you forever ash since birth actually lol
Ash: true i will see you in like 5 mins
Me : okay

While i was waiting on Ash i put on some music and started making some food for me ash and my dad. Then Ash got there and he sit down at our bar thing and watched me make breakfast we must of woke my dad up cause i heard footsteps shuffling around upstairs and heard my dad yell downstairs. WHOS HERE LANA AND WHATS ALL THAT NOISE. I screamed back ITS JUST ASH DAD AND ITS MY MUSIC I WILL TURN IT DOWN AND IM MAKING BREAKFAST TO SO YOU CAN COME DOWN AND EAT WITH US IF YOU LIKE. He didn't reply he just came down and sit at the table and as the food was done i grabbed two plates and ash grabbed his and met me at the table i sit mine and then give my dad his then i sit down beside Ash. I was eating my dad spoke and asked ash a question i wasn't expecting. He said Ash are you and lana dating yet. At him saying that it caused me to choke on my food and Ash simply replied no mr.thompson were just friends and my dad just smiled and nodded and went back to eating.

After we were done eating my dad went back upstairs to his room and Ash and me went to the living room and talked for awhile then he left. And i spent the rest of the day with my dad.

Today is my birthday im so excited to see what the guys have planned and what my dad has planned. So i woke up to the smell of blueberry pancakes and i ran downstairs to see my dad in the kitchen and as a ran down my dad yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS and i ran over to him hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and went and sit down at the table and pulled out my phone.
Mikey: happy birthday lana ily i can't wait to see you later
Lucas: happy birthday
Calum: happy birthday Lana hope you have a good one and i will see ya later x
(In reply to Mikey) me : thanks Mikey ily2
(In reply to Lucas) me : thanks lukey
(In reply to Calum) me: thanks cal see you later xx
(In reply to Ash) me: thanks ash ilysm and i can't wait

After me and my dad eat i ran upstairs took a shower and got changed for going out with my dad we do this every year we go out and go bowling or something.
Ashtons pov

I got the text from Mr. Thompson saying that him and lana left for a few hour's and that was my Que to get over there and set up the party for lana so i called the other boys over to help. We rushed around the house putting up decorations and stuff and i put on music a mix of her favorite bands and artists. Before i knew it was time for them to get back the house was now full of her friends and our families. Then i heard the door turn and lana opened the door and flicked on the lights and we jumped out and screamed surprise she had a shocked look on her face then ran over and hugged me and went on her way. The party was going good everyone was having fun and i found lana in a group of people singing and dancing around she was screaming at the top her lungs " how to be a heartbreaker boys they like a look of danger
We'll get him falling for a stranger a player singing i lo lo love you atleast i think i do " she was having so much fun then her dad called us all in the living room to open presents.
Lanas pov

I got called in the living room to open presents first was Michaels he handed me a lil box and i opened it was a set of earrings like 4 or 5 pairs maybe i thanked him and kissed him on the cheek and went back to opening presents next was luke he got me some new sunglasses and some new flip flops considering mine were about broken i thanked him and went back to the presents and up next was Cal he got me a bunch of perfume's and stuff from bath and body works. Then i went for Ash's but he stopped me he said mine last so then i opened my dads i opened i small box with a heart shaped locket with him on the inside and engraved on the back was always in my heart then i jumped up and hugged him and he pulled out a key chain with the locket on it and me on the inside and he told me even though im on the other side of the world most of the time i still care about you. Then it was time for Ashtons present i grabbed it from him in excitement and opened it to find a the 1975 shirt and some shorts and then i found a envelope in the bottom and opened it was 5 tickets to the 1975 concert tonight i started crying and hugged ashton and thanked him more times than i can remember. He just looked at me and said that i might want to calm down and get ready cause it's less than a hour away. So i just looked up at him and said i need to get ready then and got up grabbed my the 1975 shirt he got me ran upstairs and changed and ran back downstairs to find a practically empty house beside the guys. I was so excited for the concert. It was about a 35 minute drive to the arena when we got there i couldnt contain my excitement i was jumping around everywhere. Thats when the show started and they were about 3 songs in and matty stopped singing and i said i just got told we have a birthday girl in the crowd tonight miss lana grace will you please step forward so i walked forward closer to the stage and i turned around to see Ash was gone. Then i heard matty say theres a special friend of yours that wants to say something.

I looked up on the stage to see Ash ridiculously smiling at me with then dimples showing and he spoke up and said Lana we have been friends since pretty much birth and ive been wanting to ask you this since we were 16 when i fell in love with you so lana will you do the honor of being my girlfriend. I started crying and just nodded my head yes and he walked down off the stage and i hugged him. He just looked down at me and said i told you i had a big surprise and he kissed me on the cheek.

We stood holding hands the rest of the show and after the show we didn't go back to my house we got in the car and Ashton tied a bandanna around my eyes as a blindfold. And the car started up and we drove for what it seems like forever. Then we stopped and he helped me out of the car and walked me a couple feet and took off the bandanna and we were in the park were me and him shared our first kiss when we were 16 and he had it set up bueatiful with candles everywhere and a blanket thrown out in the grass and i just looked at him and ask him what this was for and he just smiled and said i can't make you my girlfriend without taking you on a first date and kissed me on the cheek. And lead me over to the blanket and we sit down and he made a bunch of small sandwiches and stuff and we eat then we laid on the blanket and looked up at the stars and i slowly drifted asleep on Ash's chest.

I woke up the next morning still outside and Ashton had is arms wrapped tightly around me yesterday was probably one of the best days of my life i got to see the 1975 and im now Ashtons girlfriend im pretty happy that it finally happened.

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