Chapter 32

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**Time skip of 4 months when the band leaves*
Ash and the boys leave tomorrow for Tour amd they won't be back till Christmas. So today all the boys are coming over to ours to spend the day there with me and Lacy all of the guys have been come really attached to her Michael especially he loves that child to death even though she isn't his she's only 5 month's now and she sleep's pretty much all the time. She's starting to look more and more like Ash her hair is growing out and its curly at the ends and her laugh is just contagiousness. The boys make her laugh all the time tickling her and playing with her hands and feet its the cutest thing ever. She's gotten pretty use to all them being around i don't know how she's going to react when there gone.
I was standing in Lacys nursery when i heard a bunch of noise and i walked to edge of the stairs to see that all of the boy's arrived. So i went back and grabbed lacy out of her crib and carried her downstairs with me and i was greated by all the boys saying hi and then Michael screaming LACYBUG and then coming over and getting Lacy from me and going in the living room with her and Cal and Luke then joined him in there and i walked over to Ash in the kitchen walking up behind him and wrapping my hands around him and laying my head on his back. He then took my hands away from his waist and spun around to face and then hugging me into his chest and kissing me on the forehead and saying i love you. I then pulled away from the hug and grabbed his and lacing my fingers with his and pulled him to the door way of the living room and he then wrapped his other arm around my waist pulling me close to him. I looked up at him and said Ash im going to miss this everyone being here. He smiled and said i know babe theres nothing we can do about it its our job i replied i know Ash i just wish guys were home more often. He said i know me to im going to miss my little princess grow up. I said babe i will record everything big okay. He said thanks Lana. Our conversation was then interrupted by Luke saying umm guys i think Lacy needs a diaper change Cal then said yea umm bad. Ash then said i got it babe as he went over there and took Lacy from the boys and took her to the nursery and changed her and brought her brought her back downstairs and gave her to me and said im going to make her a bottle cause its about time to feed her i said okay as i walked and sit down in the living room with the guys. Ash then come in the living room handing me the bottle for Lacy. After i feed Lacy i took her back upstairs to her nursery and laid her down considering she was geting cranky i then went back downstairs. Me and the guys spent the rest of the day watching Tv and joking around and Teagan came over after she got off work and me and Ash took turns checking on Lacy when she was up we would bring her downstairs and then when she started to get fussy and sleepy we would take her back to the nursery.
It was about 9:30, 10:00 before the boys left me and Ash then went back upstairs to our room checking on Lacy one more time before going to bed because we have to get up early to take Ash to the Airport. So we crawled in the bed and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning was more hectic than it usual is considering i had to get Lacy ready and not just myself anymore. We left the house about 5: 30 am.
When we finally got to the airport it was filled with fans unlike last time it was just a couple groups of fans now its like 1000s. I turned and looked at Ash and said are you sure its okay to take her in there he said she should be fine babe as he grabbed his bags and stuff then grabbed my hand. When we walked in there all the fans started screaming i automatically covered Lacy ears and she started crying Ash said Lacybug its going to be okay babygirl as he took her from me kissing her on the head. The other boys were there to they said there goodbye's to there family's then made there way over to us Michael asked to hold lacy before he left so Ash handed Lacy to Michael. Michael held Lacy and said Lacybug im going to miss you before handing her back to me and then he hugged me and then Luke and Cal the same. They then went off to meet fans before they left. Then it was just me Ash and Lacy Ash leaned in and kissed me and Lacy reached up putting her hand on Ashs face he then pulled away and said god im going to miss you 2 i then said were going to miss you 2 Ash and we love you so much. It was then is time to board his flight he kissed me and Lacy one more time before walking away. Ash walked up the stairs and turned and waved i then grabbed Lacys and and said say goodbye to daddy she put her hand out and moved her fingers around attempting to wave goodbye Ash then blew a kiss i then took her hand and put it to her mouth and said blow a kiss to daddy she kissed her hand and then waved her arm Ashs way causing him to smirk. The fans erupted in awws and screams at the sight of Lacy saying goodbye to Ash because it was absolutely adorable. After saying goodbye me and Lacy made our way back to the car. Before leaving i saw Teagan sitting in the parking lot against her car i walked over to her and asked what's wrong she said Lana we broke up i mean i broke up with him but i didn't want to but i had to. I said its going to be okay Teagan come back to my place and we can talk okay she said okay between tears. I then went back to the my car putting Lacy in her carseat and heading home.

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