Chapter 36

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Today is the day we go dress shopping so we all just met up at the bridal shop i decided not to get a baby sitter for Lacy and just take her with me cause i need to her dress as well.
We arrived at the bridal shop early and spent pretty much all day there trying to pick dresses it wasn't to hard to find Lacys we just picked out a white dress with a red ribbon to match the bridesmaids dress which were also red. Lauren and Teagan decided on a knee length strapless red dress. And Anne is wearing a cream floor length dress. And then my dress was last i thought i had the dress i wanted in mind when we went but there were so many. I first tried on a lose all lace dress with sleeves and a cream ribbon tied around the waist i liked it but i then tried on another all lace dress that had no ribbon and the whole back of it was out i also like that one but the last dress that i tried on was also all lace but this had a flower accent around the waist and it had lace tank top like sleeves i loved and it fit perfect. I turned to Teagan and them who were sitting behind me and said i think this is the one. Lauren then smiled and said i love it and i think Ash will love it to Teagan then said you look absolutely amazing Lana this dress is perfect its you. I said so this is the dress then as i couldn't help but smile and Lacy then ran over to me from the sofa were she was sitting with Anne and hugged me and was ridiculous smiling as if to say she agreed. I walked back into the dressing room changing out of the dress and then going upfront to pay for it and thats when Anne stopped me and said let me its the least i can do Lana you make Ash so happy i said you don't have to Anne i got it she then hugged me and said no i do as she swiped her credit card. I then took the dresses and Lacy out to the car and head home.
When i got home i feed Lacy and myself then texted Ash
Me : dresses are done :-)
Ash: yay can i see Lacys
Me: sure
Ash: its beautiful babe and i can't wait to see yours in January
Me: yea have you and the guys got your tux or are you waiting till you come home
Ash: waiting till we come back
Me: okay well i have a adventures little girl to look after so i will skype you later
Ash: okay ily
Me: ily2 .
After my conversation with Ash i got lacy and went to my room and sit her on my bed before grabbing my Coldplay cd and putting it in the cd player. As i begun to sing to her till she fell asleep

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
You know you know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do

Cause you were all yellow
I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
And you know
For you I'd bleed myself dry
For you I'd bleed myself dry

It's true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for
Look how they shine for you
After Lacy was fast asleep i layed down beside her also drifting off to sleep.

** Author's note i know its been a while since i updated a chapter and im sorry for thzat i will try to update more and also sorry this is such a short chapter i also attached a picture of the dress **

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