Chapter 21

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The guys have been in LA for almost a month now and ive been good i guess you could say. Teagan has pretty much moved in with me she helps me pay the bills and keeps me company while Ash and the guy are gone. Its been a good month i havent relapsed or anything but i have missed my period at first it didn't bother me it irregular anyway. And thats when i woke up sick this morning and ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. And thats when Teagan walked up behind me and said i know you probably don't want to hear this but i think your pregnant you've skipped your period twice now the end of last month and now this month considering this month is pretty much over and you still haven't had it and now your getting morning sickness. I just stood up and said i can't be we only had sex once Teagan she just looked at me and said once is all it takes babe especially if you didn't use a condom please tell me you guys atleast used a condom i just shook my head no before running back over to the toilet and puking again.
Teagan came over and held my hair back she just said im going to get you a pregnancy test and you need to tell Ash.
After she left i went in my room and sit down on my bed and started crying i can't believe this is happening it can't its going to ruin everything we've only been dating 3 months maybe. I pulled myself together and got my phone and called Ash
Ash: hi lana is everything okay
Me: yea Ash we just need to talk i may be pregnant and im so scared right now Ash: you may be what no way idk what to say right now this cant happen i cant believe it how did this happen i just cant
And then he hung up and i fell back on my bed and started crying again and thats when my phone went off
Me: idk if im pregnant yet Michael i havent took the test yet i just told him i thought i was pregnant and he freaked out and hung up
Mikey: hes just overwhelmed lana like all of us
Me: yea well tell him i will call him after i take the test to tell him if i am or not
Mikey: okay i will
(To Ash) Me: i hope your not mad at me i just thought you would of liked to know i didnt mean to upset you im sorry
Ash: Lana im not mad it was just unexpected it threw me off and i love you no matter what if your pregnant or not i will always love you
Me: i love you 2 Ash but i kinda hope im not its going to ruin our relationship we've only been dating maybe 3 months
Ash: that don't matter ive known you all my life and you being pregnant isn't going to ruin us i promise
Me: Ash its the same thing that happened with my parents my mom got pregnant when she was young and resented me her whole life cause i ruined hers and my dad lost the love of his life because of me
Ash: Lana your not her your different okay stop worrying you dont even know if you are yet or not and if you are your going to be a wonderful mom
Me: thanks Ash well Teagans back with the tests i let you know the results xx
Ash: okayxx
Teagan got back with the tests and met me upstairs in the bathroom and handed me them and walked out and shut the door behind her i took all for of them and set them on the counter in the bathroom and called Teagan in there and 5 out of the 6 test were positive which means im pregnant when i realized it i just broke down and started crying. Teagan walked over and hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay and wiped away my tears i grabbed my phone and face timed Ash he answer and first thing he said why are you crying babe i just said im pregnant Ash and he screamed YOU ARE OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW and then i heard the other guys in the background screaming about it and thats when Michael came and took the phone away from Ash and told me congratulations on the news and luke and cal the same then gave it back to Ash after that i said goodbye considering i had to work today and had to leave soon.
When i got home after work that night Teagan was done asleep on the couch so i walked over and woke her up so she could go upstairs and sleep in a actual bed she took over the room that used to be my moms study but really its were she would just go in there to get away from me and my dad and just get drunk. Anyways after Teagan went up to her room i fixed me a bowl of ice cream and went up to my room and put on a movie and crawled in bed I've kinda gotten use to sleeping alone but i really do miss sleeping with Ash. So i pulled out my phone and text Ash cause i really missed him all day today more than usual
Me: babe i really miss your cuddles
Ash: aww i really miss yours to cuddling with Michael just isn't cutting it
Me: yea well atleast you have a tour cuddle buddy all i have is my stuffed animals
Ash: yea just remember we come home to Australia in 2 months for a week then we can cuddle
Me: yea but by then i will be maybe 4 month's pregnant and you wouldnt want to cuddle with me
Ash: i will always want to cuddle with you even if you are pregnant.
Me: okay
Ash: just remember lana our baby was made out of pure love god wouldn't have blessed us with that baby if you couldn't handle it your going to amazing mother and i can't wait ilysm xx
Me: i love you 2 Ash
Ash: goodnight lana xx
Me: goodnight

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