Chapter 14

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Ashtons Pov

I woke up that morning lana was already up just sitting there singing to her self.  "When you say you love me know i love you more when you say you need me know i need you more boy i adore you i adore you " then she stopped when she realised i was up she is so insecure about her voice and idk why its bueatiful so i picked up where she left off with the song " baby can you hear me when im crying out for you " then she joined along with me and we finished out the song together after we finshed the song she pulled her self on top of me and kissed me and i returned the kiss by kissing her deeper and taking control of the kiss. Then she pulled away from the kiss and looked at me and said Ashton i really need to get home its my dads last day till he goes back to America.  I kissed her one more time and we packed up our stuff from our little camp out in the park and put everything in the back of the car and i took her home. I walked her to her door step and kissed her one more time and before she walked in the house i asked her if she would like to go out again tonight to see a movie or something. She said yeah and that she will text me when shes ready to leave.
Lana pov

I walked through the door ridiculously smiling to be greeted by my dad hugging me and kissed me on the cheek and asking me if i enjoyed the show i said it was great and smiled at him and said me and Ashton are dating now he smiled and said finally and  told me to go get changed we were going out for breakfast today i ran upstairs got changed into some ripped jeans and a random tank top and ran back downstairs. Me and my dad went to café not 20 minutes from the house and got breakfast. Then went on a walk on the beach. Before i knew it was late so me and my dad made our way back home cause my dad flight boards at 4:30 am so he need to pack and get rest.

So i texted Ashton when i got home that i was ready
Me: Ash im ready but how should i dress?
Ash : causal
Me: okay
So i went upstairs and changed out of my jeans into leggings and pulled on a sweater and pulled my hair in a tight bun and put on some makeup and put on my combat boots and walked downstairs. And told my dad me and ashton were going out and he told me to be safe and be back before atleast 1 i said okay and walked out the door to meet Ash. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the car and i sit down in the car he held my hand the whole way there using his thumbs to rub circles on the top of my hand and he looked over at me when we got to the movies and said you look so freaking bueatiful bubbles and leaned over and kissed me.  We got out and walked in theater got our tickets and a drink and went and sit down.
After the movie we went and got some ice cream and headed home this time we didn't say goodbye at the door i snuck Ash upstairs to my room. And when we got upstairs i turned on my music and changed forgetting Ash was in the room until i felt his arms wrapped around my waist as i stood there in my bra and leggings and Ashton turned me around to face him and pressed his lips to mine it shocked me at first considering it was just out of nowhere and i kissed him back as i started to pull on the hem of his shirt and he took the hint and pulled it off and threw it on the floor.  And picked me up and laid me on the bed and thats when were stopped by banging on my bed room and i rushed to find a shirt and pushed Ashton into the bathroom i didnt want my dad knowing he was there i kissed him as i shut the door and ran to open my bedroom door to find my dad standing there pissed off he said why is your music so loud its like 2 am lana i have to leave soon i cant sleep with this crap blasting and i apologized as i shut the door and went over and turned down the music and went and opened the bathroom door and let Ash know it was okay to come out and i went and crawled in bed and Ash came and laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the forehead and we drifted off to sleep.
**  I put a picture of Lanas dad up top :) its dylan Mcdermott* *

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