Chapter 16

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Ashtons pov

I woke up to find Lana not in bed beside me instead she was in the bathroom floor with her head in her knees and crying. I have no idea what could be wrong she has been doing so good lately she hasn't even thought about the things that happened a lil over a month ago with landen. So i walked over and sit beside her and she just handed me her phone and told me to read the messages
Dad: lana im not going to be paying your bill's anymore you can do it yourself if your going to move people into my house with out asking
Me: dad what are you talking about i didn't move anyone in
Dad: lana don't lie i seen the irwin boy in your bedroom the other night im not stupid and if you keep it up your going to end up pregnant
Me: wtf we aren't even doing that stuff were not going to be like you and mom if that's what you think
Dad:  i didn't say that goodbye lana get some rest and try to get a job

After i read them i handed her phone back she said no keep it there's more and switched to different message's under unknown
Unknown:  hows is it being with a freak oh wait you were always one anyway you fat bitch
Unknown : so you can't answer me i thought you loved me what happened to that
Unknown:  aww maybe the suicidal whore killed her self maybe that's why she's not replying
Unknown:  im not giving up on you i will get you back your mine you got that and im not letting any fucking emo freak stand in my way

She was still hysterically crying i couldn't believe this jerk would say such things i went to help her up and back into the bedroom and she just pushed me off and told me to stop and to leave her alone. She looked absolutely pitiful and then i realized why she wanted me to leave her there was blood all over the front of her shirt i just went forward and grabbed the bottom of her shirt causing her to wince in pain and i apologized and kissed her on the forehead and ask permission to lift up her shirt to see the damage she has done to herself she shook her head yes as i lifted her shirt up there was long cuts across her stomach and hips my eyes begun to water up and she reached up and wiped it away and said she's going to be fine and i just suggested that we get her cleaned up. It was hard for her to stand up considering all the cuts. When i got her up i helped her take her shirt off and had her lay on her back on the bed so i could clean all the cuts up. After i cleaned all the cuts up and put a bandage over them. She looked at me and said look's like i need to start looking for a job huh and smiled a lil and got off the bed pulled on a shirt and jeans and pulled her hair up in a ponytail and left me sitting on the bed. That's when luke text me.
Luke: hey mate are you busy cause we have a meeting today about tour dates and stuff
Me: no lana just left to look for a job and what time
Luke: why i thought her dad payed for everything and in a hour
Me: not anymore he found out i practically live there when hes gone and he don't like that to much and okay see you then
Luke: okay see ya mate

After that i text lana to tell her that i would probably be gone when she came in and see how her job search is going
Me:  lana babe i may not be home when you get back i have a meeting today about tour and stuff and when were suppose to go back to writing again
Lana: okay i guess i will see you tonight then considering it will probably take all day
Me: yea so hows the job search going any luck
Lana: not really I've tried almost every store in the mall
Me: im sorry babe
Lana: its okay i guess after the mall i will try target then im going home
Me:  okay well let me know if you get one
Lana okay i will.

After i was done talking to lana i got ready grabbed something to eat and went to meet up with the guys.
Lanas pov

After along day of looking for a job a finally got one at target they told me i can start tomorrow which is good. So i decided to text and tell Ash.
Me: Ash i got a job at target i start tomorrow
Ash: that's good babe
Me: yea .
Ash: well i will see you tonight i really need to pay attention to this meeting i will tell you how everything goes when i get home.
Me: okay bring in food please im to lazy to cook tonight
Ash: will do

After that i went upstairs to attempt to take a nap till Ash gets home.  Hopefully things go good at his meeting.
* i attached a pic of Teagan its annasophia robb *

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