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**Authors note im doing at the beginning this time just to say it is just finally time to end this I've enjoyed writing it yes and stuff and i love all you who have stuck through and read it even at sometimes it wasn't that great **
// Flashfoward 5 years and Lacy is now 6 ///
Lanas pov
I stood in the kitchen with Ashton where he had his arms wrapped around my waist as we waited on the rest of the guys to show up with there familys for dinner cause me and Ash had an announcement for everyone including Lacy who is now 6 and in school it feels like just yesterday she was turning 1.  That's when i heard the front door come open and Lacy scream MOM GUESS WHAT WE DID AT SCHOOL TODAY as she ran and hugged me and Ash. I answered back to her what hun she then replied we played instruments like daddy and uncle Mikey and the rest of the band do thats when Ash bent down picking up her up saying and Lacy what did you play she then got a big dimply grin plastered across her face and said i played the drums just like you daddy which caused Ash to smile as well then put her down and say Lacy go get washed up for dinner your uncles are coming over for dinner she then started screaming and said UNCLE MIKEY IS COMING we both shook our heads yes as she ran in the direction of the bathroom.  I then heard the door bell ring i went over to the door to reveal Calum and his Wife Savannah and there 2 year old son Sam who is absolutely adorable i then screamed to Lacy LACY HUN SAM IS HERE WOULD YOU PLEASE COME DOWN STAIRS. She then coming running down the stairs giving Calum and Savannah a hug before pulling Sam into the living room where they watched tv.  A couple hours passed by when Luke and Carlie and there daughter Grace who is only a couple months old and Tegan and Michael showed up a couple minutes later with Twin boys Alex and Evan who are almost 4 now and there so much like Michael its Scary.
All of us parents end up in the kitchen while all the kids end up the living room besides Grace.
Random 3 person point of view
All of the kids sit in the living room Lacy being the oldest and the only girl she tried to take control over what they watched on Tv but was only taking over by boys who deiced they wanted to play video games instead of watch tv. Causing Lacy to be left out except for the fact that Calums son Sam went over and sit with her keeping her company on the tiny love seat while The twins screamed and played video games which only end up with them wrestling in the floor. Having to broken up by a clearly aggravated Lacy.
While the parents were in the other room talking about how much the kids have grown up and how both Ethan and Alex have a crush on Lacy kinda which they all find completely adorable.  But Ash is very protective over Lacy and says that no guys are coming anywhere Lacy in that way for along time even though her and Sam are really close for him being only 2 he like her better than the loud Clifford twins.

Ashtons pov
While we all stood in the kitchen talking about our kids we all then heard Lacy scream DADDY and start crying it sounded it like so i ran in there to her where i found her sitting in the floor crying and rubbing her eyes and when i asked her what was wrong she said that the boys said she couldn't play the game cause she was a girl and girls couldn't play the games. Thats when i picked her up and said now Lacybug don't listen to them to okay you can do anything you put your mind to sweetheart okay and trust me i will be there to support you through it i then kissed her on the forehead and sit her down on the sofa with the boys and told the twins to let her play and Sam who was sitting beside her now leaned over wiping the tears that were left on her cheeks and said why you cry and then giving her a hug. She then smiled and told Sam thank you and he just smiled at her.  Lana then yelled FOODS READY EVERYONE and then all children ran into the dining room where they all found places to sit which end up in Lacy and Sam beside each other with Calum and Savannah beside him and Me and Lana on Lacy side and Michael and Teagan on the other side with the twins. Then Luke and Carlie on the end with grace.
We then all sit down and eat which consisted of a bunch of screaming from the twins because they don't like the food. It all soon dialed down when the dessert was brought out.
Random third person again
After the dinner all the four families went into the living room where Lana and Ashton had everyone sit and it started with Lana saying i know i told all of you guys that we had an announcement well its kinda big i guess and she then said im pregnant again i found a couple weeks ago and i just told Ash last week and i knew i had to tell all of you. Thats when lacy screamed A NEW BABY LIKE GRACE and Ash then said yes Lacy a new baby but not just like Grace it may be a boy like Sam and the Twins she just said oh as she ran over to her mom and put her hand on her belly and said hello in there its me your sister Lacy and i cant wait to see you and if your a boy i hope your like Sam hes nice not like the twins there mean or you could be a girl like me and Grace she then kissed Lanas belly and hugged her and went back over to sit with Sam. Then after the news had been told everyone was telling the irwins congratulations and hugging them when Michael stood up from the sofa and said well i would like to say something on the behalf of all of us in this room including the children starting with saying i would have to say i have the most amazing damn family ever and im glad i decided to be in 5sos and being with you 3 idiots as he pointed as his bandmembers who were with there wifes and we have all these amazing kids all starting with Lacy 6 years ago now we all have kids of our own and Lana and Ash have another one on the way and i cant wait. It was then starting to get late and children starting to get tired so they all went there separate ways everyone hugging and saying there farewells only to meet back again next week for the weekly dinners together. After the house was empty of everyone except the iriwns who now had an extremely tired 6 year old on there hands who they put in bed and made there way to there room.
Lanas pov
Me and Ash now laid in bed after that extremely long day and im just happy that everyone knows about me being pregnant again. Ash then said you kept your promise i then said what he smiled saying you told me we would have another baby when i could be there and now look were having another one and i couldn't be more happy. He then leaned over pressing his lips to mine. I then laid there on Ash chest just thinking how lucky i was to have this family that i have now and to be with my best friend and i couldn't ask for anything else in the world than what i have now and the amazing people that i have surrounded myself with over the years and i love them all more than they could even imagine...

** authors note again at the end woop so this is the ending my friends and i apologize for anyone i made cry and im not writing a sequel this is the end for Lana and Ash but i am writing one with Michael and Teagan i haven't started it yet because im working on my Luke fanfiction so this is my final goodbye on this fan fic i love you all so much and thanks for supporting me and this fan fiction 

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