Chapter 15

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Lanas pov

I woke up to find my dad had already left he didn't even say goodbye. Just left a note on my door saying that he would see me at Christmas.  As i read the note i heard Ash creep up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist and kiss me on the cheek and ask me to come back to bed its to early to be up i spun around to look him in the face and said no im hungry come make breakfast with me and i tugged him downstairs him only in his boxers and me in his shirt and pajama shorts when we got downstairs i put on music ed sheeran to be exact and started making me and Ash some eggs. He came up behind and started kissing me on the neck as he sang to me " kiss me like you wanna be loved you wanna be loved you wanna be loved this feels like falling in love falling in love were falling in love "  his voice so thick and raspy sending chills down my spine Ash pulled away from me and kissed me one more time and made his way to the kitchen before grabbing my butt one good time and winking at me and sending a smirk my way i just rolled my eyes and walked over and put our eggs in a plate and set them on table and went to make some toast once the toast got done i grabbed the vegimite out of the cabinet and the orange juice out the fridge and set it on the table and grabbed me a glass and poured me some and put it up and made Ash coffee  knowing he would need it considering i got him up before 9.  After our breakfast i went upstairs and took a shower leaving Ash to clean up the kitchen.  When i was out the shower i got changed into appropriate clothes and went downstairs finding the kitchen cleaned up and Ash passed out on the coach. Thats when i heard my phone go off in the kitchen i left it laying on the bar when i took a shower.
Mikey: hi hows things with Ash going
Me: there going great i think.. Hey do you mind coming by today to hang out with me and Ash today?
Mikey:  sure so just me you and Ash
Me: i mean yea i guess and i invited one of my friends from university that i haven't seen in awhile
Mikey:  your trying to set me up aren't you lana
Me: no Mikey i just want to hang out with her and i don't want Ash to feel like a third wheel.
Mikey:  okay what time should i get there
Me: around 1 considering Ash is still asleep and she lives like a hour away it gives her pleanty time to get here and time for Ash to sleep some more.
Mikey:  okay see you then.
Teagan: hey what time should i try to get to your house
Me: around 1 because Ash is still asleep
Teagan: okay see ya then

Im so excited to see Teagan again me and her became really close when i was going to the university we had pretty much all the same class's as me she really sweet and pretty im hoping that Mikey and Ash like her cause she's really good friend.

When Ash finally woke back up around 10:30 i told him about Teagan coming he just smiled and said okay babe and i suggested he take a shower so while he was in the shower i went to the store to get some things for today i got the stuff to make chicken alfredo and salad and some breadsticks and got a cake already made cause im to lazy honestly to make it. After i got back from the store it was almost 12 so i had another hour till they get here i yelled for Ash to help me to take the stuff in and he came out the house dripping wet his curls stuck to his head he was so damn attractive i forgot i was staring at him till he said babe you know you could have this anytime you want to as he pulled me into a chaste kiss and went to get the rest of the stuff out the car. We took the stuff in the house and i started cooking cause i knew it would take awhile considering im making it from scratch.  While i was making dinner Michael texted me
Mikey:  im here im a lil early is that okay
Me:  yea you can keep Ash company while i make dinner

After i replied i went back to cooking then i heard a knock on the door and i screamed to Ash BABE WILL YOU GET THE DOOR MICHAEL'S HERE. Ash got up and let Michael in and Michael waved at me and him and Ash went living room to watch tv.  Before i knew it was almost 1 and i was a mess and Teagan would be here soon. The pasta was finally done i put the bread in the oven and asked Ash to come make the salad while i went to change into clean clothes i went upstairs and changed into black jeans and a plain white shirt and fixed my hair and went back downstairs. To get down there just in time to hear Teagan knocking on the door. I ran over and opened the door and let Teagan in she look absolutely adorable with a cute floral print dress on she was always more dressy than me. I pulled her into a hug and then yelled to Michael and Ash to come meet her and they turned the coner and Michael said hey you look really bueatiful Teagan and flashing her a smile causing her to blush and she said thanks as we made our way to eat i purposely set Michael and Teagan beside each other and me and Ash on the other side dinner was quite except for the guys talking about work stuff while me and Teagan eat then after we got done with our main course i had Teagan help me get the cake out the kitchen and when we got in the kitchen i pulled her over to the side and asked her if she liked Michael and she said yes but she thinks that she's not his type and he probably don't like her back i just told her you never know he probably does as i walked out the kitchen her following right behind me. After dessert and stuff i had Ash help me clean up the dishes and leave Teagan and Michael alone thats when we got in the kitchen and Ash told me he was like i know what your trying your setting them up i wrapped my hands around his waist and looked up and smiled guiltily at him and said maybe and he leaned down and kissed me and we went back to cleaning up when we were done we walked in the living room to find them 2 in a deep conversation over something i hope something happens between them. Before we all knew it it was almost 10pm so Michael and Teagan called it a night and left. Then it was just me and Ash we went back upstairs to my room and i was way to tired to mess around like we were last night and i crawled in bed and passed out still in my jeans while Ash stayed up watching some movie it was a good night honestly.
**Authors note sorry its another short boring chapter i promise i will try to make them better* *

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