Chapter 33

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When i got home Teagan was already home before me considering she left the airport before me. I went in the house to find Teagan slumped over on the sofa crying i took Lacy straight upstairs to her nursery and made sure she went to sleep. I then come back downstairs and walked over Teagan sitting beside her on the sofa. And then ask Teagan will you please tell me exactly what happened so i can help. She sit up her blonde hair everywhere make-up smeared all over her face. I leaned over wiping her tears and said come on Teagan you can tell me i won't tell a soul about anything you say.
She said okay as she started by saying i thought i wanted to be with Michael forever but then it all kinda changed for me like when i found out them going back out on tour Lana i just couldn't do it the distance him being so far the way all the time but i also really do love him and i broke his heart Lana he thought things were good. I pulled her into a hug and Teagan its going to be fine if you two truly in love it will work out i mean i thought the same thing with Ash but i didn't freak out and break up with him. I mean look Teagan me and him have Lacy together and hes still a amazing dad even though hes gone several months out of the year but atleast Lacy knows who her dad is. Teagan said yea i hope it works out. I smiled and said meto then we were interrupted by Lacy crying i ran upstairs to take care of Lacy. When i come back downstairs Teagan had left and she left a note on the bar that read. Went for a walk to get some fresh air be back later -Teagan
I then went back upstairs and went to sleep considering it was barley 8am and i don't have to work anymore because i quit to take care of Lacy so now i spend all day with my little princess.
When i woke up it was about 11 so i went in Lacy nursery got her and took her downstairs and sitting her in the living room floor with a bunch of stuff animals and went to make her bottle. I came back to find her sitting in the floor holding a toy just babbling away to it as if the toy could talk back shes absolutely just adorable she's gotten to where she babbles all the time. I picked her up to feed her shes gotten to wear she holds the bottle with me. After feeding Lacy i took her back upstairs changing her and putting her in her carrier and took her into my room then quickly changing then grabbing Lacys carrier and walking downstairs writing a quick note telling Teagan that im gone to the store.
When we go to the store i got out going in putting Lacy in the shopping cart with like the car seat like thing attached and went on with my shopping when we went through out the store Lacy was just babbling away and she would attempt to reach out for things on shelf's.  After we had checked out i went straight out putting the things away in the trunk of the car Lacy still sitting in the shopping cart . After putting everything in the car i got Lacy putting her in her car seat and headed home. 
When we got home i walked in finding Teagan passed out on the sofa drunk so i took Lacy straight upstairs and went to get the stuff out the car and put everything away then went to Lacys nursery were i spent most of the rest of the day.  Till my Skype started going off from my room so i ran in there to answer it. And when i did i answered to a smiling Ash me that they have landed and that he already miss his Lacybug. I told him to hold on as i ran to her nursery to get her considering she was still up just a babbling when i left the room. I carried her back into our room and set her infront of me so Ash could see her she was still just babbling away like she was trying to talk to us. Ash then said babe well i have to go its getting late in Sydney and i don't want to keep you and Lacy up so i said goodbye and told him i loved him.
After the Skype i just layed down in my bed with Lacy to lazy to go put her back in bed so she just fell asleep in my bed. I soon drifted off to sleep with her.

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