chapter 11

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Lanas pov

School has been hell considering i have 2 or 3 classes with landen and its just weird he stares at me im pretty sacred hes going to try something. Anyways thats not going to last much longer i got a week left then im out and can spend time with ash and the boys and my birthday is also coming up im really excited for my birthday cause that means my dad will come home from his "business trip " in America. Its sad that im home alone all time but i understand he don't want to live in the house where is wife left him and his 15 yr old daughter attempted suicide. Now he just comes back on chirstmas and my birthday.
Mikey: lana ??
Me: yes Mikey
Mikey: how have you been ?
Me: good why
Mikey: have you talked to ash today
Me: no why
Mikey: just wondering
Me: okay this is weird Michael what is going on
Mikey: nothing is going on
Ash: hey :)
(In reply to mikey) me : okay. .
(In reply to ash ) me : hi?
Ash: are you doing anything important right now ?
Me: no just got home for school and glad its Friday
Ash : so you have how many days left of school
Me : 5 days ash
Ash: good
Me : why did you want to know
Ash: no reason
Me: you guys are planning something aren't you
Ash: maybe
Me : remember nothing to big ash im only turning 19
Ash: how did you know i was planning something for your birthday?
Me : im not stupid ash ik when your up to something
Ash: damnit bubbles let me surprise you once
Me: okay i will but just nothing to big cause i don't deserve it
Ash: okay just let me do this for you you will love it i promise
Me: okay...
Ash: do you think you could come over for dinner tonight at my house mum is making pasta and Lauren and harry really want to see you
Me: sure im on my let me change and i will be right over
Ash: okay

I got to Ashtons around 8 i was greeted at the door by the irwins smiling faces and then i walked through the door and made myself at home and sit on the couch and watched tv with Lauren and harry ash was helping his mom cook dinner.

After dinner was over i stayed a couple more hours to just hang out with the irwins cause anything is better than being home alone all the time and just i was about to leave ashton suggested i stayed the night like i use to all the time when we were younger i couldnt turn down that so i said yes. So me and ash Lauren and harry built a fort in the living room and put on LOL and harry and ashton went and settled in the living room while me and Lauren went in the kitchen to get drinks and popcorn and other snacks and stuff thats when Lauren looked at me and said your in love with ash aren't you i can tell by the way you look at him lana and he loves you to he talks about you all the time and i just replied to her a simple idk and walked back in the living room with ash and harry. During the movie harry fell asleep so did Lauren so me and Ashton woke them up after the movie was over and helped them to their rooms then made our way to Ash's room and put on music and laid in bed to we fell asleep Ash fell asleep way before me and i just laid there and just cherished the moment considering i have the best friend ever then eventually fell on Ashtons chest.

**Author's note this chapter was kinda boring sorry i promise things will get more interesting soon im just unsure what i want to happen next **

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