Chapter 29

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So Lacy has been home for almost a week now i have spent majority of every single day with her she's an absolute angel but honestly i need some time for myself i have barley slept considering every time i get asleep Lacy start's crying and Ash's is always fast asleep or not at home hes either at the studio or his moms. But thats all going to change today because i have made plans with Teagan to go out on a girls day i haven't really hung out with her much considering she works all the time to and she spends all of her time off with Michael. So while im out with Teagan im leaving Lacy with Ash and there going to have some father daughter bonding time but probably really is going to happen is Lacy is going to sleep and Ash is going to watch tv. But anyways i have to get up and get ready for today so i got out of bed waking Ash up first telling him i was going to be in the shower and he was responsible for getting Lacy if she cries. So i went and took my shower and when i got out my room was empty which meant Ash was with Lacy already so i slipped on a pair of leggings and a band shirt and vans and brushed my hair before putting it up in to a lose ponytail and walking out of my room to and tiptoed down to Lacy nursery to find Ash with Lacy in his arms rocking her back and forth singing to her i walked over and kissed Ash on the cheek he looked up and said isn't our little Lacybug the cutest i said yes Ash she really is and Lacybug really he was like what i think its a cute nickname i said okay Ash and kissed and told him i would see him in a couple hours.
When i got to the café Teagan was already there she had already ordered me a tea i sit down across from her and said so Teagan hows life been treating you as i sipped on my tea. She smiled its been good i really like spending time with Michael his parents don't like the fact that i spend the night alot but i stay to late i don't want to go back to yours and have a chance of waking up Lacy and then she said so how have you been lana do enjoy being a mom i sent her a smile said its been good i got engaged to Ash on Christmas so i will soon be Mrs. Irwin and she jumped out of her seat and gave me a hug and said congratulations and went back to her seat and sit down and said can i see the ring i shook my head yes as i laid my hand on the table so she could see she said thats gorgeous and have you started planning the wedding yet i said not really i mean i know i want to get married in Paris and thats it i don't have a exact date yet but i know has to be when Ash and the boys are on break. She nodded her head yes she was like so you left Lacy with Ash? I replied yes and explained how Ash has barley spent anytime with her. She said yea its hard dating a band member isn't it. I shook my head yes. Before i knew it was about 6pm me and Teagan sit at that café and pretty much talked all day about random stuff. So i told Teagan that i had a great time talking to her and that i need to get back home to Ash and Lacy she said okay and she had a great time to and we went our separate ways.
When i got home i walked in the house to find Ash laying on the sofa asleep with Lacy asleep in his arms it was so cute so i took advantage of the opportunity and took a picture of them and posted it on Twitter saying looks like lacy and Ash decided take a nap without me
After i posted it i went upstairs and put my stuff down and come back and got Lacy from Ash and carefully took her upstairs not wanting to wake her up then sit down in the chair in her room. Then i heard Ash coming up the stairs and he entered Lacy nursery and walked over to me and grabbed my hand and said come on babe you need to get some sleep as he started pulling me to our bedroom i guess you could say when we got in there in bed he looked at me and said i love you and kissed me and pulled me into his arms where i drifted off to sleep.

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