Chapter 17

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Lana Pov

It was about 9 before Ashton got home that night. I could tell he had a long day he walked in and set the pizza on the bar and kissed me on the cheek. I grabbed a slice of pizza and asked him how the meeting went.  He looked at me with sad eyes and said lana babe i have bad news. I motioned him to continue that i could take anything he had to say. He told me that they had to leave early than he was expecting to do some recording stuff in LA. I asked when they left he said next week but we barley will be together that week anyway considering you have work and i have to be at the studio almost every day. I just smiled and kissed him on the cheek and said we could make it work.
Time skip to later that week

I got home from work to an empty house I've gotten pretty use to that considering Ashton don't come in till late. Im always in bed when he comes in anyway we haven't spent anytime together lately it sucks honestly. I texted him to see when he was coming in to see if it was worth waiting up for him or not.
Me:Ash when are you coming home
Ash: ill be there in 10 mins babe
Me: okay what do you want to do tonight
Ash: sleep im tired
Me: okay im going on to bed then you can figure out what your eating cause im not cooking anything.
Ash: damnit lana are you skipping meal's again.
Me: its not like you care anyway ash
Ash: i do
Me: whatever im sick of this never seeing you i always leave before you get up and asleep when you come in idk if us is going to work anymore
Ash: it will you just got to give it time it will get better.
Me: no it won't cause you leave for LA soon and i don't do good with long distance i could barley stand it when you were gone the last time and we weren't even dating then.
Ash: i know but you have to trust me lana everythings going to be okay you will miss me yes but you can always text me when you need me or call me
Me: okay ash

Ash finally got home around 10 when he walked into the room when he walked in the room i asked him what happened to 10 minutes that was over 2hrs ago Ashton and  he yelled at me DAMNIT LANA YOUR NOT MY MOM I CAN STAY OUT LATE AS I WANT WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU ANYWAY GOD YOUR SO ANNOYING SOMETIMES LANA i just rolled my eyes i screamed back FUCK YOU ASHTON and got up out of bed and went in my bathroom and slammed the door. I sit there in the floor crying.  I should of known this was going to happen. I went to the cabinet and found my lil black box that held my razor blade's and pulled one out and looked in the mirror and just was disgusted by what i saw and thats when them familiar words that ive heard before started to be repeated in my head your a fat bitch lana and your ugly to i mean look at you. You haven't eat in almost a week no guy wants to be with a girl like especially not Ashton. Thats when i heard banging on the door behind me and ashton screaming at me still and i just screamed back im sorry Ash i really do love you. And the room fell silent and i heard Ash crying as he said lana please don't do it im sorry i really am just let me in there i didn't mean anything i said please don't go. I just ignored him as i dug the blade into my wrist and thats when i heard the door come open and Ashton ran up behind me and took the blade away i forgot i had a spare key to my bathroom. He was crying and i just looked at him telling him it was to late and he just shook his head no and that i wasn't leaving him ever that was the last thing i remember before blacking out.
Ashtons pov

I sit beside lana in the hospital as she laid on the bed limp and lifeless pretty much i can't believe this is my fault im the reason she about died the doctor said if she would have lost anymore blood than she did she would of died.  She hasn't woke up since we been here and its been almost a whole day. Michael come by and seen her earlier and left her some stuffed animal's and stuff. I haven't left her side since we got here even though the nurses tried to keep me out at first. And thats when i heard an omg come from the door and it was Teagan standing there with Michael and thats when i realized i forgot to tell her about lana being in the hospital but Michael did and thats when she looked at me and screamed its your fault isn't that she's in the hospital she told me you guys were fighting alot but i didn't think it was this bad. I just said im sorry i didn't mean to cause her to do this. Thats when Michael say lana and thats when i looked over to see lana had woke up and she mumbled a low hello to Michael and thats when she rolled over and looked me in the eyes and said Ash its not your fault as she started crying and reached out for my hand and i grabbed hers in return and laced our fingers together and kissed her and told her i love her and thats when Teagan went and sit on the bed beside lana and her and lana started talking. Thats when the nurse come in and said that lana had to stay another night considering she was on 24hr suicide watch and walked out soon after that Teagan and Michael left and it was just me and lana.  That's when i realized neither me or lana have eat in almost a day so i left and got us some food and when i come back with lanas favorite cheese pizza she just smiled and said i love you. We spent the rest of the day watching fresh prince in the hospital as lana moved over enough on the bed to make room for me to join her on the bed. She fell asleep way before i did probably from all them pain meds they had her on. I played with her hair as she slept then i eventually feel asleep a couple hours later.

I woke up the next morning to lanas smiling face and also to the room being filled with my band mates and balloons and stuffed animal's from the boys she looked so happy. Luke gave her probably the biggest stuff giraffe I've ever seen she thanked all the guys for the stuff i got her a present to but i was waiting till everyone left till i give it to her after all the guys left i pulled out the box and give it to her she just smiled and said that i shouldn't have it was a necklace with a heartbeat on it when she took it out of the box she started crying and kissed me and thanked me. As she handed it to me and asked me to help her put it on. After that we packed up all her presents and flowers and stuff and put it in the car and made our way home.

**I attached a picture of the necklace that Ash got lana **

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