Chapter 26

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Lanas pov
Today is the day of my doctors appointment and i get to find out if im having a girl or boy im kinda wanting a boy but then again i wamt a girl to so im going to be happy with either one. My appointment is at 10:00 so i got up at 8:30 and took a shower and got Ash up considering he was going with me this time not Anne.  After my shower i got dressed in a simple outfit a pair of yoga pants and a band shirt it was kinda tight on my belly and you could really see my bump im only 4 month's now but my bump is noticeable some people at work think i may have twins i just think its a combo of baby and where i have just eat alot lately. After i was ready i walked downstairs to the kitchen were Ash was making breakfast. He was cooking sausage and just the sight of that raw meat made my stomach churn i started gagging and end up throwing up in the bin in the living room because i couldn't make it to the bathroom. Ash rushed over to me and asked me if i was okay i nodded my head yes and pointed towards the stove and said it was probably the sausage he said omg im sorry babe i didn't know i told him its fine i didn't know either. After i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth to get the nasty out of my mouth it was about time to leave so i told Ash and i grabbed the car keys off the counter and he took them away saying i will drive.
I just said okay and got in the car.
When we got to the hospital Dr. Lindell nurse come out and called me back there and i grabbed Ash hand and drug him along behind me. We got in the room it wasn't not to long before my doctor come in he sit down and told me that he would like to be able to tell me the sex of the baby im having i just smiled and he lefted and the person that was going to do the ultrasound came in afterward she was so young and pretty she kept looking over at Ash but i ignored it she spoke up to talk to Ash she said your in that band five seconds of summer aren't you Ash just shook his head yes. I spoke up and said can we please get on with the ultrasound she nodded and got out this gel and rubbed it on my stomach it was really cold. She took the wand like looking thing and it projected the image up on to a tv like screen she moved it around till she found the baby she said Miss Thompson i do believe your having a lil girl i just smiled and looked over at Ash he was about in tears he hasn't let go of my hand the whole time we were there i just leaned over and kisssed him. She said we can print you out some pictures of her if you would like i said i would love that. She said okay and Dr. Lindell will be back in here to check your vitals and check the baby's heartbeat again i said okay as she walked out.  A couple mins later Dr. Lindell came in he had the pictures he handed them to Ash and asked me how i was doing and if i was having any troubles i said not really and then Ash spoke up and said she threw up this morning after walking in the kitchen and smelling me cooking sausage what does that mean Dr. Lindell replied alot of pregnant women can't stand the smell of any raw meat cooking or being able to cook it ash just shook his head he said okay miss Thompson now were going to listen to the baby's heart beat again today it should be stronger considering its had a month to develop if its not we may have problems i just shook my head yes and he pulled out the thing he used last time and put it on my bump and the sound of her heart beat filled the room Ash was just ridiculously smiling so was i. After that Dr. Lindell said everything is good you have a healthy little girl inside you i just smiled and grabbed my bag off the floor and headed to the car. After my doctors appointment me and Ash went out to eat and After we were done and we were walking to the car a bunch of fans came up to Ash asking for pictures and asking him to sign stuff i let go of Ash hand and walked back to the car alone leaving him with his fans.  I sit there in the car for a good 25 minutes and Ash finally made his way back to the car. He got in he asked me why i walked off i just said i didn't want to get in the way and plus my feet were starting to hurt. He just smiled and kissed me on the cheek he said you will never be in the way some of them wanted pictures with you but you went to the car i just said im sorry.
When we got home i yelled for Teagan to come downstairs and to no surprise Michael was over and he came down along with her i told her i was having a girl and Michael goes you should name her Stacy because you got it going on and Ash just smacked him in the back of the head i just laughed and said im thinking about the name Lacy or Piper and Ash spoke and said or we could just Name her Lacy Piper Irwin that sounds really cute i smiled and said it really does Michael said i like it as he walked over and put his hand on my bump and said so when is lil Lacy due.  I said umm sometime in December they haven't given me exact due date. Michael just hugged me said i can't wait and your going to be an amazing mom i just smiled and said you and Teagan are next when are you and her going to make it official Michael said umm we kinda did this morning Teagan jumped in and said yea we started dating this morning i smiled and said finally as i went over and sit on the sofa to be joined by Ash i spoke up and said we should invite Cal and Luke over and all of just hang out. The other three agreed so i pulled out my phone and text them
(To lukey & Cal): Do you think you could come over to my place Michael and Teagan are already here i was just wanting everyone to hangout together its been awhile since that happened
Lukey:Sure i will be over in like 10 minutes do i need to bring anything.
Me: umm maybe a change of clothes in case you decided to stay the night or if we go to the beach considering its only 2pm
Lukey: okay see ya in a bit :-)
Cal: yea what time
Me: like now and you might want to bring clothes i think were going to the beach
Cal : okay
After that Cal and Luke arrived a couple minutes later they went and sit on the other sofa and Luke said dang Lana your bump is bigger in person i just shook my head yes he then ask do you know what your having i said luke im having a girl he awww and what are you naming it i then replied with me and Ash decided on Lacy Piper Irwin he said that's cute i can't wait till she gets here i said yea me either cause she's going to have  amazing people to grow up around her that's going to love her she's never going to have to feel the way i did unwanted.  I said omg i almost forgot i have ultrasound pictures to show you you 4 if you want to see them Teagan said yes along with the other 3 when Michael got the pictures he said lana it looks like you have a alien in you i just said shut up Clifford and after that was done i gave ash one of the pictures and kept the rest he stuck his in his wallet after that we all spent the rest of the day joking around and watching random shit on TV and i order pizza and after we eat we all started drifting off to sleep in the living room considering it was a complete was a complete mess with blankets and pillows everywhere even stuffed animals were down here including the huge ass giraffe that luke got me that he was now cuddling with i wish it could be like this always there my family and i don't want nothing to change im happy that im bringing my lil girl into this family.

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