Chapter 41

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Ashtons pov
I stand in the mirror looking at my reflection fixing my tux. Today is the day that i marry my best friend and the love of my life. I was then snapped out of my thoughts when Luke tapped me on the shoulder and said mate its time.
Lana pov
I stand in the dressing room looking at myself in the mirror doing the last touches on my make up and hair then i hear Michael knock on the door and say Lana are you ready its time everyones waiting i then put my veil over my face and wrapped my arm in with Michaels.
Michael pov
I went to Lanas dressing room and knocked and when she opened the door she looked flawless i then asked her if she was ready she said okay i then wrapped my arm with hers and walked her out to the opening wear everyone else Lacy had done walked down before us throwing out rose petals and babbling along with the music until she reached the end of the aisle and Anne then got her sitting her with her. I then looked over at Lana who was already starting to tear up before we even started walking down the aisle. When we started walking down the aisle everyone stood up looking at us and i watched as Ashton made eye contact with Lana and his eyes started to water when we reached the end of the aisle and the minister asked who is giving this wonderful girl away to this man i spoke up and said me as i handed her over to Ash when she was crying and so was Ash.
Ashton pov
When Lana finally reached the alter and Michael handed over to me i couldn't help but cry she looked absolutely amazing the minister then asked us to say our vows Lana going first saying " i love everything about you the way your dimples show up at the slightest movement of your mouth the way your voice could make me smile on my darkest days the way your face lights up when you hear something you adore the way you're passionate about what you love the way you live everyday like its the best day of your life the way you care about others more than yourself the way you make bad jokes and i laugh at them anyway i just love everything you are and i know that it will never change. And i want to be with you to death do us part ash. I was crying even more at the end of Lanas vows and so was Lana and everyone else.
Lana pov
I finished my vows choking up and it was then Ashs turn to say his he started by saying " lana i know mine are not going to be as good as yours but here goes nothing. I dont know if you ever noticed but when im near you my heart beats a little faster and my smiles grows a little wider this doesn't happen when im with anyone esle only you and i guess im trying to say is i love you more than i could ever imagine like sometimes you'd just smile and i'd feel like i could explode because i love you more than anything and your the best damn thing that's ever happened to me Lana. After Ash said his vowels the minister said Miss. Thompson do you take this man to be your husband and i said i do and then he asked Ash if he took me to be his wife and Ash said i do the minister then said you may kiss the bride and Ash then attached his lips to mine while placing his hand on my cheek deepening the kiss. And the room erupted in to cheers and screams as Ash picked me up bridal style and carried me into the reception hall where All Time Low stood on stage i couldn't help but freak out as the began to sing both mine and Ashs favorite song i sung along with the song as Ash wrapped his arms around my waist singing as well

I wish you could see your face right now
'Cause you're grinning like a fool
And we're sitting on your kitchen floor
On a Tuesday afternoon
It doesn't matter when we get back
To doing what we do
'Cause right now could last forever
Just as long as I'm with you

You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

We would go out on the weekend
To escape our busy lives
And we'd laugh at all the douche-bag guys
Chasing down their desperate wives
I would drink a little too much
You'd offer me a ride
And I would offer you a t-shirt
And you would stay another night

But you're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

We never stood a chance out there
Shooting love in real-time
So we'll take it over ice tonight
With a little salt
And a little lime

You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose

You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
After the song ended i turned around and attached my lips to Ashs and said damn i love you so much Ash. That's when i heard a familiar voice say congratulations you 2 and i turned around to see Harry standing there along with Niall and the rest of the guys. I then said thanks and hugged them and thanked them for actually coming to my wedding and then i realized i had no clue where Lacy was and that's when i heard her laugh and Michael say Lacybug look its mama and daddy she then screamed out as Michael put her down on the ground and she ran over to us wrapping her self around Ashs legs he then bent down picking her up and tickling her. Harry then said this is the Lacy that everyone talks about as he smiled at Lacy poking her cheek causing her to giggle. Ash then handed Lacy to Harry who then took her to a table to sit down and eat. While me and Ash walked around thanking everyone for coming.
Then we heard someone tapping on the microphone on stage and saying umm i would like to say something and i turned around to see Michael standing on stage smiling he then went on to say i know i haven't known Lana long but she makes Ash extremely happy i remember the first day we all met Lana Ash was so excited to introduce us all to her but back then she was just his best friend. I even remember the day Lana told me about her feelings for Ash she was so happy when she told me and her eyes lit up when she told me about i could tell that they were going to be together one day and now look there married and have the cutesiest little girl ever.
After Michaels speech he walked over hugging me and Ash and then made his way over to talk to Teagan.
When the wedding was finally over we made our way out of the venue to our car where we would leave to go on our honeymoon and everyone else will fly back to Australia.
When me and Ash finally reached our hotel in Paris he got out picking me up and carrying me up to the room and laying down on the bed and jumping on top of me and said im so happy to finally call you mine for real Mrs. Irwin as he kissed me deeply i then said i love you so much Mr. Irwin he then attached his lips to mine again. Then interlocking his fingers with mine as he started into my eyes and said Lana you made me the luckiest guy in the world today you know that. I said smiling i never want to go another day without you as attached my lips with his again he then said lets get you out of this dress why don't we. I then began to undo the zipper on the dress and Ash then assisted me when we finally got the dress off i threw it in the floor Ash then stripped from his tux and left us laying there in our underwear as Ash then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight Mrs. Irwin and i said goodnight Mr. Irwin as i kissed him and drifted off to sleep.

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