Chapter 5

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Ashtons POV

I have been on the plane a little over 20 minutes now and i started to get bored so i got my carry on bag to look threw somethings. Then there was this piece of paper that said to ash and it read ..
Dear Ashton
If your reading this your either bored on the plane or you have landed either way theres somethings i have to tell that i couldn't bring myself to tell you in person. First things first i start to go to the university next month which isn't far really which means im going to be busy and were not going to talk as much as i like to but i promise i won't forget about you i mean how could i have know you all my life every since our parents put us together when you 2 and i was 1 we've been attached at the hip and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world Ash. I knew this day would come one day when you and the boys would tour but i didnt think it would happen this fast but im glad your going to be living your dream.  Im so proud of you Ashton Fletcher Irwin.
Forever and Always love ,
Lana Grace

It kills me to know im leaving her in Australia with no-one and now i find out shes going to a University while were on tour i just hope shes going to be okay and makes friends there.

Lanas POV

Its been a week  since the boys left i have been a emotional wreck  lately  considering they were the only friends i really had. I miss them like crazy i have only skyped them once and that was the day they landed and they all wished me luck and said they hope i have fun. Every since that i have got one or two text a day from them if even that. 
Three Months Later..    I've been really busy lately with school and everything and i met this really nice guy Landen were in the same business class we get along so well hes been the only thing that has distracted me from the fact i haven't talked to my best friend in almost 2 weeks we have use to text but i barley get any text from them. Then my phone just started going off and it wouldn't stop they were all from the boys.
Mikey:  Lana im seriously so sorry i told ash
Mikey : i didn't mean it really i was drunk and it come out i hope you can forgive me
Ash: Lana is it true
Lucas:  i tried to stop him from telling him but i couldn't
Cal: Lana please answer atleast one of us let us know your okay
(In reply to Cal) Me: Cal im fine i was in class he was going to find out eventually
(In reply to Lucas) Me : luke its completely okay its not your fault.
(In reply to Mikey) Me :  Michael Clifford im not mad at you calm down everything's going to be okay i promise.

As soon as i had a chance to reply to them 3 my Skype started to go off it was Ashton i ignore it every single time i didn't feel like facing him just yet i couldn't stand to look him in the face when i tell him about Landen.  Then my phone started going off again it was all Ash...

Ashton: Lana you cant ignore me forever you will have to eventually answer me
Ashton: im not going to stop till you do
Ashton :  Lana you can answer my bandmates but not me
Ashton:  Lana will you please just answer your skype for 5 minutes i need to see my best friends beautiful face and tell you something important.
Ashton: Lana Grace i fucking love you and i always have since i was 16 when you were my first kiss Lana babe you were my first everything now please answer me in begging you just talk to me for 5 minutes
Me : Ashton Irwin if i talk to you will you stop blowing my phone up with messages im on a date.....
Ashton:  with who Lana ? When did you meet this guy?  How long have you been with him ...
Me:  I've been with him almost two months Ash and im happy we met in one of my classes at the university.
Ashton: Lana why haven't you told me before now I FUCKING LOVE YOU LANA DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT.  I can't believe you wouldn't tell me what happened to my best friend lana the girl i fell in love with ? The one who told me everything that went on in her life huh i guess we grew apart  the distance just ruined us i thought we would always be close forever but guess not goodbye lana..
Me: Ashton Fletcher Irwin dont you even do this to me nothing has changed between us i just im dating a guy now that's all i still love you  your still my best friend and you always fucking will be dont you even try to say goodbye to me irwin your the love of my life i would die for your ass ash.
Ashton: Lana aslong as your happy im happy okay as much as it hurts for me to say it im fine with your relationship with this guy you need someone
Me: Ash just keep living your dream dont worry about me ily i will talk to you tonight after your show just Skype me.

Its been a couple hours since Ash found out he took it better then i thought he would turns out he has feelings for meto. Now what do i do about Landen we've been together 2 month's were happy i can't just ruin that cause Ash feels the same...

**Up top is a pic of  Landen who is Xavier Samules **

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