Chapter 20

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Lana Pov
Its monday morning and Ash and the guys leave in a couple hours im going to miss them honestly there my world i have no one with out them im stuck here in Australia while they tour the world im happy yes but sad at the same time. Thats when i get snapped out of my thought's by Ashton yelling for me from the bathroom as i walked in the bathroom he attacked me with a hug him still completely soaking wet from his shower he just smiled and kissed me and i couldnt help but rake up and down his body with my eyes taking it all in considering he was only in his towel with his wet curls dangling in his face. Thats when Ash just pushed me up against the bathroom wall leaving nothing but the material of my leggings between us as he pressed his lips to mine and thats when i heard a familiar voice yell LANA ASH I JUST LET MYSELF IN I WAS JUST CHECKING TO SEE IF YOU GUYS ARE READY TO LEAVE it was Anne i quickly screamed back YEA WE WILL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE.  As i pushed away from ash and kissed him one more time before running out the bathroom and changing real quick considering my leggings were wet from Ash's body being against mine as soon as i got my leggings off i heard Ash from behind me say babe you know you look better with them off and wink and i just smiled and said shut up Ash your mom is downstairs as i pulled on some jean's and just give him a quick chaste kiss and left him standing there i went downstairs to meet Anne and his siblings as soon as i got downstairs Harry ran over and hugged me and gave me something and thats when i realized it was Ash drumstick necklace cause i had mine on along with the one he got me when i atempted suicide i just smiled and took it from harry he said Ash left that in my room i thought i would give it to you it has your initial on it i leaned down and kissed him on the forehead and thanked him and thats when i realized it was about time for Ash to leave i screamed upstairs ASH COME ON YOUR GOING TO BE LATE he didn't answer he just appeared at the top of the stairs and come running down i walked over to him and handed him the necklace and told him harry found it then ask him what took him so long to get down stairs he just smiled and said i had to fix a problem and winked at me after and pulled me into a kiss only to be broken up by Anne saying okay you 2 were going to be late. I just grabbed Ash hand and dragged him out the door. When we got to the airport the other guys were already there i just smiled as i walked in and seen Teagan and Michael together there so cute there not dating yet but there really close. I hugged and said goodbye to Luke ,Cal and Michael and they said they were going to miss me and to text them if i ever needed them  i just nodded my head yes and waved them goodbye as they got on the plane. Then it was just me and Ash and I kissed Ash one last time and told him goodbye and started to walk away and he pulled me back into a hug and said im going to miss you so damn much and thats when i just let go and started crying he wiped my tears away and kissed me one more time as he boarded the plane and waved me goodbye thats when i was joined by Teagan who was crying as well i grabbed her and pulled her into a hug and told her everything was going to be fine she said he loves me Lana he told me he loves me i looked up her and said and you love him to don't you and she stumbled out a yes i just smiled and grabbed her hand and walked back to her car with her and told Anne i was riding home with Teagan. When we got home we spent the whole night just watching supernatural both us frantically checking our phones for messages from the guys to know if they landed yet but we feel asleep before that ever happened. It was 1 am in Sydney before they got to LA Ash text me while i was sleeping so i got it the next morning
Ash: babe we just landed your probably asleep but i thought i would just tell you ily
Me:  okay thats good and i love you 2 hope you have a great day xx
Ash : you 2 how was last night are you okay
Me: yea im fine Teagan spent the night because Michael told her he loved her and then left
Ash: that idiot why would he do that to that poor girl
Me: Yea she's fine though she loves him to tell him to text her though shes been checking her phone every ten minutes for a message from him since you text me
Ash: i will
Me: ily Ash but i gtg i have work ttyl
Ash:  love you 2 i will call you tonight
Me: okay
After i got done texting Ash i got ready for work and told Teagan she could stay here if she like while i was at work she said okay and asked what time i got off work cause she was going to order pizza and she didnt want it to be cold when i got i told her 6:30 as i rushed out the door and left for work.

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