Chapter 10

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Lana Pov

Ashton left around 11 for interviews and work stuff and its been a long day honestly i didnt go to school i skipped cause im all bruised up from last night. Its now 3 and schools out im so afraid that landen is going to come to my house after he still thinks were going to the boys concert together tonight its their last show and then there on break for like 2 or 3 months i can't wait cause i will have my best friend back.
Landen: im so sorry about last night i was so drunk i didnt mean it
Me: just stop your not sorry even if you were drunk you had no right to hit me or force yourself on me were done don't talk to me anymore i can never forgive you for what you did last night goodbye landen.
Landen: Lana i really am you can't break things off with me like this can you atleast let me explain things give me a second chance
Me: no im not giving you a second chance and theres nothing to explain you hit me and im done im not being with anyone thats going to put their hands on me and i hope you know tonight is no longer happening
Landen: im not giving up on you im going to get you back you are mine im still going tonight and making sure you don't tell them freaks what's going on between us your still mine bitch
Me : fuck off landen im not yours anymore were broken up do you not understand that and ashton already knows
Landen: whatever im telling you i will get you back
Me: just stop
(To Ash) Me: Ashton i was not coming to the show tonight i was but im to sore and landen says his coming still i dont want to be near him i broke up with him but he still thinks in his
Ash: okay bubbles do you want me to come over straight after the show just incase he comes over to your house
Me: please that would be great
Ash: no problem anything for my bubbles
Me: okay ash see you tonight love you bunches im going to take a nap
Ash: see ya ily2

After my nap it was about 7 and it would be a couple hours till ash will get here so i have to find something to distract myself so i decided to put on my The 1975 Cd and turn it all the way and have the music filling the house while cleaning the house a lil bit while singing and dancing along with each song that comes on as i was blasting girls i heard a knock on the door and opened the door to see Ashtons siblings Lauren and harry asking if the could join considering they live next door they probably heard my music. They are just like family to me anyway it didn't bother me at all to hang out with them to ash gets here.
Ashton pov

It was finally time for me to leave and go to lanas and when i get to the house i hear music coming from the house" they're just girls breaking hearts eyes bright uptight just girls " i open lanas door to find her and my siblings dancing around her kitchen making cookies and thats when they noticed i was there they yelled for me to join them and i ran over and joined them and started singing along as well we were having so much after we were done dancing around harry was about to pass out so was Lauren so lana helped me walk them next door we had an amazing night i think so after Lauren and harry was settled at my house we went back to lanas to clean up the kitchen still listening to the 1975 lanas favorite band after we cleaned up the kitchen we went in her room and put a movie and crawled in bed the movie wasn't on maybe 20 mins and lana feel asleep in my arms she looked so peacefully even though she has been through so much lately.

In the morning i woke up to an empty bed again but this time i knew exactly were she was at cause i heard a guy screaming down stairs ITS BAD ENOUGH LANA YOU BREAK UP WITH ME OVER TEXT THEN I WALK IN ON YOU IN BED WITH THE FUCKING FREAK then i hear lana scream back HES NOT A FREAK DAMNIT HES MY BEST FRIEND AND I BROKE UP WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU FUCKING HIT ME AND I KNOW THAT YOU WILL PROBABLY DO IT AGAIN AND I DONT WANT TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHOS GOING TO BEAT ME. and that was my cue to come downstairs i ran down the stairs just incase he tried anything and when i got down there i seen that he had her pressed against the wall and i tried to pull him off of her and that jerk spun around and shoved me and screamed in my face YOU FUCKING FREAK YOU NEED TO JUST TURN YOUR ASS AROUND AND GO UPSTAIRS SHE DONT NEED YOUR HELP thats when i lost it and just flipped on this freak and started throwing punches i usually don't fight but this has gone to far he wont leave bubbles alone and i didnt stop till lana was pulling me off of that jerk and he got up and stumbled out the house and i screamed DON'T COME BACK EITHER UNLESS YOU WANT MORE and when i shut the door i seen lans scolding me she told me that it didn't have to lead to that i mean look at you your lip is bleeding and she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs to the bathroom and made me sit on the counter she pulled out the first aid kit and cleaned up my lip and she silently sang while she did it when she was done she thanked me and i was confused and i ask her why she was thanking me for she replied if you didn't come down he would of probably hit me again but you didn't need to physical beat the crap out of him and all i said was its no problem lana i would do it again if i had to he hurt my best friend so i hurt him back she kissed me on the cheek and said im hungry lets go eat ash and she grabbed my hand again a dragged me downstairs and made me sit at the kitchen table as she made us food and she started singing again this time it wasn't the 1975 it was one of our songs she sang quietly " shes dropping out of school cause she don't need the grades the colors in her don't seem fade i get dressed up when i go out but she gets dressed down " then she realised i was listening to her then she stopped and i told her to continue and she just glared at me and walked over to the table and handed me my food and sit hers across from me and sit down then i broke the silence by asking how much longer she has to go to school until shes out. She told me she had 2 weeks left till she was out . So it looks like we wont hang out that much the next 2 weeks cause she has school after we eat it was almost time for lana to leave for school so i hugged lana and went home to spend time with my family.

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