"Pay attention to me"

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"Mh~ Your Moron, Cupcake~," Karma said teasingly. "...don't call me that" Shuu demanded, still blushing but still trying to stay tough.

Karma smirked but then stretched a little bit. "Ah~ I guess it's time for me to go~", he slowly got up and let Shuu sit on the floor, still wrapped in his towel. Wait- Don't go! Shuu thought to himself as Karma turned away, once again, planning on jumping out of the window. Shuu reached his own hand out in Karma's direction to hopefully somehow catch his hand in his. I want to hold his hand, tightly. The thought of his body, just the whisper of my imagination, and I am incapacitated. There are no thoughts, no focus, only desire and the pain of waiting for him to come see me again. Karma didn't turn around, he knew that teasing Shuu too much will make him confused, but he still wanted Shuu by his side - just the time wasn't right, he too thought of turning back and grabbing the hand Shuu was holding out for him - he felt Shuu's Hand almost touching his, just before he jumped out of the window.

The second Karma jumped down, Shuu felt his heart drop. His expression was blank but filled with disappointment. What's wrong with me... We are rivals - why do I feel so empty whenever he leaves? The only thing I saw once he jumped, was his red hair, it was like a fresh winter morning when sparkling snow has just fallen on the ground. So incredibly sparkling when the sun started setting, and all I want to do is run through it, enjoying myself. Shuu sighed as he slowly got up. This Idiot is making a living mess out of me - I can't focus with him around. Rivals can't just become lovers out of a sudden... Wait. Lovers?... Are we really lovers now? We just kissed- What makes us lovers? Are there any answers for this? But the real question is, am I in love with him? Do I love him? Do I get these weird butterflies when I am around him? What does love feel like? Am I just confused? He walked over to the opened window, glanced out over to Karmas House. He sighed as the lights in Karmas have gone out and he closed his window. Shuu walked over to his closet and put on a matching blue pajama and went to bed. Laying there, he thought about the kiss from earlier. "...Are we really just rivals?", he thought to himself, turning himself facing the wall as he sighed. Sometime later, he found himself asleep.


"Kar...ma...'' Shuu mumbled, as the red-haired boy touched himself up Shuus body slowly with his hands and lips, kissing every part of his chest, up to his neck and his jaw. He felt him not only kissing but also softly biting him in some parts, making him grip his fingers into the silken mattress. "You make me feel weak...", Karma exclaimed while he was busy kissing Shuus body and Shuu responded with a soft moan after Karma touched the sides of his now rosy and slightly bloated nipples. Karma moved his body slightly up to face Shuu and grab his face softly and kiss him, while Shuu had his fingers wrapped inside of Karmas hair as they shared the kisses. "Your hair is so soft...", Shuu whispered, already lost in his thoughts and actions. Karmas hand slowly moved down to Shuus pants, taking off his belt first, opening the zipper and then grabbing the waistband and slowly pulling his pants down, but only slightly under his hips to tease Shuu with it.

Suddenly, the noise of Shuu's alarm clock rang and Shuu jumped up in his bed. His whole body was sweaty - but the most surprising thing was that his hand was on the waistband of his pants, which was pulled down slightly. Just like in the dream. "....A dream...", Shuu mumbled to himself and put a hand on his mouth in disbelief at what he did. "Oh my god, you'll pay for this, Akabane" he yelled out while standing up, going to his bathroom to refresh himself.

Done with the shower, changing his clothes, and finishing breakfast, he got out of his house and hurried to school. Passing Karmas house, which had no lights on. Did he already leave or did he oversleep, again? He asked himself, but then shook his head and rushed to school.

The whole day - those entire 7 hours spend in school, the only thing on Shuus mind was - Karma.

Sitting in the classroom, the teacher talking, instead of that it's dead silent. Only Shuu deep in his thoughts. Karma shoving him against the school building wall where no one can see them, him trying to get away but Karma not letting go of his wrist with his strong silky fingers. His face slowly moving towards his, as he whispered to his ear "Pay attention to me"...

"Pay attention to me."


"Asano Gakushū.", Shuu snapped out of his thoughts, looking up all surprised as the teacher stood in front of him, telling him to pay attention and answer his question. Fuck.

Some time passed and Shuu could finally go home, passing Karma's home again, he heard a familiar voice. "You're slow today.", someone said and Shuu turned around, not sure if that person was talking to him - and that person was Karma. He stood there smirking, his hands inside of his winter jacket, walking forward to Shuu. Shuu opened his mouth slightly, remembering the dream he had today and the situation in class. Both of these thoughts made him blush, the more Karma has approached him. Suddenly Shuu turned away, running towards his own house and closing the door behind him. Karma in surprise ran after him but he couldn't get inside. He knocked. "Ay, Agent Orange, what's going on? Why are you avoiding me? Come on, open the door", Karma exclaimed, knocking again. Shuu, on the other side of the door, his back pressed against the door, slowly sliding down to the floor, his hands over his red face in embarrassment. "Gakushuu Asano", these words made Shuu fall over. He said my entire name- he sAID MY ENTIRE NAME- He couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed the door handle, opening the door with a swing, grabbing the surprised Karma by his collar, standing in front of the door who waited for a response, and with a quick motion, he pulled him near to himself, placing a small, but a powerful kiss on Karma's lips and pulling away instantly, Shuu keeping eye contact with the surprised Karma. "You're making a mess out of me", Shuu growled at him, and on Karma's face formed a grin. "I have the feeling, you like me, Carrot", Karma exclaimed confidently leaning closer to Shuus face, which once again turned red.

"Shut the hell up, and kiss me again moron".

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now