"It's now, or never"

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Karma then looked back up at Shuu, his face was red as well. Shuu then chuckled embarrassed, "Don't look at me like that", he mumbled looking into Karmas eyes and then quickly looking away to tease him to which Karma chuckled as well. He put Shuus legs slowly on either side of his waist, hearing Shuus breath hitch a bit since he felt Karmas member brush against his entrance. "...I...", Shuu mumbled, pointing at something. 

Karma tilted his head a bit confused and looked where Shuu was pointing to. It was his bedside table and he pointed at one of the drawers, which contained a pack of condoms. Karma looked back at Shuu with a slight grin and his eyebrow raised up. "Oh?~ What do we have here?~", he teased him and Shuu inflated his cheek slightly looking to the side. 

"...D-Don't ask questions- I... I told you I wanted to do it someday- r-right...?", he mumbled under his breath and Karma chuckled, "Ah~ Yeah I remember~ But I didn't expect this to go so quickly~", "Ah Shut up", Shuu moaned out. Karma then took one condom out and slowly slid it on his member. Shuu watched him do it, making him bite his lip and get slight goosebumps. Karma soon after joined Shuu again, looking at him and putting his legs again around his waist. They took a moment to look into each other's eyes, making sure both of them were ready to do this. 

"It's now or never", Shuu announced with a whisper and grinned at his over him leaning boyfriend who grinned as well and nodded. The moment Karmas hips moved forward, Shuu felt his hole widen a bit, starting to get fuller and fuller with every second as Karmas member pushed inside of him. Shuu started to whimper a bit, letting out a loud gasp and arching his back up, Karmas left hand on Shuus torso and his other hand holding onto the mattress so that the both of them won't fall over. Karma managed to get halfway in, but then Shuu grabbed him by his elbow with his shaky hand, for him to stop for a moment so that he can get used to him. 

Shuu panted out, his chest lifting itself up and down breathing heavily. He is so cute, Karma thought smiling at him. His right hand moved to his cheek to caress it a bit and Shuu put his head against it to feel Karmas touch closing his eyes for a few moments and moving his own hand over Karmas, gripping onto it. 

Soon after, Shuu opened his eyes and Karmas heart skipped a beat, "You are so beautiful", was his thought, but he spoke it and Shuu heard it, giving him a blushing face and a cheeky smile making him look away, "Don't make me blush, idiot", he covered his face with his hand and Karma took it in his hand to move it away from his face, "Hey, I want to see your face". Shuu blinked softly, staring into Karmas golden eyes that were sparkling in the moonlight that happened to shine through the window at the moment. I love him - I love him so much.

Shuu nodded, still blushing, and then let go of Karmas elbow as a sign he is okay now. Karma nodded as well as an answer, his hand sliding back to Shuus torso as he continued to push it in further. "Ah...!", Shuu screamed out when he finally hit the end of his hole, making Karma let out a moan as well. "I, I'll move now.. o-okay?", Karma whispered to Shuu and he gave him a quick nod understanding.

Karma took a deep breath, slowly pulling himself out and back in, making a slow but powerful enough thrust to make Shuus eyes widen. The first thrust was a bit painful, but it soon turned into something more pleasurable making Shuu moan out.

Karma was talking it slowly - he knew it hurt him a bit so he made sure to make small breaks in-between.

After a few thrusts, Shuu managed to get used to Karma, so he wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him head down to his now level to kiss him - but that wasn't so easy, just because Karma had the control over him for this time being, he was trying to be indifferent. He didn't want someone with an ego like his to know how much power he has. He doesn't lean in, doesn't make it easy, or seem too keen for him, even though he wanted to kiss him. Karma grinned after noticing what Shuu was doing to him, so he leaned in, quickly enough to catch Shuu mid-morning, and kissed him on his lips.

"Karma", Shuu moaned out with every thrust of his boyfriend, while getting kissed by him.

"Ah... ah... ah...~", his legs were wrapped around Karma and so were his arms around his neck and his hips were held up by Karma. Soon after, Karma could go faster, Shuu didn't feel any pain at all anymore - just pleasure was left. His moans got louder, filling Shuus entire bedroom. Even Karma let out a few moans and blunted a few times as well.

"Ah- ah- ... Kar... ma...ah.. ah..ah", Shuu's moans gave Karma shivers but at the same time he felt so warm, he wanted to hear more of him. Suddenly, Shuus eyes widened more than before, as Karma managed to find the perfect spot that made him moan out louder. "Ah- aH- Uahhh!", Shuu whined out, his hands now on Karmas back and his nails were dug into his skin, leaving many marks behind of scratches. Suddenly Karma moaned out loudly, Shuu didn't need to hear what that meant since he felt it. He felt a warm liquid filling the insides of the condom. "K-KA- Karma!", he moaned out, giving Karma a sign of him almost being there. "Go on", Karma gave Shuu one last pound into him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek and Shuu came, the thick white liquid all over his own chest. Shuu was panting heavily, his hand on his mouth in shock while looking at what he has done, "Mh!", he whimpered out and Karma chuckled, "It's okay, we will clean you later". Karma then slowly pulled out and taking the condom off tying it with a knot. Shuu was coughing a bit, small gasps coming from his mouth while watching Karma.

Is... Is that all? No way, right? He looked at Karma so desperately that he reached his arms out for Karma. Karma looked back at him, holding something in-between his fingers, grinning.

I don't know if I was imagining things, but I felt like seeing small horns coming from Karmas head as he was grinning.

It was a second condom that Karma was holding.

(A/N: Lolol just a small reminder that I suck at writing lemons/smuts so I apologize in advance~~ T^T~ The author has traumas leave me alone🥲🥲 sksksksks But I did my best writing it so I hope you'll enjoy ❤️🥺)

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