Ending I - part 6

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The wedding party took place in a beautiful garden, the weather was wonderful and warm. In the middle of the garden, full of flowers and blooming Sakura trees, there was a gazebo with chairs and tables decorated with white and blue wedding decorations. Next to the gazebo, there was a small stage where the music band stood, which started to play as soon as the bride and groom crossed the threshold. In front of the gazebo, there was a large restaurant where dishes for guests were prepared, as well as the tables for later when it gets dark.

While we were walking forwards the gazebo, Karma suddenly stopped and turned around. Some of his old classmates were gathered around him and he smiled. To be honest I didn't know what to do at that moment - I never was close to any of them anyway, and standing by Karma might seem weird, after all, they would probably be a bit shocked about 'why the hell is Asano Gakushuu doing here?'.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I felt a hand around my arm, so I turned around to Karma who was holding onto it and pulled me towards the small crowd that gathered together. My eyes widened a bit to the sudden situation change, but I tried to stay as calm as possible and act as I always did, back in Junior High. Some of them were surprised, just like I thought, but some of them seemed to be expecting it and smiled. "Asano-kun!", one of them cheered out, at first when I looked at their faces, I couldn't really tell who-who was, but after a few seconds, I found myself recognizing some of them.

I turned to the person who called out my name, it was a blue-haired... I would say... Boy? He seemed pretty small- wait- I know him. "...Shiota... right?", I wasn't so sure about the name but his face lit up slightly more than before, "Yes! You remembered!", he seemed happy so I smiled back and made a small nod.


"Whattt?? No way, really? Karma, why didn't you tell me anything!", Shiota gasped after we told him we were going out while sitting by one of the tables together. "I- I didn't?", "No you didn't! Ahhh~ How long are you guys together?", he seemed disappointed that Karma didn't tell him about our 'secret' dating. 

"This year it's our 7th-anniversary~", Karma grinned smugly and I rolled my eyes in response with a soft chuckle, letting some air through my nose. "Woahhh- Wait, then you guys started going out in Junior High? Holy crap. Asano-kun, how do you survive with this?", he whispered over to me but made it loud enough for Karma to hear it. 

I decided to joke around too so I grinned, looking at Shiota and then back at Karma, keeping eye-contact with my red-haired dumbass, "He is a pain in the ass" literally sometimes- , I said confidently and Karma seemed offended but smiled sarcastically, "Pf~", he looked away and Shiota laughed out.


The crowd turned their heads towards the kitchen door, through which a cart rolled out, with a big wedding cake on it. The cake was the hues of soft summer roses, everything from champagne to dusky red. Rather than being one cake, it was assembled from many tiny ones that arose in columns with buttercream between. And amid the rose-hued cake were fresh roses from nature's garden. It was romantic... as marriage should be. My look wandered to the bride who was grinning over at her husband, she appeared to whisper something into his ear to which he chuckled. So cute.

The cake tasted amazing - I'm not the type of person to like sweet stuff, but this cake had the perfect amount of sweetness that I could easily enjoy. I smiled softly as I licked the cream off the spoon. I could feel Karma's gaze on me, so I didn't even look at him, and just asked, "What are you looking at?", "Hm~ Nothing~", and he went back to eating his piece of cake, what a Moron.


My Moron.

The wedding went by so quickly - After eating the cake, people started to dance around the garden, and the little kids ran back and forth to the gazebo - I was surprised that they were barely sweating, or maybe I was just getting old.

The time passed so quickly that I didn't even notice that it was getting dark. Karma and I danced on the dance floor in the garden for good 15 minutes straight to various songs, from very calm and romantic to completely crazy - Rio had such a lot of fun that she landed on the floor from exhaustion and laughter with her friends more than once.

Unfortunately, as at every party, I go to with Karma, there is alcohol. I promised myself and him that I would not move a drop, but the wine was strong enough to get me out of my 'Mr.Perfect' form outside of our house. Karma has noticed my sudden changes, of course, they weren't drastic, but he still kept an eye on me.

I drank three whole glasses of wine while sitting by the table, Karma next to me trying to put my wine glass down. "Shuu- we talked about this- please put the glass down...", "No... We almost never buy wine back in Tokyo, let me enjoy myselfff". He sighed, "after this one, you're done, no more. Alright?"

... a short silence.



"...Did you listen...?"

I smiled cheekily at him, my cheeks were probably already super red. "Ah God...", he took the glass out of my hand putting it back onto the table - he didn't seem to be angry, but he could tell I would be embarrassed as soon as I would find out what I did at the wedding and ruining my reputation, well not yet but I could if not him leaning over to my ear and whispering something into my ear. 

I remember widening my eyes, my face flushed, and almost for the rest of the night, I sat quietly, not even thinking about touching the wine glass. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now