Don't you feel the same?

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"Huh?", Karma didn't quite understand the question - not that it didn't make sense because it did - but he didn't understand why he would ask him that so out of the blue.

"How do you feel about me. Are we really just,... rivals?"

No answer from Karma for a few seconds. He looked at the orange-haired male sitting on the table, slightly higher than himself so he had to look up softly.

"...Isn't it obvious?", Karma asked, making Shuu look back at him, still with an empty look - this time his eyes weren't sparking violet - just dark violet, no emotions at all seemed to come through. He just stared at him to get an answer.

"Why would I do all of this just to make you think I am in love with you?", this question made Shuus eyes widen. ...He knew the answer to the question I didn't even ask. I never mentioned what I was thinking, then how?

"I- I uhm- How come you knew what I was thinking about? How did you know the answer to the question I didn't ask?", Shuu asked in disbelief.

"Don't people who are usually in love with someone, know how the other one is feeling or thinking just by looking at them or be in the slightest contact with them? That's how I feel about you. Making you feel like I'm somehow 'manipulating' you just to win against you makes me sad and annoyed. It's true, I like to win but that would be absurd to make the living hell for you just for this. We might be the biggest rivals in the entire prefecture but that won't change my feelings for you. Don't you feel the same, Gakushū?". That was the moment where Shuu realized, it was really love. Small tears formed in his eyes, him being the fighter himself tried to hold them back but in vain. His heart has been stolen by some moron - he can't help it. 

So people fall in love without the slightest reason? And we can't predict it? Is this what people call love? What about us? Was there a reason for me to fall for him? If so, do I know it? What was it again? Was it his appearance, his speeches, the way he smiled? The way he dressed? The way he spoke to me? Or maybe all of the above? Because either way, all of these things make my heart race.

It was hard for Shuu to admit it. Somehow, still, deep inside he had this feeling of being lied to - that all of the things he thought Karma might do will come true. He still decided to risk it. For himself. For him, for Karma. For the both of them. 

"...I do.", he gave Karma an answer as the redhaired was waiting for his answer patiently. As soon as Shuu answered, Karma sighed in relief.  "Ah, I feel like a burden's been lifted... I'm so glad you feel the same, Shuu", he held onto Shuu's hands tightly, not seeming on planning of letting go of them. Shuu smiled slightly in embarrassment. Suddenly, Karma's pretty childish side showed. 

"Oh my god! Are we going out now?!?! Does that mean we can hold hands and cuddle from now on?!", he screeched in excitement. Shuu choked on his laughter that he tried to hold in but he let it go and laughed out loud. 

"Pff... Yea, it seems like it", Shuu answered, shaking his head slightly chuckling at his now first Boyfriend.

Boyfriend... so that's the feeling of owning someone? Am I his now and he mine now? 

He asked himself that but ended up agreeing with himself at the end of the thought. "Sooo~ We can go out on dates now too?", Karma grinned at Shuu. Oh lord, I didn't think that far- "Oh- uh well I guess so?? Yeah- But- What if someone sees us? Especially because you're in class E." That was what Asano was mostly concerned about. 

Wait- does that also mean I am embarrassed being around Karma? Especially right now where we are going out?  He asked himself once again. This time, he couldn't answer himself.

 "Hm? Oh don't worry, if it bothers you that much, Mister Perfect, I won't do anything in public with ya, so don't worry about it", Karma leaned forward. "....o..okay... WAIT- what do you m e a n you won't do anything with me in p u b l i c??? What did you plan on doing???", Shuu looked at him mortified. Karma chuckled at Shuu's response. "Oh don't worry about it~ These things won't happen in public but maybe somewhere else. Somewhere where it's more comfortable but let's forget that, for now~ So I also can call you 'Babe' and 'Baby' now?~", he asked teasingly, knowing Shuu will get embarrassed but he still decided to go for it. "...Idiot", he punched Karmas head softly with his hand. "..........ᵇᵘᵗ ʸᵉᵃʰ."

Karma grinned. "oho~ I didn't hear what you just said, can you repeat it?~"

"You heard it so shut up."

"Aww~ Is my Baby irritated? Will it make my Baby more irritated if I teased it more?~"

Shuu's face turned red and he looked away. 

I love but hate this Moron at the same time so much-

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now