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That day Shuu came over to Karma - they had a nice at-home date; watching movies, baking cupcakes that they almost burned but still had lots of fun - they also listened to Roxette.

'It must have been love'

The sound of the song blasted through the radio, and with Karma, Shuu listened to the lyrics.

'But it's over now'

For some reason, these two sentences gave Shuu a shiver. Why do I feel... scared?

'Lay a whisper

On my pillow

Leave the winter

On the ground

I wake up lonely

There's air of silence

In the bedroom

And all around'

They were laying on the couch, their hands together, Shuus head laying in Karmas left side of the neck, and Karma placing small and soft kisses around Shuus right side of the face.

'Touch me now

I close my eyes

And dream away'

Shuu really likes this song - it made him think about him and Karma.

'It must have been love

But it's over now

It must have been good

But I lost it somehow

It must have been love

But it's over now

From the moment we touched

Till the time had run out'

Shuu closed his eyes. this a song about a love that has ended? It was so clear but he couldn't tell - he just couldn't.

'Make believing

We're together

That I'm sheltered

By your heart

But in and outside

I turned to water

Like a teardrop

In your palm'

I feel... I feel it. I feel like I'm being sheltered by Karmas heart. I feel safe. I feel... loved.

The song was slowly coming to an end... and these words...

'It must have been love

But it's over now' they got stuck in Shuus head.

'It's where the water flows

It's where the wind blows

It must have been love

But it's over now'  ...But it's over now...

'It must have been love

But it's over now'  ...It must have been love... but it's over  now...

He felt like crying - the song wanted to tear him apart for some reason and he didn't know why. "The song is nice," he whispered, and Karma smiled and left a few more kisses on Shuu's cheek, "I'm glad".

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now