Stoppp itttt I'm gonna throw upppp!!!

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"...Maybe~", Karma tried to play along, but what has happened next, even he himself couldn't predict it.

Shuu suddenly and quickly sat up, trapping Karmas hands under his knees, his hips pressed onto Karma's as he sat on top of him, grinning. "...Shuu don't-", Karma's eyes have widened as Shuu's hands slowly approached Karma's armpits. Shuu began to slowly press his fingers into Karma's clenched armpits to get to the point where Karma would burst out laughing.

"So what are you going to do now?~ Nothing~", he finally managed to squeeze his fingers between his boyfriend's armpits, gently wiggling his index fingers against the middle of his armpits which made Karma's face blush and his cheeks inflated trying not to burst out laughing. "Come on~ Admit you're ticklish~" Shuu said in a very manipulative tone and Karma gritted his teeth, trying not to lose. "I- pff- I- I'm- NoT haH- doN'T-", at this moment, Shuu found the perfect spot to tease Karma with and started rubbing his fingers harder against his skin. Karma couldn't take it anymore - he burst out laughing, almost sounding painful, haha weak.

"Ha! There you go!", Shuu tickled him harder, of course enjoying it to the fullest, but Karma looked like he was about to die.


"I CAN'T FUCKING B R E A T H E E E E "NO WAY!! THIS FEELS AMAZING!", Shuu yelled back amused as never before.

"STOPPP ITTT I'M GONNA THROW UP!!!", Karma screamed trying to get his hands free from underneath Shuus knees.

Shuu couldn't take it either, he was as well dying from laughter at the sight of Karmas' current state. He let him go, throwing himself back onto the couch with his back into the pillows, both of his arms on his chest, trying to breathe. "You looked so hilarious my god", Shuu exclaimed continuing to laugh. Karma sighed in relief, taking a hell of a deep breath, holding his hand on his chest trying to proceed if he died or if he is still alive. 

"I swear if I'll ever die, it's that way", "Can I do the honors when it will come to killing you?" Shuu grinned, sitting up slightly. Karma grinned back. "As long as it's you, you can try out anything~".

They sat like this for a short while, both of them not really realizing that they are smiling at each other especially Gakushuu who as known to many, doesn't really like to show any affection to anyone. Sometime later, Karma's smile turned into a grin and he leaned closer to Asano, who was lying under him. Their faces coming closer to each other, slowly breathing in and out. Their lips softly brushed against each other with smallmouth agape, both of them waiting for the other one to begin to kiss the other. Asano decided to make the first move, moving his head slightly up to meet Karma's lips. Shuus' hand wandered up behind Karmas' head, his fingers curling in between his red hair, slowly moving his fingers around his head. Karma kissed Shuu back, this time they weren't kissing desperately, more calmly, taking their time and enjoying the moment they are sharing. 

For some reason, every time I get to kiss Karma, it feels like I'm kissing him for the first time - it has this magical feeling even I can't describe, but it feels nice.

Karma pulled away, Shuu somehow could see through his boyfriend and what he was about to say. "Hm~ It's time for me to go Shuu~ Sorry~". Even though Shuu knew what he wanted to say, he somehow felt like playing along - but his playing along wasn't even that fake, he wanted him to stay for a little longer. He put a small pout on his lips, but not a too big one, to not make Karma too amused. "We will see each other tomorrow~", he slowly was moving his body up, getting ready to get up from the couch. Shuu had these mixed-up feelings, he wanted Karma to go home so he can rest, but also wanted him to stay - he felt alone. "...Can you... maybe stay a little longer?", Shuu mumbled out, slowly reaching his hand out to grab onto Karma's sleeve. 

Karma looked at him, sending him a smile. "Alright~", he slowly laid back down, this time placing his head onto Shuus' chest. Gakushuu was somehow surprised that Karma agreed, he thought he would tease him that he is leaving but he stayed? Leaving those thoughts behind, now he had to focus on..... his damn heartbeat. 

oh god- Oh god he is laying on my chest- what if he hears my heartbeat- my gOD-

"Ne Shuu", Karmas' whispers left shivers down Shuus' spine.

A short pause before Shuu could answer. "...Yeah?".

"Your heart."

"...What about it?"

"...It's beating so fast"

"...That's what hearts do, Karma-"

"No like, it's way faster than mine for example. And your chest. It's warm", he added hiding his face in it.

...My face is burning- and my heart is pounding so hard-

"...Maybe it is beating faster-"

Karma's look wandered up as he put his head up to look at Shuu, with a soft smile.


"I think you like me", Karma looked as if he was holding back his laughter as he said this.

"Whattt? No wayyy, how could that even be possible? That's ridiculous. Obviously, we aren't dating nor do we like each other, I mean, look at us. What is this? That's literally the most hetero thing I've ever seen. Two dudes on a couch, one laying on the other one's chest, the other one is petting the laying one's head, and minutes ago - they kissed. Definitely not gay, nuh-uh. I, for 100% don't like you at all, disgusting", Shuu said this in the most sarcastic way possible it sounded too hilarious for the both of them to start laughing after a few seconds.

"Ahh~ You're so fun to be around with...", Karma exclaimed after laughing, laying his head back onto Shuu's chest, this time facing the pillows on the left side of the couch. "I really, really hate to admit it. But I love your hugs.", Shuu mumbled, for some reason hoping his boyfriend didn't hear these few words, even though he was literally laying on him - of course he heard it, what else did you expect. 

"I'm glad", was Karmas' response, but Shuu felt his red-haired moron smile. 

He softly slapped the top of Karmas head. "Ay. You weren't supposed to hear that.", Shuu said in embarrassment. "Hah~ Alright Alright~ Let's go back then...", he grunted softly and then continued talking after that. "...Oh hm? What did you say? I couldn't hear you", he grinned in response, and Shuu grinned back, at how pathetic that just looked. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now