He likes it sweet and spicy

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Saturday has arrived, Karma went home shortly after they stayed on the couch cuddling last night.

Shuu looked at the clock - even on Weekends, he happens to wake up at early hours instead of sleeping-in. He says 'it's a waste of time'. The clock showed 8 am so he decided to refresh, eat something and study a bit maybe till 12 o'clock and since they plan on going there at 2 p.m, Karma will probably arrive at his house earlier so he will have around 1,5h to get ready. it's not like he had a lot to prepare in there one and a half hours, but he always had a hard time when it came to choosing an outfit that was outside of his school uniform. After all, it's a date. A real one this time, in public. So he had this thought in the back of his head that he had to look nice... for his boyfriend.

He sat there on the bed for a couple of minutes, trying to proceed that he woke up, softly rubbing his eyes until he saw these small dots and forms in his eyes making him feel dizzy and then he finally got up. His lips were a straight line, almost cold-looking, but on the inside - he was excited. Very excited. But, he didn't want to show it, since his window was right in front of Karma's and he might see him so the first thing he did was quickly sneak into the bathroom, slam his hand onto the sink counter, and looking into the mirror. His eye pupils started to shake slightly, his cheeks were slightly pink and his lips were bitten together. 

Okay- everything is fine. Just act natural. Like it's just a normal thing- think of it as just a friends meetup.


...I never met up with friends before-

This whole existential crisis was almost 30 minutes long, and the refreshing part of the bathroom just around 15 minutes. Out of the shower, Shuu was still overthinking. „Great, now I'll overthink the whole time instead of actually studying.", he mumbled to himself and got out of the bathroom.

Sitting down at his desk, he took a deep breath to clear his mind and started reviewing notes for the exams.


„.........I wonder what Karma will wear."

„....I- why am I thinking about this now. Why."

„.............................................He would look great in a black baggy shirt, and a white shirt underneath it. With maybe dark gray pants................stop.", he shook his head rapidly, pinching his hand with a mechanical pencil to snap out of his thoughts.

The time went by quickly - Shuu didn't eat anything after the shower so he finished studying earlier, decided to dress up, and go to his kitchen. 

„...", he stood there in silence in front of his open closet, thinking about what he should wear. 

„...something that doesn't catch anyone's eye- ....... a very neutral look...", He might not have had many clothes when it came to going-out clothes, but he still managed to find something that he liked, well at least that's what he thought. He wore long but slightly loose khaki pants, a white shirt, and an open black shirt over it. He stood in front of the mirror, looking at the outfit he chose, but he looked at it long enough that it started to look weird in his eyes and he decided to change it. He ended up wearing a brown sweater-like-polo shirt, the two buttons slightly open to reveal his collarbone, the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. His pants were a darker tone of blue, almost black if someone looked at him from afar. He added a black belt as an accessory to it. He liked this one better. It matched up well with his strawberry-blond hair and purple-like lavender eyes. „...I'll still wear a jacket over my outfit, so what's the point anyway.", were his last words before he went to the kitchen.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now