Hurry, I can't take your teases anymore

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(A/N: Y'all ready ;)) )

'The sun goes down, the stars come out

And all that counts is here and now

My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came

I'm glad you came'

We ran away from this crowded place - we wanted to be completely alone. I held onto Karmas hands tightly, running back to my place. I've come to realize, that the love of my life, isn't perfect, and I'm not either, but we are perfect for one another - I love this about our relationship.

They arrived at Shuus house, quickly opening the door, and just like a few months ago, the time they started dating, they tripped over the door entrance, kissing. Shuu had his fingers in Karmas hair, and Karma had his arms wrapped around him, holding onto him tightly.

Karma come close. Run your hands up my arms, not slow but fast. Send the electricity I need to jump-start my heart. Let your hands cover my skin with soft lips following. To be in your arms is love, safety, and passion too. It is how you bring me back to life, revive what was lost, restore what was shattered. We are born to be loved, to be cherished for who we are, unconditionally. So though your words are always so precious to me, your laughter a remedy, it is the feel of your body that heals. Or perhaps it is all of them combined, perhaps they are more than their sum. Either way, Karma, come close.

They parted their kisses with a gasp. "Karma...", Shuu whispered, as he was now slightly pinned to the wall by Karma, his chest close to Karmas. Karma waited for him to continue, their breathing was hot and irregular and their hearts could be heard.

Shuu stared at Karmas collar, to which one button was opened. His eyes were slightly shaking, he couldn't take it any longer - he wanted to kiss him there so badly. "I...", he himself couldn't finish his sentences, nor even start them properly, he ran his slender singers on Karmas neck, he started to caress it gently. Shuu gave Karma a look - he didn't need to say anything, Karma understood it all. He touched his cheek, pulling him closer to kiss him again, he knows what I want.

His arm was wrapped around my back, slowly wandering down. His hand moved from my cheek to the jacket I was wearing and he pulled it down slowly. It quickly fell off my shoulders, landing somewhere on the floor. My God I wanted him so badly. 

Shuu pushed his lips into Karma hungrily, gripping onto his shoulder to as well pull down Karmas jacket. Grabbing Karma by the tie he wore, pulled onto it and threw it to the side somewhere on the floor. It all happened so quickly - at first, it all started off slow - we ended up on my bed to which we walked to kissing, almost tripping, again but we managed to get there. I fell down with a soft bounce onto my mattress, Karma over me. I wrapped my arms slightly around his neck and carried his cheeks. 

My legs were slightly shaking, not that I felt scared - but excited. I quickly managed to get his white shirt off together with the vest he wore that night, as well as throwing it to the side. Also, my shirt landed on the floor, right next to Karmas. He started to kiss down my neck, then to my collarbones, and down to my stomach. His hot from dancing hands were holding onto my torso tightly, giving me shivers. He left kisses behind, bit slightly into my soft skin making me sigh, and make my face blush. 

His hands were now on my waistband, slowly removing my belt. He removed my pants so slowly, so slow it made me crazy, leaving my underwear on - I felt like I was prepared for anything at that current moment and I don't regret a thing. He then looked up at me again and grinned, "Hah~ Didn't I tell you, you are a bottom?" - this time, I decided to play along and grinned back, "Oh, as long as it's with you, I don't mind at all~ Now hurry I can't take your teases anymore", I replied and he shook his head chuckling with a grin.

Before they could even think everything over, about what the hell is actually going on and that probably most of their thoughts were crazy teen thoughts - they were naked, at least Shuu was and Karma stayed in his boxers for a little longer.

Shuus entire face was flushed, he felt embarrassed but he wanted to do it with him - so badly. Every time he got touched by Karma, it felt like a new awakening for him.

Karmas hands were now on Shuus perfect tights as he once called them that, leaning down to kiss in-between them. "...This... this will be the place, only I will get to see", Karma mumbled leaning kisses behind and Shuu slightly moaned out at the sudden touch so he covered his own mouth with his hand.

Then, it happened - something so unexpected but at the same time expected since it had to be done. Karma brushed his finger over Shuus entrance while lifting him up a bit, giving Shuu shivers and he slightly arched his back. 

Karma didn't give Shuu a warning, but he did it slowly - he pressed his finger inside the already slightly wet hole, Shuus eyes widened as he gripped onto the covers beside him. "A-Ah~ Nngh- Oh God-", he didn't really expect it to feel like this, but that was just the beginning. Karma then proceeded to add a second finger into his hole, moving slowly up and down with them to stretch him out. I felt pleasure, but at the same time, this feeling of pain - It felt so weird but so good, so extremely good.

I let out moans and began to stutter a bit, but then Karma added his third finger and I thought I was going to die. I arched my back up, leaning my head back and letting out a moan - I was a moaning mess. Karma then slowly took out his fingers and spread Shuus legs out more and more, till they started to shake, ...that should be good enough, Karma thought to himself. "Karma... Karma...", Shuu moaned out, his eyes shut close. I already felt like cumming from his fingers alone. Karma then finally took his boxers off, revealing his member, and Shuu blushed.

I swear I'm going to die. 

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