Whatsup Shuuey

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In the laster tagging hall, they were separated into two groups, which made it all more funny and exciting, that Karma was the leader of the red-team, and Shuu was the leader of the orange-team. In each group were 6 people, so 12 in total. They were supposed to be going inside a dark all, only a few lights surrounding them to make it all more confusing. Thankfully, Shuu and Karma were wearing darker clothes so they were well hidden. Around their chest, there was a big circle that was used as a tag as soon as the opposite team pointed onto it, counting in a point for their own team. They were supposed to collect 18 hearts each, as each player had 3 hearts. Each player also had a laster gun with their team color to tag their opponents.

Ready to begin, before the gates opened and let the players in to scatter, Karma grinned over to his boyfriend standing to his left. „See you around", he exclaimed, and the second the gates started opening, he sends Shuu an air kiss and disappeared into the dark. Shuu's face was slightly pink but he as well ran into the dark. All the players scattered around, waiting for the soft lights from beneath the obstacle.

As soon as the lights showed up, everyone started running around, hiding in corners, behind soft objects, and rolling on the floor. Of course, Karma nor Asano did care about the other opponents - they only paid attention to each other, wanting to win.

Around Shuu the maybe 1-2-year-old younger teens were running around him, leaving a fast orange and also a red light behind. But Shuu didn't care - he tried to spot this one person that hid way too damn well - Karma.

Looking around, his eyes slowly tried to adjust to the darkness, trying to spot a red light. He crawled out of his hiding spot, rolling over to the left and slowly standing up.

Suddenly something grabbed him by his collar slightly, pushing him back into a corner, behind a soft wall of the obstacle. He was so shocked until he realized it. It was Karma who was now pinning him to the wall. Karma placed a rough kiss onto Gakushuu's lips, his one hand on Shuus hips, slowly stroking against Shuus thigh with his fingers. Shuu parted the kiss for a second with a silent gasp of surprise, and Karma grinned at him. „Whats-up, Shuuey", Karma whispered these words into Shuus ear, giving him shivers down his spine - but the second after he has said it, he pulled up his gun in an instant, pointing it onto Shuus Lazer circle and shot there, making Shuu lose one heart. He grinned again, pointing his gun up, blowing wind onto the ‚opening' of the gun as if it was a real one, sprinting away from Shuu, whom he had left sexually confused and frustrated. There was so much tension between them in these few seconds, even the kid, around 11 or 12 years old, that was watching them from team Asano that wanted to shoot Karma couldn't believe his eyes but realized these two were having a moment to he quickly ran off before Shuu saw it and would get more embarrassed.

The other rounds went by quickly, Asano managed to catch a few hearts from the other team, 7 hearts in total. Some kids from his team didn't manage to escape or just caught 2-3 hearts. Gakushuu was hiding but also was shooting others by the end of the round and kept his eye on Karma who was running around, jumping over objects, and pointing his laser gun at kids who didn't even notice they were watched. Shuu noticed the heart count on Karma's chest. 13... How- Shuu blinked in disbelief, counting the hearts again. He really caught 13 hearts- If he has that many, that means they only need 5 more to win, but how many hearts do the others have caught? I think 3 people from Karma's team are out of hearts which means they can't play anymore since they are ‚dead'. So it left Karma and two more behind. What if they have already like, 4 hearts? That means they need one more- Shuu began to panic for some reason, looking out for the red-team members to shoot. He suddenly noticed a girl, maybe 2 years younger than him. She didn't seem to see him, but he noticed she didn't have any hearts caught yet so it was perfect, as well as she only had 2 hearts left. He quickly turned around, to notice one of his team members and he grabbed him by the arm, pointing at the girl to shoot so they get one point each at the same time. The guy nodded, he seemed a bit lost in his thoughts when Shuu looked at him with those piercing in the dark purple eyes. The boy and Shuu pointed their guns at the girl, shooting her in the chest, and receiving those two hearts. Gakushuu grinned happily at the guy, giving him a nod as a thank you, and ran off. The guy stood there for a second, staring at the running off Shuu, his hand on his arm where Shuu has pulled onto. Shuu's team had caught 15 hearts in total, and Shuu alone had 1 heart left, the two last players in his group had as well just 1 heart left. Karma's team had caught 15 hears as well, and his team had two players left as well. Karma with two hearts left and one more player with one last heart left. „We are in the lead", Shuu mumbled to himself, sneaking up behind Karma who surprisingly didn't notice. He caught him off guard and shot the laster into Karma's chest, catching one more heart giving them 16 in total now. Karma looked around, noticing his boyfriend has shot him, who was now running away with a grin. Karma grinned back. One Girl from Shuus' team has managed to escape Karmas shot, but the second she ran off, she was shot by a boy from Karmas team. That leaves Shuu and that one boy left, with 16 hearts together and Karmas team also counting himself and one more boy, also with 16 hearts. Each player had just one more heart left. 

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