...a girl?

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"Asano-kun, the school dance is this Saturday - are you planning on bringing someone?", one of Gakushuus' classmates asked, her face slightly red as she twirled her hair in-between her fingers. Not this again... I smiled at her with my usual school smile. "No. I'll be busy with the rest of the preparations for the dance.", he didn't even let her answer and he just walked off. 

Ahh, leave me alone, please-

As I am walking around the corridor, checking each classroom if it's clean - the dance will take place in the gym, but I have to make sure that every classroom is cleaned and locked so that it will be ready for the studies on Monday.

As well as the bathrooms, only the bathrooms on the first floor will be available, so no-one will go up the other floors and do whatever there could be done, so just making sure.

I think I did well... He thought, looking at his notebook where everything was written down neatly. "...Music... I forgot", he indeed did think about what songs shall play at the dance, as well as the DJ they have paid will be there to fulfill the students' wishes for the songs so everything is fine - but... he wanted a few songs to play he choose. He wanted to put them in-between the others without people noticing anything.

As he took a leave back home, he saw Karma from afar, and... a girl?
He raised an eyebrow and he didn't want to hide, after all, they wouldn't see him anyway. The girl seemed familiar... is she from class C?... Shuu couldn't really tell, but she seemed to be a bit nervous as she handed something over to Karma. Karma, as sassy as he is, had his arms crossed looking at the thing this girl gave him. Neither could Shuu hear them properly.

Will it be okay if I ask him about this later?... But what if he will think I have been stalking him or something?... Nonsense, I was just getting out of school and these two were there so???

Karma seemed to have shaken his head, the girl's face was a bit embarrassed and disappointed, but she looked back at Karma, smiled and nodded, and then proceeded to walk off. 

A few minutes later when Karma was walking back home, Shuu ran up to him. "Hey", "Oh hey~", Karma grinned, grabbing Shuus hand gently. "How are the preparations going?", "They are going well, but some students are going crazy over it, that's how excited they are and now I'm overthinking if that was a good idea".

Karma chuckled, "Of course it was a good idea, don't think about this too much", he swung their hands back and forth, humming to himself. 

I keep on thinking about this girl... it annoys me.

"What are you wearing?", said Karma over the phone.
Shuu blinked and his face flushed, "W-What?"

"Oh shit, wait that sounded so wrong hahaha", Karma laughed so hard, Shuu had to put his phone to the side that's how loud it was.

"Hah~ I meant what are you going to wear to the dance?"

........not gonna lie, the 'sounding wrong sentence' was a bit interesting as well-

"...I mean... It's not like I'll do anything there anyway - I'll be there just to make sure everything goes well", ...why am I lying to myself.

"Liar~ Come on, what are you going to wear?", Karma could read through Shuu even though he didn't see him.

"...I don't know. It must be something... formal I guess?..."

"Ah~ Wanna come over so that I can help you with choosing something?"

...That would be a good idea, but I want to wear something that... ahhh I'm so embarrassed to say this- something that will make Karma look only at me - that's my plan for the night.

"...I mean... Yea but isn't this usually that when you're taking your date to the dance you can't see what they are wearing-" he stopped - he realized what he has just said. Oh my God-

He could hear Karmas chuckle, "Did you just..."


"Did you just asked me out to the dance?"

AAAA I'm so embarrassed!!!

"........... Oh God..."

"Pfff- Oh Shuu~ I accept~", he could FEEL and SEE Karma grinning.

"Ahh stop I am so embarrassed right now"

"Hah~ Don't be~ And yes, I agree - we can't see each other before the dance"

"Hm?", Shuu heard him doing something in the background, I think he is doing homework or so, it sounds like paper.

"What about the people- ... We uh... Won't be able to hand out-"

"Oh don't you worry about that~ I'll take care of that, okay?~", should I be scared?

"All right."

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now