Can I come over?

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Arriving at home, Shuu slammed his house door into Karma's face, barely alive. 

I haven't run like this since forever. 

„You better put that snowball down Karma-", Shuu warned, peeking through the window next to the door, staring at Karma who was standing in front of the window, holding the snowball in his hand. 

„Shuu~ Are you a coward?~ Aww look at you~" 

„...Akabane. You better stop this bullshit right now" 

„Hm~", Karma let off the snowball he was holding, putting his arms up showing that he isn't holding anything and he grinned. „Come on. You're safe, now come out". Asano didn't know if that was convincing enough and raised an eyebrow. 

„....I don't trust you at all" 

„Really?~ What a shame~", he crossed his arms, still observing his boyfriend who was peeking through the window. 

„Of course - I never will", 

„Ahh~ Your character is colder than snow~ Why don't you let me in, so that we can warm each other up a bit?~". Shuu's eyes widened, overthinking.

...To be honest. I feel like I need a hug right now - should I let this moron in? 

„What will you do." „Hm? Oh whatever you want, I'm all yours - except that you can't control me you second place" „Eat snow", Shuu grabbed the curtain, and pulled it down so that Karma could no longer peek into the house. „Alright you Rebellious Manipulator~ I'll take a leave home, I'm getting cold~", swinging his bag over his shoulder, he made a big step forward and walked off to his house. The moment Karma was walking off, Shuu held onto the corner of the curtain, pulling on it softly to peek out and look at his walking-off boyfriend. 

The snow was slowly falling from the sky, each snowflake finding itself a place on Karmas red-hair, not melting, just adding the extra sparkles his usual hair gives off alone. Before he walked off, Shuu noticed soft, dusty illusions of light that sat heavily on Karma's eyelashes. Every blink of his, made the soft, tiny snowflakes fall off his eyelashes. Shuu sighed to himself. 

Was I too harsh on him? Should I go apologise? .... But he should know his place- too much is too much - I don't want him to know everything about me but at the same I do - I want him to know each and every part of me... No. He needs to keep his distance. 

Letting go of the curtains, he took his jacket and shoes off and walked off to his room.

Some time passed, Shuu was sitting by his desk, finishing his notes to have more time on the weekend. With a heavy sigh, he laid back in his chair, stretching his arms out, having the feeling of his chest exploding from all the air in his lungs. The entire time while he was studying, on his mind was Karma. For some reason, he had a guilty feeling. 

Did I hurt his feelings by not letting him inside? But that would be absurd, it's Karma. 

He shook this thought off, getting up and looking through his window. The winter sunset came to the sky as if God's holy-fire was dancing to the beat of a warm Latin song. Shuu hummed softly to himself, looking up at the sky where the moon was showing itself - not so beautifully round as it was last year. The half-moon still happened to remind him of his boyfriends' eyes. They might be golden, but when you looked closely, they had this soft white line in the lower part of the eye, sparkling so lovely every time Shuu looked into them, not happening to look into them longer than a few seconds out of embarrassment and the blush forming on his cheeks. Biting his lips, he stared into the sky, lost in his thoughts. 

Little did he know, he was being observed. Karma was sitting in his room, his window was right in front of Asano's, just many meters away from each other, he had his perfect view of his orange-haired boyfriend's room. There was darkness in Karmas room, no light shining - not even the smallest one, not even the lamp by the desk - nothing. Shuu continued staring into the sky, but he had the feeling of being observed. His sight slowly moved to Karma's house, inspecting every window from his side of view. The last window was to Karma's room. His eyes suddenly widened, as two dots of golden eyes pierced right into him, the light from Asano was reflecting onto the eyes that were watching him the whole time. Under the eyes, a grin appeared, white as the snow teeth peeked from behind the lips. „Omg- Karma", he put his hand on his chest, since he thought he would get a heart attack from this. He stared at his boyfriend from afar in disbelief of what the actual fuck he is dating, and took his phone out.

 He stared at his boyfriend from afar in disbelief of what the actual fuck he is dating, and took his phone out

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,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now