She knows.

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Walking up the hill, Karma bit onto the straw of his strawberry milk thinking about some plans for later with Shuu. 

"Karma.". A familiar voice from behind said his name, making him turn around. "Hm? Oh hey Rio.", he nodded at her as a greeting and she nodded back, walking over to him. "Where were you this morning?". Karma raised an eyebrow confused and looked at her. "???At my house?" "Liar, where were you", she asked suspiciously. "What are you talking about? Are you stalking me or something?" "No, but I saw something that made my jaw drop a bit.". Karma's eyes widened slightly, but he tried to not make it look surprised. 

"...What do you mean" 

"Well...", she grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him behind a tree. "I saw you and the son of the principal - your biggest rival, Gakushuu Asano. You were by his house door, peeking in and talking to him, later you walked out and he followed you behind.". Rio's words left him speechless. "I- I don't- I- We do that almost every day. I just come over to annoy him in the morning-" "Liar. Come on just admit it, you like him don't you?" she crossed her arms. He bit his lips, sighing and closing his eyes while doing so.

 "Okay. Don't you dare yell nor tell anyone about this. Ever. but" 

"But what" 

"...we are going out.", Karma exclaimed, knowing that she wouldn't let him be until he won't admit it. Her eyes widened, her jaw, once again dropped, her arms not crossed anymore but fallen to the side. 

"No fucking way- Gakushuu Asano is GOING OUT with THIS-", Karma put his hand over Rio's mouth to shut her up. "Rio!! I told you to keep it down, Holy crap what if someone heard it!" "Dumbass!" she slapped his head. "No one did, don't worry we are early!! But that's not the point! You better keep it a secret, when Koro Sensei finds out - dude you're dead.", Rio explained. 

Karma smiled at him sarcastically. "Bold of you to assume I don't KNOW this. But he won't find out from me - I am more afraid of him finding it out from YOU. So you better keep your mouth shut", he warned her. "Yeah yeah, don't worry I won't say a word." Karma raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 

"Then you are probably going to make me, sooner or later tell everyone?". Rio smirked.

"Loud and clear. And every nitty-gritty detail~", Rio chuckled. "Oh I see how it is. Then what about I, tell everyone about how you have the biggest crush on Terasaka, trying to act all badass and tough, instead you're just being an idiot?~". They both glared into each other's eyes, giving off the biggest tension ever. "Ugh fine. I won't tell anyone. And you too, keep your mouth shut." "Oh of course~" Karma replied, walking off to his classroom. Rio stayed by the tree for a few seconds, overthinking.

 My god... from Rivals to lovers? How did that even happen? My god, I need details!!! she then ran after Karma to the classroom.

The day went by quickly, and here it comes again - the weekend.

Shuu was already on his way home since he didn't want to wait for Karma in front of the entire school building so he just went off, waiting for Karma to keep up with him. Suddenly something 'jumped' on his back, wrapping its arms around his neck. He felt warmth around his ear. "Pumpkin~" someone whispered, but he knew exactly who it was. He turned his head slightly around to face his boyfriend who was grinning at him. He sighed. 

"We're in public - knock it off." Karma grinned, slowly showing Shuu something in his hand which he hid from behind. It was a snowball. 

Oh gOD- 

Shuu thought to himself, panicking obviously.

"Don't you D A R E throw that snowba-, GODDAMNIT KARMA!!", Karma didn't even let him finish his sentence and he already threw the snowball against him. "You really have the audacity to throw that at me?" Shuu asked while wiping the snow off his jacket. "Oh of course~ Come on~ It's your turn~ Tell me what you will do to me if I throw a second snowball~" Karma grinned, leaning down and slowly gathering more snow into his hands to form another ball. "I swear to god Karma-", he started backing off, turning around and starting to run. Karma laughed and chased after him. 


"NOOOOOOOOOOOO". They behaved like 5-year-olds the whole way back home, yelling. 

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now